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      Heyyyy!! Things have been pretty crazy on my end. But I’ve been getting better sleep lately and therefore more lucid dreams so I thought I would check back in to this old beautiful place. How are you?
    2. View Conversation
      Thank you!
    3. View Conversation
      Ah yes. I had to bring it back. lol. I hope I can get back to my old dreaming self soon!
    4. View Conversation
      Thank you!
    5. View Conversation
      A (very) belated thank-you for the birthday wishes back in June! I hope you're well.
    6. View Conversation
      Thank you! ^_^
    7. View Conversation
      Hi friend ! That is an auspicious dream
    8. View Conversation
      Thank you NyxCC!
    9. View Conversation
      Thanks! A belated happy new year to you too! We're going to bust this year out with some lucidity!
    10. View Conversation
      Hi NyxCC!
      Lately I do not see you much here...
      I hope everything goes well and we hear from you soon!
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    Mini lucid rant, snakes, eagles, penguins

    by NyxCC on 07-07-2019 at 10:17 PM
    6 July

    Comp day 1
    # 1 Lucid rant

    I wake around 6, go to the toilet and am already disappointed with myself that am not doing enough for lucidity and dream recall to kick start the race. I feel very tired and can't remember any dreams, just want to go to bed.

    A feel mins later rem starts and I find myself surrounded by a number of DCs. I start a rant that I was supposed to get lucid. The more I talk and look around the more vivid and spacey the scene becomes until I happily realize this is a dream. There is some interaction that I try to undertake with my sleeping body, though I can't quite recall what (like trying double perception).

    The lucidity gradually slips into a non-ld. The last thing I recall is a non-lucid portion where a man that's doing some sort of astral travel gets into cold water and begins to disappear.


    Sister serpents (NLD1)
    In a dream apartment where we supposedly live. There are several dark bronze busts of politicians from different countries. In the nearby room. Initially a story about a guy that had issues with his head. I see him as a baby, he is is two rods that were improperly manipulated when he was very young. The two rods are now in a container, the lid is put on and there is a metallic sound. This must be when the damage was done. I untie the lid to check him, but the two rods look ok, finely situated among the rest of the material.

    The two rods are now baby serpents and I decide to bring them up, throwing them in an indoors garden in the main room. The first one starts growing fast, eating toys and everything in its way until his mouth is full of plastics. I grab him/her and try to get them out one by one, while it's oozing green slime on the furniture (too much detail but good recall , that I promise will change later. The last item it has swallowed are my headphones, which I am not sure I will be able to use again. I get them out and throw the first snake out of the window, hoping it won't be able to return.

    In the meantime, the other snake has grown into a young adult human woman. She has shoulder length blonde hair. Luckily, she is registered at our address as a relative and will have no problems later in life with any ids.

    Furniture (frag1)
    In someone's place, I notice the furniture looks a lot like that from my childhood and try to find out if it's possible to still buy it. A brand name that's difficult to read appears written somewhere, which is how I am able to track the furniture and discover the manufacturer.

    Haircut (frag2)

    Looking at a pile cut hair with different colors

    07 July

    Nld1: Waiting for a colleague
    At some sort of event, i am supposed to wait for a colleague, but get tired of waiting and decide to head to the station. I message her multiple times and hope she is on her way. There are trains every min or so but it's full of people. We are supposed to take the train then go to this other place.

    Nld2: Dad and the eagles
    On street that looks structurally like the bora hometown dreamversion. I visit dad who is behind on the cashier and he works hard to write a card with best wishes for me. At the entrance of the shop are two eagles that kind of block the way. They look around as if hungry and once they notice there's a bag full of food in front of them, one of them tears with his beak into a strawberry yogurt.


    Frag1: With son in the car
    It's the three of us in the car and what looks like a four old son. I examine his features and hair color trying to assess how he's turned up. (No son irl)

    Nld3: The run
    Sitting at a table with a number of people, who show certain calculations that copy incorrectly. A question is asked about a drawing of an old politician, which I want to enhance to make a joke. However, they draw him on my cheek instead, so I decide to leave the table. Initially, I just stay on the next seat as I just had been to the toilet, but decide to leave. At some point pass by a few artefact jewels that are kept in glass cell. I think I definitely need more locks there. Seems I have a collection of these weird objects, some quite glittery.

    As I continue as far away from the event, I decide to run in the opposite direction of the school yard. In the yard are a number of huge creatures that look like brown baby penguins. Most can't do anything but explore the ground, however, a few look quite menacing and there seem to appear more of them too! (yes, since you unconsciously summoned them!). I decide it's time to get away from here. In the meantime, I run into S who's hanging from a tree with a backpack.

