• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Naiya and Dorian11

    3 Visitor Messages

    1. Alright thanks, Naiya. I'll PM him and check that out.
    2. I do have a good suggestion for awareness that I'm trying out myself right now. A friend of mine, Hukif, recently posted a tutorial on another website about how he basically tries to be aware of his weight at all times. He has several LDs a night using this technique (it does take some time to build up the awareness of course). I'm not sure but I think he might've posted the tutorial here, too. You can try PMing him here and asking him for it.

      Also, I'm the first person to post on your profile, woot!
    3. Hi, Naiya. I've been working on all day awareness for about a week now. I also bought a book on meditation, as your tutorial suggested.

      Do you have any tips/suggestions other than what's said in your tutorial?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3