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    1. HorseLime
      HorseLime liked blog comment by PonyLemon On : Bunch of Dreams on first wild attempt of the summer
      That was a lot
      Liked On: 06-14-2014, 01:30 AM
    2. DawnEye11
      DawnEye11 liked blog post by PonyLemon On : Neflon
      I was in the bottom of a building, similar to the first place I was lucid in. Around me was a lot of rubble, and I remember people walking around working on construction. I was looking for something,...
      Liked On: 06-13-2014, 11:22 PM
    View PonyLemon's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Running Over Arms

    by PonyLemon on 06-25-2014 at 05:10 PM
    - I was at a grocery store with a girl I knew from middle school named #74-94. I left the store and started wandering the parking lot and came across #154-434 driving around. I was wondering why he didn't stop for me, as he was my ride, and he clearly saw me. He later came up to me without the truck, and explained he had to return it to someone else. I was a little concerned, explaining now we were stranded.

    - A friend of mine, #28-22, was on her couch back home and her mother walked in. Her mom, a very short, stout lady, was very open with her sexuality. My friends father was also there and picked up the mother, threw her on the couch, and then picked up a couch nearby. He later opened up a book entitled "Streets in Heaven."

    - I had a false awakening in which I met my sister, and was explaining to her she should keep a dream journal. She was telling me she joined my work, and was working with the friend from earlier (#28-22). At one point she was in a car with me and my father. We drove by a man named "Arms" who walked with one arm on the ground. At one point my sister left the car and was being dragged by "Arms." I felt uneasy about this, but didn't realize she was in danger. "Arms" collapsed for some reason and my sister was able to get back in our car, explaining how she was captured. My father looked really upset at this, and explained he didn't know or would've shot him. Instead, he started driving towards the collapsed man and attempted to run over him twice. I don't remember if he was successful.

    - I remember seeing my old roommate, #0192-210, in a bathroom stall. I walked past him and started washing my hands at the sink. Another guy, shorter than me and black, started making some comment about my sister I believe. I remember feeling angry about this, and ignoring the guy.

    Shootout For the Pink Shirt

    by PonyLemon on 06-24-2014 at 05:09 PM
    The dream consisted of a series of fragments as follows:

    - I was updating Firefox? I also wrote down "rock climb" but can't remember it now. I do know I woke up in the middle of the night remembering this, and could still remember it when I woke up before work as I associated an image of a stretchy Firefox logo, and me climbing it. I should've been more detailed

    - I was in my kitchen, and these two girls stood next to me by the chair. One of the girls was feeling uncomfortable because the other kept touching her butt. I also touched her butt, making the girl think it was the other friend. I remember feeling bad about this.

    - I saw Angelina Jolie running around; she was being chased by a giant creature of some sorts. Armed with guns, she would run through some ruins and hide behind parts of buildings as the creature ran by. My view zoomed in on her eyes, which started flaming around, similar to the aura of a person in Smash Brothers Brawl. I knew she was about to go hamm on this creature.

    - I was with two people, and we drove up to a building. We parked in front of another car in the parking lot where two guys were lounging around on their pickup truck. We were on a mission to find some secret object that belonged to someone I can't remember. We walked into the building, making sure to be quiet, as it was populated with a lot of people. I managed to find a pink shirt with my job's logo on it, and grabbed it, noting its weight. It turned out this object was the secret, as determined by its weight (it was not made of cotton as I originally suspected).

    We moved the shirt back to our vehicle, and I guess the people we stole this from noticed, and began shooting us. I was hiding behind the car, scared of getting shot, but noticed my two partners were in the open. I pulled out a machine gun turret out of the back of our car, and placed it next to the car, still taking cover. The turret looked like this:

    The turret was manually controlled by a small knob on the side that I continued turning. It started shooting, moving the head side to side as it did. I noticed though that the bullets were not hitting the targets as I would've liked. I ran out of ammo, and pulled out a pistol. I noticed that the two guys in the pickup truck turned out to be on our side, and was shooting the others as well.

    At this point I realized I was dreaming, but I wasn't quite lucid. I did know though that I could control the turret. I started rewinding time, so I could have more bullets and hit the guys this time. I also decided to amp up the turret, as I didn't want my friends to die. I imagined the turret had 3 layers of 5 barrels each. While I was rewinding though, a DC appeared to me and told me that I could potentially have a lot of power if I wanted, but if I wanted to get anything out of dreaming, I had to present myself with challenges. He was telling me being completely lucid wasn't the right path, but instead I should try and aim for semi-lucidity and place myself in positions where I had to try harder to get out, as opposed to using my potential power to easily get out.

