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      Completely serious, I have all those dreams logged in on my DJ, if you are interested, just google "Tales of the inheritor, Hukif". There is a lot of people with more LDs than I, you just need to practice enough.
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    "I really have to go. I'm conducting a seminar on multiple personalities and it takes me forever to fill out the name tags"
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    Music, Psychology.
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    A dream without direction. Lucid.

    by Rainmaker on 01-31-2011 at 04:23 PM
    Wake up > drink of water > sleep paralysis > enter lucid dream.

    So I spawn into some party - perfect. I spend a while just walking about the house trying to work it where I am but I cant recognize it and have no recollection of ever being here before. After a while I try to have some fun, I start to levitate things and soon
    a crowd gathers round to watch me and then I start to levitate people. Soon I get bored of this and my eye turns to the window and when i turn back the crowd are gone apart from one or two people. I open the window and stand up on the ledge and look down at the grass below but before I jump out to fly I stop because it all seems too real. I jump down from the ledge and do the finger throught palm check but i'm worried after a few seconds because it doesn't go right through but seconds later it goes through and i run and jump straight out of the window. The rush is unbelievable as i fall through the air but soon I hit the ground and realise I couldn't fly. The ground is wet and i'm still absolutely stunned at how real everything feels and unfortunately the pain of falling from so high still feels real. So I'm lying down after my failed flight feeling like Icarus when I look up at the house I just jumped from and realised all the lights are off so I dont go back in, instead I decide to go to the house next door. As I go to open the door to the next house I see my real next door neighbour at the door and wake up. Hmm...

    This was surprisingly vivid and seemed to last around 15-20 minutes. I am improving..

    Short, unstable and amature - My first real WILD.

    by Rainmaker on 01-31-2011 at 03:32 PM
    Well since we've been able to take a break from school after finishing exams i've had some free time to practice getting lucid. Without much effort I manage it after attempting after a good night's sleep.

    So for some reason the first thing I notice is i'm in a cave. Not the most exciting place in the world but I remember what i've been told - start small scale and let your mind do most of the work for you, dont try to change too much. So I just start walking through this small, cramped cave until I come to a group of bats but instead of flying they are walking around in front of me. I decide to try out 'Dream Powers' and the first thing that come to mind is too make these bats larger so I put out my hands and concentrate and successfully enlarge one bat to around human size. However there seems to be a side effect of this enlargement as a human face appears on it. I'm impressed with my powers and get too confident and try to change everything. I wake up.

    Late for school? No problem i'll teleport. Lucid.

    by Rainmaker on 01-10-2011 at 11:33 AM
    I'm new here so bear with me as I try to describe my first WILD.
    Ok so maybe about year ago I think I had my first few lucid dream experience but at this time I didn't know anything about lucid dreaming so as you can imagine I was pretty freaked out. Somehow it seems I have managed to WILD without even knowing what WILDing Or Even LDing was (i'm sure many people will be jealous as I see how much effort many people put into this with little or no result).
    Firstly the transition; I was lying in bed one day after a shit day at school (I had taken about two short naps already that day) when all of a sudden before i'm about to drift off again I feel this strong vibration which felt like intense pins and needles all over my body but with particul pressure on my head. As if this wasn't scary enough I began to hear whispers beside me but nobody was there. After a few minutes of trying to work out what was going on I see two friends from school sitting on the bottom of the bed. They begin to speak to me and I try to speak and ask them why they are here but it feels like my mouth has been sewn shut. After trying to speak to these friends for a while with no results they start to fade away. I then turn round beside me and see a girl who I seem to recognise but I don't know where from. The girl is holding out her hand as if for me to hold her hand but when I try to do so my hand slips through hers as if she is some sort of hologram (I guess she sort of is) and the girl gets very, very angry and starts to hit me. Somehow at this point I escape these hallucinations and enter the dream.
    The dream; To begin with I do not realise I was dreaming because the conciousness and lucidity I felt was remarkably real. I was walking along the road to school with some friends as we were coming back from lunch and when we were about half way to the school someone said "we are late" and we began to run back. On my way back I saw someone who I knew on the other side of the road and raised my hand to wave at them but as my hand passed my head there was a blue flash and all of a sudden 'ping' i'm back in my bed. Luckily for me in this dream the school was located underneath my bed so I could still perhaps make it back without a detention (I still thought this was real so I didn't want to get into trouble). I run downstairs to the classroom and when I get in the teacher starts to shout at me very aggressively so I shout back and then raise my hand. 'Ping' back in my bed again, I have discovered I can teleport. I remember thinking to myself 'About time I got a superpower I should have had one weeks ago' and then I begin to have some fun with it, e.g picking fights with some people then as they go to hit me 'Ping' I respawn back in my bed. This was great fun but all good things must come to an end and I woke up.

    Since then I have attempted to attain this lucidity again () but cannot seem to master it yet. I will keep trying though; this was an experience I would love to have again.