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    1. pelko
      pelko liked post by Jaquan On thread : Just a few thoughts.
      I come from a pretty unremarkable household, in a pretty unremarkable town. I live in a small trailer that people would normally just gloss over, but there is more to that trailer than what's on the...
      Liked On: 09-01-2016, 08:36 AM
    2. pelko
      pelko liked post by CJC On thread : Meditation Breakthrough!!
      First of all, a very SPECIAL thanks to MasterMind for pointing me in the right direction. Seriously, your explanation really really helped. I've been dabbling with meditation for the last few...
      Liked On: 07-17-2015, 10:26 PM
    3. pelko
      pelko liked post by MasterMind On thread : Meditation Breakthrough!!
      Mindful route? I am as I said in my guide not meditating to become some enlightened being or for any reason at all for that matter. I am meditating for the purpose to learn and re-learn the most...
      Liked On: 07-17-2015, 10:24 PM
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    A strange dream.

    by pelko on 04-03-2016 at 03:00 PM
    Some kind of supernatural woman whom has been in a deep sleep for a very long time suddenly wakes up from her slumber and realizes that she is inside a coffin and is moving about as if she was in the middle of the sea. She bursts through the coffin easily (she has superhuman strength) and looks about her bewildered.

    [ a big break in my memory ]

    The woman ends up in a extremely bloody battle and kills tens of hard trained soldiers in mere minutes. During the battle she had entered some kind of frenzy / trance and she remained in this state for a long time. For such a long time that she ends up slaughtering hundreds more. She ends up casting a dark shadow of gloom and fear over the whole world she lives in, untill she meets a young child. This child (maybe 10 years old) somehow ends up wrapping his arms around the woman and seems completely fearless, even though he knows she is a killer. The woman becomes baffled and asks the child why he`s doing this.

    The child responds "because your the one who needs this the most."

    The woman suddenly "wakes up" from her trance of blood lust and anger. She becomes overwhelmed and crippled from a mix of emotions, mainly guilt. She eventually decides to do everthing in her power to try and mend the wrongs she had committed. She would start with this one child, whoms parents, unknown to the boy, she had killed.

    [ a break in memory ]

    Years pass by and the womans new child becomes a strong willed and good natured lad. Though through his years he had harboured one single dark side to his otherwise compassionate and happy self, his need for revenge. Revenge for the killings of his parents and revenge for the memory of holding his lifeless and cold loved ones, this memory was still burned so deeply into his psyche that he remembered everything in stark detail.

    One day the womans past comes to haunt her in the form of her old coffin. The coffin, which was the color of dark green and had strange symbols etched into its sides and lid, had moved with the waves of the ocean for all these years, chasing its owner. The woman was cursed and her time had run out. Her imprisonment called for her, called for her to once again be sealed into the coffin, to once again be driven into madness and then unleashed into the world, thus continuing the never ending cycle of death and destruction, for eternity.

    She tried to resist the power and pull of the coffin, she tried to resist the translucent ghosts that were crouding around her, tempting and hacking her mind with dark thoughts, trying to force her to change into the killer she once was. She was slowly moving closer to her doom, step by hovering step. Her boy stared at her with wide eyes, he now knew it was she who had murdered his parents. He had seen his parents in the form of ghosts for a fleeting moment, quickly fanishing like the thousands and thousands of other swirling ghosts.

    "I know you cant forgive me. I will accept my fate.", she announced with surprising confidence. She started to move towards the coffin with greater speed, but she suddenly stopped. Her son had wrapped his arms around her, yet again, just like all those years ago he said "your the one who needs this the most."

    Her curse broke.