    I took away the layers of turrets because of this, and instead just added more ammo. Time started back up, and I aimed again at the guys I initially aimed at, hitting them this time. At this point my dream ended.

    No recall

    by PonyLemon on 06-24-2014 at 02:40 AM
    I did not remember my dreams tonight.

    Recommendations Please

    by PonyLemon on 06-22-2014 at 08:38 PM
    [12:00 AM]

    I began the dream with my current roommate (big football guy) towards our apartment, and he remarks on how he's frustrated with work, but I don't believe I really care. I actually think I laugh (in a polite way ), and try and steer the conversation elsewhere (in a manner where I don't have to think about the conversation, and can just say uh-huh as we walk). I make it back to my room, forgetting all about my roommate, and find my sister there. We are about to go to sleep, and tell each other we're going to be lucid tonight. I manage to fall asleep in the dream, and wake up in the dream, where I see my sister already awake, sitting on the bed across from mine. I talk to her for a little bit before I just blurt out "I must be dreaming."

    At this point, I don't actually have the sensation that I'm lucid- rather, I dreamed of myself dreaming and being lucid. I believe my sister was also lucid in this dream, and we actually met on the astral plane. She looks at me and then asks me a question; all she says is "birds?" and looks expectantly at me (earlier I had a conversation with HorseLime about what we'd ask the DC that represented each other in our dreams, and I think I had something similar with my dream sister). I think for a while, sputtering out a couple of words, and then settle on "net," as in capturing a lot of birds. She seems satisfied with this and her face begins turning blue. She has trouble speaking, and I think she is choking or not breathing in real life.

    I began shaking my head violently in the hopes of waking up, and am back in the room "awake." My sister is again already awake, and tells me she was testing me. She is scared she'll somehow choke in reality, and wanted to see if I'd be able to help her if we could connect on the astral plane. Since our rooms are next to each others in the apartment, I tell her we should knock on the wall in a certain pattern to signal if the other needs help (we did similar things when we were kids, though generally as games and a 3-knock pattern for "911"). She says something along the lines of that being unnecessary, but I respond I am also worried about choking. I'm not sure what we settled with on that, though I do remember feeling happy I passed this test, and I did at some point have a Jesus-like imagery (perhaps I felt like a god).

    My mind jumps to a third person view, and flashes around school kids in a privileged school. It was like watching an advertisement for this place, and a variety of different computer science terms were strung together as the ad was playing. My mind eventually jumped to the actual school, and I saw some of the kids who were in the ads. They had a rating system to determine who was the smartest, and I remember the kid who held this title was a tiny Latino guy. My view then jumped to a blackboard where class began, and the teachers (there were two) as well as a student TA began teaching about the use of variables. I got the vibe that this was a pre-algebra course, and that the school prided themselves on their teacher to student ratio. Regardless, the actual teaching was pretty much gibberish.

    Later on I was taking a test with HorseLime. I don't remember what it was about, but do remember HorseLime's embarrassment for asking a teacher for clarification repeatedly throughout. I may have teased him about this.

    - Fragment: At one point while I was asleep in the dream, I was a ghost chasing my sister like PacMan.

    [3:00 AM (?)]

    I didn't open my eyes when I awoke, but am guessing it was around 3:00 AM. I heard the girl next door crying and yelling on the phone to her boyfriend presumably. I then had the following dream:

    I was on the computer, chatting with Lisa Ann, successful porn star. She recently finished writing a series of books, possibly autobiographical, and I believe I was interviewing her. I don't remember my specific questions, but we seemed to have hit it off, and I got this notion that I was now her pupil. I was hoping for a recommendation with some porn competition, and thought I could ride her success to get a bit farther. At one point, I was on the toilet and I had her stack of books, wrapped in vacuum sealed plastic. I remember feeling satisfaction opening the books, and being amazed by how thick each book was (though the number 80 is floating around as the number of pages of each book). I finish using the bathroom and am aware she is downstairs. I want to thank her in person, as I was hoping for a blowjob. I go downstairs, meekly say thanks for all her help (which she responds, "sure, no problem"), and I leave quickly.

