• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Raetin and Puffin

    7 Visitor Messages

    1. No, I'm not! I just took a hiatus... But I'm back now. C:
    2. Awww, don't tell me that your gone from Dream View.
    3. I'd rather have Micheal Jackson then that guy. I know him but forgot his name, I think minnie me. I guess that's your choice though. What made you put him as your avatar? Oh and Congratz!
    4. I had that before... I can't find the file right now though.
    5. Hey, instead of having a avatar of someone you love, why not you choose something that represents your name (like a puffin or cat eating a puffin ).
    6. I haven't seen any new posts by her. I don't think so.
    7. I remember you got your mom to make an account on Dream Views, does she even go on at all?
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 7 of 7