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    1. Thanks! i hope I doooooo! ^_^ Bless you!
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      Hi, welcome Rubies! I bet you're gonna have a great time here, and I'm sure you'll make bunches of friends!
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    About rubies3
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    Hey, I'm new here at the lucid dreaming network, so bear with me! My name is Anna, you can call me Mary, Anna, or Rubies. I'll answer to any of those. I'm a very emotional person, I get depressed easily and often, but I don't consider myself emo, because even though i get depressed I still enjoy life all the time. I love making friends, i like to talk, i'm open to suggestions and new ideas all the time. I'm reasonable and kind and smart but also really blonde!!! ...I'm young too, I'm a young teenager. but don't discriminate! Im intelligent. By the way, Pisces and proud!
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    Dreams say what they mean, but they don't say it in daytime language. ~Gail Godwin

    Current Goals: [X] become lucid [ ] have a full lucid dream [ ] stabilize control [ ] ride a dragon [ ] figure out my dream guide
    ~~~Live love laugh~~~


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    by rubies3 on 11-02-2011 at 03:54 AM
    I haven't been recording my dreams for a long time, so this one is old and not so vivid.

    I was at my grandmother's house and it was night, we were riding on a John Deer Gator around. I'm not sure who we is, I think a female that I was related to. We pulled up to the front gates and got out. My grandpa was coming out to unhook the gate for us. All of a sudden, right in front of us I saw something. I did a double take. A small girl was standing by the fencepost, her pale face was in stark contrast with the night around her. There were dark circles around her eyes that looked as if they were put there deliberately. Her mouth was a straight line with two sharp fangs sticking out. Her hair was black and neat and she had on a gothic dress. A green glow floated in her wake.

    Pure terror rent through me. I hurried my grandpa to come. He didn't seem bothered, or maybe he just didn't see it. One of those dream things, you know, when the DCs don't react to anything. I frantically ran to him. Then my family came out of the house, climbing unhurriedly into the car. I jumped in the car, telling them to step on it. I tried to close my door, but a green cloud shrouded my hand and the girl ran alongside the car, holding my door open. I finally forced the door shut, but still, the girl floated by the window until we got onto the highway.

    Apparently we were leaving to stay in a hotel. We got in and got a room. Everybody got settled in, but the green glow appeared at the window, then as I watched, the ghostly girl suddenly appeared with her face pressed against the window. I screamed. And woke up.

    Oh god, one of those big fears for me is that there will be a ghost in my house and nobody else will see it or believe me. Maybe this is why this was such a memorable dream for me.
    nightmare , memorable , non-lucid

    Birthday Stunts and Indian Artifacts

    by rubies3 on 01-17-2011 at 03:00 AM

    I tromped on a small dirt path towards a small raised crest. My grandfather led the way and all around me were my sister and two cousins, Emma and Luke. We got to the small crest and looked down. Below us was a steep slope and then a beach of rocks. There was a bayou, or maybe it was a stream, running by it. This was the only accesible part of the beach, there were trees on the other parts.
    Grandpa told us that Mayan indians used to live here, and that we could find many great artifacts here.
    We have a place near his farm where we can pick up old Civil War and Indian objects from the ground.

    We began to look all over the ground. I tried to pick out unusual things from the smooth stones and soon found an odd oval shaped, beige stone. it was about the size of my palm and it had a carving on it that made it resemble a closed fist. One finger pointed forward. I excitedly showed my Grandpa my find and he praised me for my good work. not too long later, Luke picked up an identical rock, but it seemed to be the other hand. That is, he found the left one and I found the right one. My grandpa excitedly picked up a spherical, cream colored stone. There were indentions for the eyes and mouth and a protrusion for the nose that made it resemble a human head. There was a headband on it and some sort of headdress carved in. He showed it to us all.

    We began to search again, but then my grandpa shouted excitedly. We ran over to him. He was standing by a tree. on the tree, hanging, was a clay plate held up by a strip of leather. On it was a large indention, and around that were intricate designs. My grandpa carefully placed the head inside the indention. He decided to leave it there. i thought this was a good idea, as it seemed like it held some special purpose there.
    Grandpa mentioned something about Grandma having dinner waiting, and we returned to her house.
    My dream skipped forward. Somehow I knew i was at my grandmothers house, even though it wasn't.

    I was in a huge arena, with green below and stands all around. The stands were a third of the way filled with my family. i was on a raised platform, high, high in the air. Directly below me were a bunch of red balls. It was my birthday. I was supposed to jump into the balls. They might have been bouncy balls, a puffy trampoline, balloons, or pillows. I was unable to tell from the distance I was at.
    Somebody from my family climbed up to tell me something urgent. Emma was dangerously ill and she wanted to see me. i rushed down.
    Skipped ahead

    I was in a tiny room, about 12 feet by 6 feet. There was no such room in real life. There was a narrow bed and a large window. The bed seemed to double as a sitting swing. I stood by the bed and Emma lay there, talking to me. I laughed with her. She seemed fine, and it was time to go back home, anyway.
    Skip to my lou, my dreamling.
    We were in front of my grandmothers house, getting into our cars by the front gate. I was in third person view watching this, I seemed to be about 40 feet in the air, watching everything. We said our goodbyes.

    played MarioKart and fed my fish poop

    by rubies3 on 01-15-2011 at 07:39 PM
    I was with my cousin, Abbey, in her car. We were driving on this wacky road that reminded me of MarioKart. We got to this pet store/vet's office and I put a small fish bowl I was holding up on the counter. I got this implanted memory of me feeding my fish its own poop because I thought it might be nutritious. I realized that this was a stupid idea and was ashamed as I put the bowl up on the counter. I asked the lady if my fish were going to die. There were a few brightly coloured pink and green goldfish in my bowl, and a layer of poop was on top. Another implanted memory: they didn't eat it so I put more in their to try and get them to eat it. The vet looked at me dissapointedly and my face burned. i felt like I was younger than i really was. She said that i could just leave my fishes here for the week and she would take care of them and nurse them back to health. I brightened up and thanked her, then asked where a bathroom was. I wanted to wash my hands because I had been touching the tiny poo. She pointed to a place in the hall.

