• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between OpheliaBlue and Alyzarin

    207 Visitor Messages

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    1. I have to work all weekend. 10 hours on mother's day even. But hey, it's great pay and benefits, and without it I couldn't play here this much.

      So I got me some chardonnay tonight, what you got (assuming it's not too many WW points )
    2. Yeah, it has been for forever! I was so excited when it worked, especially because my new body was so smooth and athletic. And blonde. >w<

      Woo! I'm so happy for you! Isn't flying really high great? It's one of my favorite parts of being lucid! You should definitely post it.

      I don't really have anything planned yet, though I'm hoping to hang out with some friends now that people are finishing up with their school semesters. Other than that, just taking it easy! What about you?
    3. Really? Possession was already a goal of yours? I had never even thought about it.

      I achieved a goal last night/morning, where I wanted to fly really high without getting vertigo, and I did it!! I really need to post the details in that last entry, there was some funny stuff. I love how most of my LDs have a modicum of humor to them.

      So what are your plans for the weekend?
    4. I have a tab open with my email, it always at least displays Inbox (#) so I know whenever I get a new email immediately, and I have email subscriptions to every thread I've ever posted in and all of your DJs.

      Alright.... >w< I'm still planning to update it eventually, though! But that's good that you're getting so into it.

      And thanks! I was pretty happy about it, possession has always big one of my big lucid goals, that was the first time I've ever done it intentionally.
    5. Is that how you and Link have omnipresence on DV? Having a plethora of tabs open at a time?

      Anyway, I'm not worried about your workbook so much, you're not really a beginner. It's kinda good in a way; I can focus more on the ones who need more desperate help.

      I'm so proud of you doing the basic task anyhow. That should be like instant-graduation anyway
    6. I know, I suck. >.< I've been keeping up with the lessons though! I have stuff to post, I've just been lazy with DV in general. X3 Today I've been blowing through the 40-something tabs I have open on different threads and DJ entries.
    7. you naughtybuns!
    8. I'm sorry, my workbook is so behind, I'm so lazy. >w<
    9. Thanks! I'm so proud of myself for actually achieving something.
    10. DOH I just saw your TOTM.

      Congrats on getting winged
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