• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Phased and gab

    9 Visitor Messages

    1. Still here!

      (The planet, not the dog) Yeah, I said Planet!
    2. Hey you're still alive, how's things?
    3. Glad to hear the cat is travelling and well, and indeed, I like to clothe my cat.
    4. Thank you for your concern! But if you look closer at my avatar, that's where my cat went. Looking at the moon and meteor shower. Hehe. One adventurous cat. And I see your cat got some new attire.
    5. I was concerned that your Cat avatar had made it's leave, but I am glad to see him next to this post.
    6. Awesome, sounds like my type of group, I applied.
    7. Deep dreamers group - it's the same thing as beyond dreaming. Only, no sceptics allowed there. So if someone asks about lets say how to manipulate energy, you can not reply, that that's not possible.

      You can join through your Control panel, on the left navigation bar click on Permission groups and from the window that opens click on Deep dreaming. Then someone will look at it and approve.
    8. Hey Gab,
      What's it take to get in the deep dreamer permission group? I have read a little about it, and what exactly do you guys discuss?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9