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    About Pootismeister
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    I'm a complete geek, I admit it, I love EDM (Electronic Music) and want to produce it myself, I also like to watch anime every now and then; about 1 show every other week or so.
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    Music, an occasional anime doesn't hurt
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    1. Pootismeister
      Pootismeister liked post by ~Dreamer~ On thread : Task of the Month for February 2015
      Inspired by this weird smiley that I've never seen anyone use: :microwave: :cheeky:
      Liked On: 02-12-2015, 02:26 AM
    2. Pootismeister
      Pootismeister liked post by NyxCC On thread : Yo
      Welcome Pootismeister! I think you will be even more excited about lding if I told how awesome music can be in dreams. You can create entire songs and with not much effort on top of that. You can...
      Liked On: 02-11-2015, 03:01 AM
    3. Pootismeister
      Pootismeister liked post by AnotherDreamer On thread : Yo
      Welcome to dreamviews! You sound awesome. :D Lucid dreams are truly amazing, having the power to create, see, and experience anything that you can imagine. I'm really excited for you. Do you...
      Liked On: 02-11-2015, 03:01 AM
    View Pootismeister's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Plants and coffee tables don't look good in my rum

    by Pootismeister on 02-12-2015 at 12:24 PM
    I remember walking into my room, and there were 3 tables all making a U around my chair. The tables were coffee tables and were placed behind my chair and on the sides of it. There was just enough space to walk through the corners, there were plants on the tables, and I knew my mom had put them in there along with the tables, I got annoyed and said "Moooom" as I walked out of the room carrying the plants and putting them on other tables in the living room.

    I thought my dream recall was getting better lmao

    "Hi honey"

    by Pootismeister on 02-11-2015 at 12:23 PM
    I was at my step mom's house, and I was in the kitchen. There were two gates, minecraft style ofc. And in between each third of the kitchen there was a different obstacle. In the first third there was a sign and a red glowing line like redstone being activated. The glowing line was attached to an open furnace that was on fire, and then a hound leaped out of it (on fire) and ran across the line as, I dunno, a test? The sign read, "This is a hellhound". I proceeded to the next gate, there was another sign, it read "Do you trust me?", there was another furnace in the second section of the gate, I could take my chances and run into the section hoping that there wasn't going to be a doge leaping out of the furnace to eat my face off. Or I could just simply climb onto the counter and skip the gated area, heading over to the last section instead, and that's what I did. I crawled along the counter to the end of the obstacle, and I could now see into the furnace. There were two four by fours laying inside the furnace, they were on fire, but there was no doge that I could see. I have no clue why I did this next thing, but I opened up some sort of chat box and typed into it "/give grenade 1" and I had a frag grenade in my hands, at the same time my biological mom and my biological grandma walked into the house and said "Hi honey", I proceeded to throw the grenade into the furnace and the dream ended there...


    Updated 02-11-2015 at 12:29 PM by Pootismeister


    Stupid Coyote Women D:<

    by Pootismeister on 02-09-2015 at 12:05 PM
    I remember standing out on my porch (I'm dreaming at this time) and my dog let out this howl like a wolf, and others responded, mind you my St. Bernard is most definitely not capable of such a sound, damn, I might've been able to use it to become lucid if my brain would actually have noticed it. Anyways, he then ran off the porch to the lawn in the middle of the night, and a coyote attacked him, he ran back to the porch quickly, but died at the footsteps. With which I was rushed over with a tidal wave of sadness, and walked down by his side, I noticed there was a health bar that was completely red above his head, arcade style. I then noticed this woman, who looked very menacing, and I somehow knew that this woman was responsible for the death of my dog. I remember saying, "You bitch..." and pursuing and attacking her. I shot these cables at her feet from my hands and they coiled around her legs, but somehow she got the best of me and escaped the constraint, constraining my arms and legs with her own cables, and throwing me out a window. It was a very, very long fall, and I never hit the ground, instead, I woke up after my what seemed to be a 10 second free-fall.

    First entry, nothing exciting.

    by Pootismeister on 02-08-2015 at 11:19 PM
    I only remember this one dream from last night, I had fallen asleep in my chair, while putting together an EDM set in FL Studio.

    I was in my room, sitting in my chair, I could hear music, I don't remember what but it was familiar and I was sitting in my chair at my computer desk with my headphones on. My screen lit up with the DAW's interface, there was a mix displayed in the track set. Then my crush and my sister both walked into my room, it was weird though, because they were just, there. Nothing more, just a couple DCs. They were like friends, even though they'd never met each other IRL, and my crush was a good 7 years younger than her, so it makes for a weird friendship. Anyways, all I remember past that point was sitting back down into my chair and listening to the music.

    I awoke to find that I'd forgotten to go to bed, and my headphones were on, music playing through them at 10% volume; that probably being the influence for my dream.