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    by Robogoat on 05-27-2013 at 12:04 PM
    I set my alarm to go off 5 hours after I went to bed to WBTB. I got up for 15 minutes, went to the bathroom and got a snack too before brushing my teeth and writing down my intentions to WILD with the mantra I planned on using. I planned to lie on my back but my bed was too cold so I snuggled up in the fetal position and tried to stay focused through the (now familiar) process of my mind turning off for sleep. I got to the stage of very mild vibrations, strobing HI and voices as if I was in a crowded room. I could hear many individual voices but it was impossible to tell what they were saying. My heart started hammering against my chest again so I decided to "let go" and sink into unconsciousness in an attempt to avoid the excitement/anxiety I seem to get through the later stages of WILD.

    Next thing I remember I'm at my workplace with people from highschool and primary school I haven't seen for years, we're sitting on the floor and I'm complaining about having to do grades 1-12 again as a refresher. We'd been there about 30 minutes and already graduated to grade 4 so I don't think it would end up taking more than a day or two at this rate. All my classmates and I were actually acting like we were in grade 4 but still look exactly how I remember them in grade 12. I needed to go to the bathroom so I made my way out of work and through what looked like a big industrial workshop and towards the bathroom. Once I walked into the bathroom I was suddenly confronted with the fact this was obviously a dream. I rubbed my hands and span around to try and stabilize the dream, which worked pretty well, then ran over to the mirror by the basins to check out my reflection. I was pretty annoyed to find the mirror was stuck to the wall about a foot above my head so I wasn't able to see my face. I stuck my hands into the air to see to see their reflection. It looked like there was someone the other side of the mirror who stuck up a pair of arms from a mannequin. They looked really fake and plastic, but none the less they still moved from side to side with my real arms. I tried clenching my hands into fists but the reflection refused to comply, the hands in the mirror stayed open.

    I decided to trek my way back to work to talk to my classmates in grade 4, I looked at the door that led out of the bathroom and noticed the wall stopped about a meter from the roof leaving a big gap I could jump over. I did a low gravity jump that launched me over the wall but once I made it to the other side I was plunged into blackness. All I could see was an error message that was difficult to read in the darkness, but a robotic female voice read it out for me and said a critical error had occurred. I shouted commands to take me somewhere else but that didn't work. After about 30 seconds a huge game intro screen appeared in front of me, it was made of a number of 2 dimensional neon squares all hovering in front of me. My body was still floating in the darkness. I used my body in a similar fashion to the hand of a wiimote and launched myself through the screen at the appropriate option. I chose "Play!" by crashing through the coloured squares and watched them reassemble in a huge probability tree diagram. I was hovering around the top and looking down at all the different options but I didn't have time to check them out before the robotic lady's voice chose for me.

    It was about this point I'd lost lucidity. I was whooshed upwards and suddenly I was watching a (poor) stop motion film about a model train set that chugged its way around the model countryside, ploughing its way through various figurines standing on the tracks. After knocking over about three people the train came up to a part small section track was missing and replaced with pieces of a rubber band. The train toppled over and my vision zoomed in on it for a couple of seconds. After this I woke up.

    Stuart's Dream Journal

    by Robogoat on 05-22-2013 at 07:04 AM
    The first thing I can remember is being in my old house visiting Mum and Dad and the rest of my family. I had two extra brothers in this dream (who don't actually exist), and my real brother was nowhere to be seen. In the dream it was the first time meeting my new siblings despite the fact they were about 15 and 12, and we got along pretty well. I couldn't help but act like a typical brother to try and impress them. My Mum kept talking about them and hugging them as if she has know them for as short a time as I have. It was a pretty happy family feeling the whole time.

    Next thing I remember I'm going to university with my Mum, it's really dark outside and the sky looks incredibly clear. It's all very sterile looking, the buildings are all monochrome with patches of stainless steel, we were walking towards her classroom on a little steel bridge suspended about 2 floors off the ground in between two huge buildings. We eventually reached the door to her room and it was a a massive tinted glass panel about 3x1m with no handles but it opened like a normal door. I see this kind of architecture a lot in my dreams.

    Next I was back in my old backyard, it looks pretty similar except now there's hundreds of cacti everywhere. A few are big but most were still pretty small and in their own little pot. There was literally thousands of cacti in my backyard, the outdoor table and chairs all had a cactus pots piled up around them. Most of the floor was taken up by cacti except for a walkway to get from the door to the clothesline. I was playing with one and accidentally pricked my finger in a spine and looked at my finger, instead of finding a spine lodged in there I saw a sizable chunk of my hand was missing. I got the feeling something wasn't right because the hole was about 1cm wide and went into my hand about 5cm and I couldn't see any bone. I asked Dad if this was cause for alarm and he said it was probably just some bacteria on the cactus that ate the tissue.

    Next I'm lying in my bed nursing my hand which is still sore. I looked inside the hole and saw it's about doubled in size and now filled with water, I accidentally tilted my hand it the water poured out all over my bed. I got up to get a drink of water from the bathroom because I'm pretty freaked out at this point. As soon as I look into the bathroom I saw my reflection in the mirror, it looked like I'd put on 20-30kg and my face was bright red with rosacea. I looked closer and saw my hair thinning really badly in parts and my bright red scalp was visible in some places. I looked at myself in confusion and horror, when I looked closer the bald patches on my head were slowly moving around my scalp, sometimes joining into one big patch while others split into two smaller blobs in a similar fashion to a lava lamp. I decided if I lost the weight I mysteriously gained and got my hair cut short it would look pretty cool. I woke up after this very relieved