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      Oh, thanks! I was hoping if there was a fan here they would notice it. 8D
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      Happy birthday!
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      Hi ! and thanks ! i'm really beginning to enjoy this community it makes it all the better to get nice messages from people of the community
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      Hi Welcome to dv
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    Virtual Reality 05/07/2015

    by Pastelpeach on 05-08-2015 at 04:18 AM
    I was in a hotel being chased by someone. I wanted to escape really badly so I hopped in an elevator. I knew this elevator is special but I don't know how. I pressed on a level button, and I was immediately on that floor. I peaked out from the door and it was a eerily dim hallway lit with fluorescent light. It was completely empty, and narrow. I went to another level. Same setup but with hospital beds this time. So that was even more creepy. I went to another level, and I was immediately in a room. Somewhere along the levels, I realized this is virtual reality. That whatever is happening isn't real but I could feel everything. A nurse told me that she could find out what's wrong with me, and I agreed to it. She explained that she will scan my whole body, and it will hurt a lot. I thought for sure the pain would be nothing. But when she was scanning me, it was very painful with a lot of vibration. I remembered that she had the device over my chest, and my head for a while. After the scanning was done, I asked her what's wrong with my head. She replied "Nothing, nothing's wrong with you". I wasn't satisfied with her answer because I had a rush of negative emotions and memories during the scan. The scan got me really angry and violent inside. It made me want to find the person that was after me, and tear him to shreds for what he did to me.

    Cave Roller Coaster 04/24/2015

    by Pastelpeach on 04-25-2015 at 06:35 AM
    I was on a mountain with 3 caves in sight. Each cave had a stone statue at the entrance. The entrances were very tall, and so were the statues. The statues were the guardians of the caves. I couldn't enter two caves as the guardians prevented me from going in. The cave that I did go in to had a dwarf like statue, like the one from The Hobbit. I went in, and it lead underground. It was very dark and there was a big pool of water. I was at the end of the line for a roller coaster. It was no longer dark but it was sunny with a blue sky. I was telling someone that this is my second time riding this. Which reminded me that there's no line at all, it's just empty unlike the first time. I got in, and the ride began. There's a drop and it felt so real. I had to hold on to the side of the roller coaster and that's when I realize something's wrong. The bar wasn't down for my seat. Or anybody's. I yelled that the bars are not down. I told someone to press the emergency button. I checked for it on the ride's ceiling on my side (there's not a ceiling). I then checked the front and saw it right above someone. I yelled for the front to press it. The guy right under it pressed it. I saw the word "cancelled" flashed on a rectangular screen on my left. The ride turned back around.

    Elevator, Friend, Paycheck 12/14/14

    by Pastelpeach on 12-15-2014 at 06:03 AM
    I kept on going on this elevator even though it's dangerous every time. I know before going in that whoever that's inside will try to kill me. I know but I still go in for some reason. I went in the elevator at least 4 times. I've never been killed but I did murder the others. The most memorable one is where this guy stabbed me twice in the stomach. I was bleeding but felt no pain. I then stabbed him in the throat with the blade going in horizontally. I was really satisfied with the rush.

    AT's boyfriend became my boyfriend. She no longer talks to me. It was really awkward and I kept wondering how that even happen.

    My boss handed me my paycheck even though it's only the 13th of the month. It made sense to me at the moment because I thought no one was working on the 14th and 15th so the paycheck came early.

    A Giant Face Goddess 11/12/2014

    by Pastelpeach on 11-14-2014 at 03:41 AM
    I was in a full stadium. There's a a giant head as tall as the stadium. I was standing to the left of it and looking up at it. Some people were next to me. The head's a goddess that knows everyone's future. Whoever that's lucky enough to be randomly picked will have her advice for the future. The participants will be randomly selected, and then from those people we will have one winner. I was somehow picked twice. I was really excited and optimistic about winning. I thought I would win for sure since I was randomly selected twice. The selected ones, including me, were then up really high in the stadium with a flight of stair in front of us. They were walking down the stair one after the other. I didn't even notice till they were half way down. I started walking down trying my best to look confident. I then woke up because of my alarm.

    Running through a garden 11/07/2014

    by Pastelpeach on 11-08-2014 at 08:49 AM
    I was at a garden that had an oriental feel to it. The garden was more of the size of a park. It also felt like someone's backyard. I was running away from a person. The chase was thrilling, I've never felt more alive. I know I was running away from a threat but I couldn't be more excited. The place was so open that you can't take any turn or find a place to hide. I was running across a stone bridge and decided to jump down. I landed on ground and thought he would run straight and not see me. I then spotted his partner next to a potted plant (My alarm rang and I snoozed it. So everything after may just be my thinking). I had an idea to hide next to his partner which in my mind means hiding in plain sight. I thought he wouldn't notice me cause why would I be so stupid as to hide next to his partner.
    non-lucid , dream fragment