• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between neurosisfish and Sageous

    9 Visitor Messages

    1. Thanks! I hope you like 'em!
    2. I will check it out for sure!
    3. Well, to me the books turned out just fine. Of course, after school I got myself caught up in the real world of business (gotta eat) and the books didn't show up for 20 yrs, and then I had to self-publish 'cause no one likes dream novels. They are for sale now, though, and selling ever so slowly. Curious? Search "Peter Luber" on amazon.com.
    4. Yeah, i know quite a few people who have made that decision haha and I can definitely see the allure
      Oh serious!? nice; how did the books turn out?
    5. My degree? Of all things my degree was in English, with minors in philosophy and history. Went in as a science major, but I got all mystical somewhere along the way and decided I was going to write books about -- wait for it -- dreaming!
    6. Thanks for the wishes!
      haha I wish they would have those. If i get anywhere in that field, I will definitely have a room dedicated to it.

      Harvard has a division of sleep med, really tempting
      I might apply to a sleep lab there. They participant pay is, *cough*, generous

      Mind if I ask you what your degree was in?
    7. Neurosisfish:

      Also wanted to say that it's a delight to hear that someone wants to get into sleep medicine. When I went to school, mention of a field like that would have drawn giggles from academics. It may be a selfish wish on my part, but I do hope you do well!
    8. Neurosisfish:

      Sorry for the delay - long week!

      Much of my experience was self-directed, though, aside from once moderating a lucidity forum and now skimming DV, I do not use the internet. I have done some "directed" work thru psychology and philosophy courses in college, and through LaBerge's Lucidity Institute, back when he still cared. But I suppose to answer your question: no, no formal academic dream work here. Indeed, I spent a decade of my work studiously ignoring academic input, for fear it would negatively influence my search for Self. Sorry!

      I've always considered trying a sleep lab, but I'm such an incredibly light sleeper, I doubt it would go well for me. I did always want to try out a sensory-deprivation tank, though! I feel any sleep doctor should have one of those in his office.

      Best of Dreams,
    9. Hey Sageous
      You mentioned you had 30 years of dream and sleep research experience. I was wondering if this was 30 years of self directed research based on experience and the internet or was this 30 years of academic reseach in a sleep lab. I was only wondering because I might be interested in sleep medicine myself.

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