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    10-12-2012 11:04 AM
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    1. Nivv
      Nivv liked blog post by isthisit On : 11.07.2012 - An epic night of 16 dreams, 1 lucid.
      Date: 11/07/2012 Place: My bed Time of getting into bed: 22.22pm Hot bath before bed Waking thoughts in black Non lucid dreams in blue Lucid dreams in red I was pretty tired before bed, I...
      Liked On: 07-12-2012, 04:42 PM
    2. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Sageous On thread : Hidden Government Scanners Will Know Everything About You From 164 Ft Away
      Um, all U.S. bashing aside, did anyone, including the OP'er, actually read the article? Aside from being breathless and based on pretty much nothing more than one company's (questionable) sales promo...
      Liked On: 07-12-2012, 01:46 PM
    3. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Replicon On thread : 3 questions for Atheists
      Sure thing! First things first: Atheism isn't "confidence that no gods exist" - it's the lack of belief in any gods. It is NOT necessarily "I believe there is no god" but more like, "I don't...
      Liked On: 07-12-2012, 08:48 AM
    4. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Wayfaerer On thread : What's your Burning Desire?
      This may seem a bit immature, but I do have a burning desire to break cultural prejudices and piss unjustly pompous people who think they have almost everything established off. Thinking more...
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:42 PM
    5. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Wayfaerer On thread : What's your Burning Desire?
      :huh2: surprisingly awesome Dianeva Mine has been basically the same thing, and I feel the fading experience as well. I cling on to it though, because there are things that can be changed for the...
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:41 PM
    6. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Marvo On thread : Choking game [DANGEROUS]
      Natural selection hard at work.
      Liked On: 07-05-2012, 01:40 PM
    7. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Sageous On thread : We can prove dream sharing is real
      Huh? Shadowofwind, why the hell are you including me in that statement? I don't remember being in a pissing contest about logic or knowledge, or even science, much less the true reality of shared...
      Liked On: 07-03-2012, 05:07 PM
    8. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Arra On thread : What's your Burning Desire?
      I feel like a stupid little kid in saying this, but it's the truth. To live an exciting life similar to those found in some good fantasy novels, in which I play some important role, preferably...
      Liked On: 07-03-2012, 01:14 PM
    9. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by nicromno On thread : Tell me about your addiction/bad habit
      I have the usual ones that I've seen in here like chewing my nails, biting my lips and sleeping too much. But, a few years ago I had this really weird thing, in which I'd lock the door to my house...
      Liked On: 06-23-2012, 11:55 AM
    10. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Darkmatters On thread : What do you think of "Judgmental" people?
      Damn Jeff - WTH dude - didn't you used to be a moderator? And look at you now - a lowly green name with no power and no presige... basically a total freakin' LOSER!!!
      Liked On: 06-23-2012, 11:39 AM
    11. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by imfivebyfive On thread : Share your dream from last night in one sentence
      [Lucid] Became lucid after chasing a tarantula into my bathroom and the light switch didn't work, wondered then if was dreaming, and tested by levitating to the ceiling.
      Liked On: 06-22-2012, 04:01 PM
    12. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by JoeyBelgier On thread : Post pictures of yourself here, without discussion
      What's up with the suits in the last few pages? http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/525017_442916062385313_100000007694245_1656996_1564558029_n.jpg
      Liked On: 06-20-2012, 02:35 PM
    13. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Carrot On thread : Pet Peeves and the English Language
      Aye. I spotted that too, wanted to point it out and say... http://t.qkme.me/3ol3y2.jpg Regarding what you had said, my English usage will be highly dependent on who I am speaking too. We have a...
      Liked On: 06-12-2012, 05:27 PM
    14. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by Phion On thread : Pet Peeves and the English Language
      I dislike when people do not write in paragraph form if they have a thought which exceeds the capacity of a normal sentence.
      Liked On: 06-12-2012, 05:00 PM
    15. Nivv
      Nivv liked post by TheSpiderSilva On thread : Stupidest Ways You've Missed Becoming Lucid
      My cat told me I was dreaming last night. I can't even think of a way that it could have been clearer... fml... I don't even have a fucking cat.
      Liked On: 06-11-2012, 11:05 AM
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    View Nivv's Dream Journal

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    The high street

    by Nivv on 09-24-2012 at 02:48 PM
    22nd September 2012

    I'm walking down the high street of y town. I realize I am dreaming and RC. At first it seems normal, but eventually I can breathe through my nose (I was too convinced I was dreaming not to repeat the RC). I take a left into a restaurant of some sort. I expect to find my dream companion around a corner. I vocalise my intent. Instead, I only find a paper bag on a bench. I ask a person near the doorway where she is. I am directed to go upstairs. I head upstairs, but lose lucidity and am now looking for my dog.

