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    1. BlueApple
      BlueApple liked post by Myownreality On thread : Why can i run or punch?
      I can not for my life run or punch people in my dreams! The decisions are semi lucid. I have the want and thought to run and punch but in the dream it is all slow-mow. when I get in a fight with...
      Liked On: 08-16-2014, 06:41 PM
    2. CanisLucidus
      CanisLucidus liked blog comment by Myownreality On : Bold Talk (Plus NLD Series)
      Sorry to ask here but I don't know where else to ask but what is a dreamer?
      Liked On: 08-11-2014, 05:19 PM
    3. ThreeCat
      ThreeCat liked blog comment by Myownreality On : Bold Talk (Plus NLD Series)
      Sorry to ask here but I don't know where else to ask but what is a dreamer?
      Liked On: 08-11-2014, 03:23 PM
    View Myownreality's Dream Journal

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    Just a list of my dreams that are important and i remember.

    by Myownreality on 08-11-2014 at 05:33 AM

    This one dream I was in my house and it was dark, I couldn't find my father or sister. I believe in ghost and this one was pulling down the energy in the house. it was the cause of the darkness and evil feeling. *side note* (I was told that if i wanted a ghost to leave me alone all I needed to do was tell it to leave me alone.) I go down my hall way into my father's room and I could sense that the evil ghost was near by and I went to my dad's bath room and I got to look in but than I was moved back (not like by the ghost but like if my dream was lagging and I moved back like I never had gotten to look in the bathroom in the first place). Than my father appeared and he had this dead evil look on his face and he was staring at me. I could tell the ghost was inside of him so normally I would be terrified and I was but than I wanted to fight it off and the dream became semi lucid and I was able to fight back and scream go away but than the dream ended.

    I had a dream about me trying to graduate and my family didn't want to show up nor did I really attend my graduation. (*REAL LIFE* I had already graduated in real life and my dad wasn't able to make it but my mother attended). It was the middle of graduation and I was at my house trying to get my family to go but they wouldn't and my father was there and he wasn't going to go and I reminded him that he didn't attend my REAL LIFE graduation in the dream (don't know why I was graduating twice). He gave me this face of total sorrow and the face creped me out, I could feel that he felt bad about not being able to attend. than I thought he was going to commit suicide (that's also a real life thought). Finally it finished with me going to graduation and my mom and sister being angry at me and trying to chase me down for some unknown reason.

    SO last night I was dreaming and I woke up and went straight back to be as I normally do all night long (I don't sleep well). And the dream went pitch black but I could feel but see myself asleep in third person, like anything that was happening I could feel and it would switch from first to third person a lot. Finally I could FEEL my body being weightless and I knew it was a lucid dream but I have never had a lucid dream like this, normally they are dreams that turn lucid. Anyways

    I would feel myself becoming weightless and I do mean FEEL, it is indescribable. than I relax and try to go further into the lucid dreaming and I tell myself to open my eyes because I want to see around my room but when I tried to open my eyes it was extremely hard and I have nightmares a lot and they become lucid EVERY TIME and I get out of them by opening my eyes and waking up.

    But this time when I opened my eyes I saw my bedroom wall partly (because it was extremely hard to open them). I saw like pink and white shiny things on the wall they reminded me of like computer processers but pink. And I was trying to lay on my back but my eyes were like rolling in the back of my head and my mouth opened and I could feel myself breathing and I got scared so I stopped.


    I can not for my life run or punch people in my dreams! The decisions are semi lucid. I have the want and thought to run and punch but in the dream it is all slow-mow. when I get in a fight with someone I try to punch them and im extremely slow and I get the crap beat out of me.

    When im trying to run away, its like there is a small amount of gravity and I cant really run, it is more of like I am really trying to get away but I take forever to move my legs and when they strike the ground I don't move very much, if anywhere

    Updated 08-11-2014 at 05:49 AM by Myownreality

    nightmare , false awakening , memorable , dream fragment , lucid , non-lucid

    My future predivtive dreams

    by Myownreality on 08-11-2014 at 05:08 AM
    This is going to be the details and listings of all of my dreams that came true, I am not making this up I promise!

    First future dream to come true

    So I had a dream YEARS ago (the bare minimum of 2years), like when I was having this dream I didn't not know the room or tables but I knew the people around me. We were in a classroom (I had never seen it at this time) and the people at the table where in a circle including me. I could tell you exactly who was sitting where and the person sitting across from me is Omar. Now I was really short in the dream, barley able to see over the table but enough to have details of my surroundings. We were suppose to be playing a board game and the game was given to us by an unknown person but it was placed in the middle of us. Omar asked "What game are we playing?" and then processed to say "Oh monopoly!!" and that's where it ended.

    I don't know the time distance of the real life occurrence and the dream but it had to be between a couple of months to over a year. Than I get in my science class and the second semester we are make science board games and finally it comes down to playing them. I was put in a group with all the people who were around me in the dream including omar, everyone was in their dream seating arrangement and bam!!! The dream starts to play out and at the end of the dream I had a huge deja vu moment.

    Second dream

    I don't remember when I had this dream but it might of been in the past year. I know for a fact that I had been at place once in my life but never where I was standing or having the knowledge of who the people were around me. (I was at the place years before I had the dream).

    So in the dream I was standing where a hostess would stand to greet the people who walked in the door and in front of me were on the left and right sides of the rooms were booths and up the middle of the room were tables. The table closest to me was a table of 6 and I remember a lady on the right end of the table closest to me had her arm up asking a waitress a questions. This waitress was a female with long black hair in a pony tail and she was heavier set and the dream ended.

    Than I was working at this restaurant as a busser and I had been there for a couple of months and I was standing where I was in the dream and BAM, the dream played out. I was hit with the BIGGEST deja vu moment EVER! I thought the first one was bad.. no. I couldn't think straight and I was dizzy after it happened

    third dream to some true

    So I had this dream when I was either in 7th or 6th grade because I thought it was my science teacher who was dreaming the pictures in my dream (explained below). I was graduated and in cosmetology school when it came true. So a 5 or 6 year period of me not remembering or have the dream again.

    So in the dream I was in a white room with some tables in the room. they were grey and tall but like I said above I was short in my first dream but im not sure about this one, it is a possibility that I was. In front of we was a white board with some weird drawing on it that I had to draw it on a piece of paper in front of me and that was it.

    5 or 6 years later in my REAL LIFE I went to cosmetology school and in class one day we were drawing that same picture on the white board down on paper. it took quit some time for me to realize that my dream was coming true right in front of me and it took 3 of the same drawing for me recognize it. But it came true!

    Fourth Dream

    This one was more of a picture and it was of this house it was small and it was a doorway leading into the kitchen with an attached living room. In the middle of the picture was an older couple with their dog and that is it. The picture was blurry so I don't have much detail for it

    I recently met the couple and their dog in their home that was just like the picture, I didn't realized it happened tell I got home and a small deja vu happened.

    These were my dreams and some times I see myself through my own eyes or someone who was watching from above but all these dreams where from my own eyes no third person view.

    Thanks so much for reading. Tell me if you have had dreams like this please! I want to know more about them. I have a theory if you want to hear about it.
    non-lucid , memorable