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    • Sensei's Avatar
      04-09-2024, 07:17 PM
      Night 2 Dream 1-4 I realize it is a dream at the beginning. I teleport to my ship.I start flying around and checking planet after planet. It was a...
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    • Sensei's Avatar
      04-03-2024, 06:57 PM
      In order to understand any of what I type in my DJ for the competition, you will need to understand my dream world a bit. So this is a TL;DR for all...
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    About Polyhistor

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    About Polyhistor
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    I've been a longtime lurker, but decided it was time to step up and contribute to this community that I've silently gained so much from! I love creating things and mastering new skills and I'm glad to find my way among this community!
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    All forms of art. Specialty is music
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    The Power of the Googer!


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    Recent Entries

    Interesting Non-Lucid

    by Polyhistor on 06-06-2014 at 03:57 PM
    Met up with Donald Glover and he offered me $5,000 to prank my best friend, so I show up at my best friend's house. There is a small party going on with a bunch of people I know irl, and I feel like I don't belong there, but they have Chipotle so I cant resist joining in and chowing down. Food tasted real enough but I didn't really enjoy it as it was non-lucid. Before I can prank my best friend he leaves to go to his girlfriend's house, but then I meet someone at the party that looks exactly like me, and he has the same sexy voice that I do. I think to myself that it'd be awkward if I mentioned the resemblance in case he didn't see it, but I talked to him anyway. He kept saying nonsensical things but the only one I remember exactly is,

    "Two days of this party cost me the same as a semester of tuition at college." He said this with a smile as if he was really glad about it, so I said, "Damn that's a really good deal..," unsure of what he meant exactly. Then my cellphone's alarm went off and I awoke to real life.

    Shortest LD ever, DILD

    by Polyhistor on 05-30-2014 at 05:56 PM

    After a night of NLD's I wake up in my bed facing the opposite direction that I typically sleep in. I find that I fell asleep supporting my body on my elbows with my head held in my two hands, and say to myself, "When have I ever fallen asleep like this, this isn't even comfortable! Maybe I'm dreaming." I didn't really believe that I was dreaming, but I decided to do my RC's anyways. I sat up and looked closely at both of my hands. I noticed the incomplete M shape that is formed by the creases in my palms, just like in waking life, and I have all ten fingers. I decided just for kicks to try putting the index finger through my palm and it actually went through! I was shocked and realized it was a dream but was immediately awoken by some loud noise in the waking world. The time was a little after 9 a.m.

    Wild, dg

    by Polyhistor on 05-30-2014 at 05:45 PM

    Although this LD was short, it was a very unique experience and I'm excited to share it! Also, it was my first successful WILD

    I woke up at 5:15 a.m., (which was fine, as I had intended for 5:30) did my standard set of RC's, and after deeming I was awake, attempted a WILD. Within a few minutes of laying still I felt vibrations and then I heard a sound as if both my ear drums had been pierced by a high-pressure stream of air. This air made a ringing whistle sound, and I got too excited. Then the noise faded away. So I tried again, and the noise and vibrations came back. Then I heard a voice say to me, "Stay calm just ignore the signs, you're almost in the dream."

    In a few moments my dream eyes opened and I was lying on a couch in a dark apartment room. I stood up and noticed in the corner to my left, a bizarre looking man was lying on a large crate smiling at me. I suppose in waking life he would have been extremely creepy, even borderline terrifying, but I instinctively knew that he was the one that told me to be calm and helped me get into the dream. He had jet-black skin and was bald and had a cartoonishly large mouth and then he spoke to me again. "Explore this apartment while you can, your REM cycle is almost over." So I walked around taking in the realism of the dream but in a few moments
    I woke up into what would turn into a FA, but I didn't recognize it.