    I'm later out on a field, where girls had to line up. Guys in succession were being picked, who then had to pick a girl, pull her pants down, and eat her out. I was waiting my turn, when this big guy who looked vaguely familiar was picked. He picked a girl I knew a while back, #059-354, and I was very grossed out by this fact. I start walking away but as I do so, the big guy decides to pick me up and throw me on the ground, though only lightly as a joke. I try and sit up, but he keeps stepping in my way, and then complaining that I am the one who is causing all this trouble. He finally lets me up, and we do a handshake (with a neat little slide of the palms), and go our separate ways. I didn't like him, but he must've thought we were friends.

    As I'm walking I end up in a baseball lineup. I'm waiting in a very long line, and am probably in the 6th position before swinging. I was nervous that I would swing and screw up for the team. Ronald Weasley was standing behind me, commenting the same. I remember #740-9421 was able to hit the ball, and nearly got a home run but fell short. I finally made it to bat, and managed to get a home run my first swing. I was happy, and I began rounding this giant field (not a baseball diamond) that I believe was the same as my middle school field. The people in front of me stayed in front of me as I rounded the field, and I eventually stopped with them at this presentation on the other side.

    People were crowding around, trying to listen to some man discuss racism. Eventually the crowd dispersed except for a guy I recognized from middle school dressed in a nice suit, and myself. Before us remained an old white man and Barack Obama, discussing the prevalence of racism. Eventually the white man stops talking, and Obama begins discussing a program that me and the other guy could join, called IO (as in input/output). The guy from middle school began making up a lot of excuses on why he can't do this, and Obama quickly disregards him and looks at me. I comment on the fact that this is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and I would most definitely join this program.

    We both then head over to a car, and begin picking up kayaks and placing them on the hood. I again think of a recommendation, and how great it would be to get one from Obama, as well as some great guy in computer science back in my school. After piling the kayaks I get into the car, and immediately feel choked. Part of the car was against my neck, pressing my head to the roof of the car. I loosen it up, lean the car back, and look around. Obama has now turned into a really old white man, and the car we were in was very dirty and unkempt. I don't think too much of it though, and notice a pair of headphones were strategically hanging off of part of the car next to my ear. The radio was playing through this, as well as the car stereo, and I heard snippets of a comedy show blaring out, very closely echoed into my ears from the headphone. Unfortunately I don't remember any of the jokes.

    I somehow make it to the backseat and have a bag of trail mix like food. A girl enters through the side of the car, and the old man is sitting there as well (kind of like in the back of a limo, but still very dingy). I offer her some of the trail mix, which turns out to consist of nothing but grapes, raisins, and "watermelon" (it looked like flat sunflower seeds with a watermelon texture). She politely refused, and I pulled out one of the watermelons, which turned into a cookie in my hand. I found some chocolate dip nearby, and dipped the cookie, taking a bite afterward. The girl commented on how sweet that must be.

    Updated 06-22-2014 at 08:41 PM by PonyLemon (Added fragment)


    Terrible Recall

    by PonyLemon on 06-21-2014 at 03:14 PM
    Last night I probably had the worst dream recall I've had in weeks. The only thing I remember, was that my parents got my sister and I these Nintendo DS's, though they were just GBAs wrapped in some case. We got a couple of games, related to Wario. I was with them at a restaurant at some point. I remember playing some game with a bomb, with my sister. I was nervous that my parents spent to much money on these.

    I was brought to a basement where I met the Shipwright Tom and watched as he started building a shelf on this wall in this danky room. I was excited, as I think I knew I was in a dream and was going to tell HorseLime that I got to meet him. He was doing a terrible job, and commented on how he overdid it earlier. He grabbed one piece of wood and, though it was jagged and curved in most spots, it wasn't in one, completely ruining the shelf. He told me to search for a game. I found a game boy color game, with kirby on it (black and white), mixed in with "DS" games (they looked like GBA games).

    My boss was telling me about risc, which is a reduced instruction set computing, but he was talking about it in something related to javascript, and how it was reduced complexity. I was sitting there, and he talked for like an hour. Another person, #507-7414, was there. My boss said if anyone needed to leave they could. #507-7414 said thank god, laughed, and left. Another guy came. Boss said its time to work, but the guy didn't have a shift today. The boss just revised schedule and now he did.
    non-lucid , dream fragment