    Encounter with my grandfather

    by Nivv on 09-24-2012 at 02:45 PM
    18th September 2012

    I am in a hotel of some sort. My granny arrives, but she later becomes granddad. I am then at a place I used to live in, in Finland. I go up the stairs. I realize my granddad can't be here because he died when I was very young. I do a nose-plug RC and get lucid. The dream destabilises. I stand there and stabilise. Upstairs, I ask granddad to sit with me. I ask him about playing the saxophone (I play and he played). He suggests I join a big band, and then says the name of some famous bandleader from the 20th century, and says I should join them for 10 years.

    I get up and go downstairs, jumping over the rail. I can't fly here for some reason. Downstairs, I manage to fly up to the ceiling. There's a chandelier. The dog is excited. I go to the back door, head out and fly up. The dog is running about below me so I urge him to follow. He starts flying up with me too. I look up and see a grey sky. I want to change it so I visualise a blue sky with my eyes closed. Yet again, opening my eyes leads me to wake up.

    18th September 2012

    I'm at my computer. I can't work out how I got there, so I do a nose-plug RC. I'm soon lucid, but it gets very blurry and doesn't last long.

    Encounter with my grandfather

    by Nivv on 09-24-2012 at 02:45 PM
    18th September 2012

    I am in a hotel of some sort. My granny arrives, but she later becomes granddad. I am then at a place I used to live in, in Finland. I go up the stairs. I realize my granddad can't be here because he died when I was very young. I do a nose-plug RC and get lucid. The dream destabilises. I stand there and stabilise. Upstairs, I ask granddad to sit with me. I ask him about playing the saxophone (I play and he played). He suggests I join a big band, and then says the name of some famous bandleader from the 20th century, and says I should join them for 10 years.

    I get up and go downstairs, jumping over the rail. I can't fly here for some reason. Downstairs, I manage to fly up to the ceiling. There's a chandelier. The dog is excited. I go to the back door, head out and fly up. The dog is running about below me so I urge him to follow. He starts flying up with me too. I look up and see a grey sky. I want to change it so I visualise a blue sky with my eyes closed. Yet again, opening my eyes leads me to wake up.

    Fly me to the moon

    by Nivv on 09-24-2012 at 02:41 PM
    11th September 2012

    I'm in the cottage I used to live in. I head upstairs and realize something is amiss. I do an RC and can breathe through my plugged nose. I smile to myself. I then go to the window where the curtains are closed. I wonder what could be on the other side. I open them and am unsurprised to see the normal view outside the cottage. I get out of the window and start to fly. It have a bit of difficulty but recall my flying theory (my archetype of flying). I look up at the moon in the daytime sky. A star is visible right near it. I focus on my intent on going there and soar towards it.

    I pass through treetops and feel the leaves brushing against me as I do so. I think to rub my hands together and stabilise. I tell myself I'm lucid. I pass by trees that contain dungeon chests like in Minecraft, but they have signs indicating they have already been looted. I open one chest.

    I find a sign which says to click on a diamond block in order to teleport. I "click" on it somehow, click it again and then try to push it forwards. I find myself in some sort of sky region after being teleported. I decide my intention is to find my dream companion Rainbow Dash. There are various enemies I must get past. I go past them and make my way towards some tower of some sort. The dream is getting less stable. I find a couple of doors. Behind one of them I expect to find my dream companion. One is unlocked, so she can't be there (I assume she's trapped or something). I use a key to open the other one and enter.

    She's there in the corner, but everything is now very fuzzy. I give her a hug. I look away and look back, expecting her to be a slightly more accurate representation of the actual cartoon character. She has somewhat improved. She doesn't speak and ends up basically acting like my dog in real life. There is more work to be done here!

    An unstable lucid dream

    by Nivv on 09-24-2012 at 02:34 PM
    10th September 2012

    I become aware of the hypnagogic imagery I am observing. I am watching something swing back and forth. Soon, I feel the swinging myself. I observe various patterns forming into something more vivid. I see the floor. I observe these images for a while longer, and then find myself able to get up. I move towards the door but lose stability. I stay calm. I find myself in a cottage I used to live in. I go to the back door. I expect to find Rainbow Dash (now basically my dream companion) on the other side. I close my eyes and open the door, but when I open my eyes I am awake.