    A number of people we know continue on the track to the backyard of the school. I carry a bottle of orange juice which helps me accelerate. After a bit of running, I can't seem to keep up any more running and decide to walk a bit to gather energy (how do you get tired in a dream?). The accompanying DCs decide to take a shortcut, and I recall another shortcut to take (this is a familiar place from prior dreams). I pass a medium sized office building. There is a delivery of FT wrapped in plastic and I contemplate about taking one, but decide against it since it's pp. On the way down the shortcut street are also a number of new editions of the economist - the world in 2050, laying on a trash can. I decide to take the 2050 since I haven't seen it before and continue on my way.


    frag2: bus ride - in a bus, while trying to express an opinion show them the fingers, but then feel guilty this might be misinterpreted by the camera as anti social behavior (BB is watching!)

    Frag3: an item can't recall now has a hole in it but we still need to use it so I suggest we put tape on it.

    Updated 07-07-2019 at 10:30 PM by NyxCC

    lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment

    Red & Black

    by NyxCC on 04-25-2019 at 08:50 PM
    22 Apr 2019

    I appear in a dream scene which is just building around me. My awareness is high and as if I am really ready for this. (I have been thinking about having an ld but not much other induction that night, although I did check the task of month in order to have a purpose in case a lucid happens).

    As I look around the shaky environment, I recall the Red & Black clothes task for this month. There is a female DC with whatever original clothes she was wearing. I change them to red, then to black. One's a T-shirt with something in white written on it, the other more like a robe. I realize I can't recall whether we had to change from red to black or vise versa, so I change the color of her clothes multiple times just to be on the safe side. I make a note that this color change wasn't as difficult as I had for some reason expected.

    End of memory
    lucid , task of the month

    29 Mar Street

    by NyxCC on 03-30-2018 at 10:24 PM
    Fragmented sleep with lots of wakes in hrs prior to final wake

    The dream begins in a version of our current home, FA style. I wake up and look out the window seeing the new day begin. Some unusual transportation already on the move.

    Couple of moments later, I find myself walking down the street with much higher awareness. I decide to act out this moment as if it were real life, creating a continuous stream of awareness from the dream to waking and the actual walking on the street much later. I look around, soak in as many details, also looking at DCs passing by. A woman with a red leather jacket stands out. My bf's DC is also accompanying me. We continue our walk down the street to cross when some cars speed towards us. I feel like I need to quickly jump ahead to avoid the impact. The motion seems to destabilize the dream or it could just be the fragmented sleep and the dream soon fades.

    After waking up, I initially forget my dream idea to hold that awareness on my way to work, but recall it later on. As I go out, it's a beautiful cold sunny morning and I take in all the little details around me. With this state of mindfulness, it feels the same way it did when I had the lucid dream walking down the street.
    lucid , dream fragment

    24 Mar 2018 Mini lds

    by NyxCC on 03-25-2018 at 08:20 PM
    I find myself in a room full of DCs and suddenly awareness increases to lucidity. I recall my thoughts from the previous night to try to score more points from the competition. There's a particularly distracting DC in front of me and I weight in the options of going for dream control vs kissing. I decide to go for the latter, explaining to myself I can do dream control a bit later. There are around 8 DCs surrounding us and I begin to feel uncomfortable.

    Not sure what happens, whether a dream end or possibly loss of lucidity. It seems like a little black out but I return to pretty much the same scene, aware again. End of memory. Awake. Back to sleep.

    Another dream episode where I become lucid again, different indoors place, I don't look around too much. Once again a lone DC catches my attention, though this time not as distracting. I have the feeling my memory of the previous dreams is becoming blurred as I didn't write anything down.

    I take time to focus on the DC and save the memory of the previous and current dreams to this moment. I raise my fingers to count three lucid moments for the night.
    The dream ends sometime soon and I do a brief mental review prior to going back to sleep.
    lucid , dream fragment


    by NyxCC on 01-28-2018 at 10:12 PM
    Jan 23

    I find myself in my childhood school yard with high awareness. The scene is quite dark, but I nevertheless take the time to inspect in detail all of the dream characters that surround me. While some of them look quite ugly or even menacing, I live out the realization that all these people are just a reflection of my mind, they are all me. I spend some time happily shouting this and engaging the DCs.

    A bit later, I recall I was planning to do the task of the month (basic ii). A wave of urgency hits me as I remember the month is drawing to end, and also the dream may be over quite soon too. As I walk down the street, I follow the plan in case I found myself outdoors, to look for a mirror on a nearby car.

    The dream scene is quite dark, but I am still able to locate a car and move closer to examine my reflection. The image looks a bit smaller than it would in real life, so I lean even closer. I don't look quite like myself initially. The effect seems more like a dream quality issue - the image is quite distorted, although, as the mirror is slightly curved, one would actually expect it to be.

    After gazing into the reflection for a while, it starts to resemble me more. My hair is a bit wavy though. Overall, the dream reflection is quite happy. I finally get to the task of making my hair longer, although this proves more challenging than expected. I try to will my hair to become longer, but dream control's not quite working. I then decide to take things into my own hands, literally, and gently pull my hair down to stretch it. This seems to do the trick and it increases in length. I enjoy the completion of the task for a brief moment, waking up shortly afterwards.