    I knocked on the door and it was occupied, so started to wait, but then I turned and saw that the back half of the office was a house. There was a bedroom and an enourmous, beautiful bathroom. I peeked into the bedroom and saw a man who I assumed to be the lady's husband straightening his tie. I thought that he wouldnt mind and dashed into the bathroom. I remember this the most vividly for some reason. The whole bathroom was a color scheme of cream, beige, and light brown. It was tile floors and tile walls, and a small tile shower with a nice green curtain. There was a huge window and I looked out and it was so dark I couldnt see a thing. This made me terrified and my heart raced. I tried not to look at the window, and ran up to the bathtub to wash because the sink was closer to the window. i heard the man leaving his room, so i ran out the room and out the door.

    I met up with Abbey and my crazy Aunt, who were at a clothing store. Abbey was walking out, trying on hats and scarves and boots and modeling for her mom. I wanted to try too, but apparently I was too little and nothing was in my size, and the big hats looked stupid on me, so I dissapointedly sat down to watch.

    After a while, Abbey and I got back into her car and drove to her house. This part was too fuzzy, so I'll skip it.

    We began to drive back to the pet store. I was, oddly, in a second car. This time I was sure we were playing MarioKart. I tried to follow Abbey but ended up missing a ramp, and a few powerups. There was a ramp, however, that you could take if you missed the first one. If you went really fast, it curved up and shot you backwards onto the other ramp. I went up it, but then I lost conrtol of the car, like something else was taking it over. It started riding the very edge of the ramp. Then I got back control but the car fell off into some grass. I wasn't very good at backing up, so I tried to turn around. There were some huge boulders, and then after that it dropped off into nothingness. There was suddenly a minimap, like in WoW, and I saw that the place beyond the boulders was off the map. I got very scared and quickly turned around, but by this time, I was hopelessly lost. After trying to find the pet store for a while longer, I woke up.

    Creepy firework man with bowling balls

    by rubies3 on 01-15-2011 at 06:42 AM
    I was at, once again, my old farm where I grew up called Talla Bena. The dream was very hazy, as I don't have very great dream recalling skills. Me and my grandma were inside and heard sirens, so we went out into the fornt yard to investigate. All i remembered from that part were some giant police cars roaming around the yard. Later, we went out the back door and saw more enourmous police cars. They had no driver, and one veered off to come over towards us. We asked the car what was going on, but it ignored us and turned away.

    The scene changed, I was in an area similar to the place where the National Quidditch tournaments are held in harry Potter. It was a slightly cleared area of woods, and there were some tents around us with people coming in and out, holding drinks. My big sister was with me, and so was my mom, although I didn't see either of them until later, I just knew they were there, maybe heard their voice. Somehow i know my sister is pregnant. (She already has a baby and is not currently pregnant again) A shifty looking man in his early 60s slithers over. he is thin and wiry and has lots of facial hair. He asks if we want to buy some fireworks. We decline and he moves on.

    The scene shifts to where I am walking through a similar place with just my sister. i feel very calm and warm because even though we used to despise each other, now we love each other loads. We are talking about something pleasant and then a red bowling ball with a trailing ribbon rolls out of the trail ahead. It stops, leaving a long strand of ribbon behind it. More roll out, crisscrossing all over the ground. The shady man comes out again and yanks on a ribbon, and the whole network erects itself into a canopy. All of a sudden there are pounds and pounds of fireworks inside of the open thing, laying all over the ground. I walk forward, stepping on them, to examine them. They are all different shapes and colors, a bronze fleur de lis sticks out in my head. The man gets all up in my grill and I decline again.

    I am now in the car again with my sister, riding shotgun, going over the Causeway bridge. Once again, I felt welcome and cozy with her. Then I have a sudden image of a silhouette of myself jumping in the air and clicking my heels in front of a window. The window doesnt have scenery outside, it has graduated red to blue, with white dots in between.

    Now I am in a huge commercial building with my father. There are about 438474099 escalators in every direction, and as many people. I suddenly

    am lucid. I don't feel the dream is too stable, though, so I make the best of my surroundings and start jumping off of the escalators and floating down. unfortunatly I feel myself waking up because my eyesight is suddenly blinded by light, I can see the dream fading. Then it quits, and with quickly fading lucidity, I realize I must get back to my dad. I look around and find him a few escalators away.

    There is a line of escalator people blocking my way, but kindly, this rather large young boy steps aside so I can jump down and see my dad.

    Then I am on my grandmas bed....Sketching pictures of my vagina. Not in a weird, sexual way, but it was actually because I had wanted to draw the human body more often earlier that day. (im not very good at drawing people) I guess that some how worked its way into my dreams. Surprisingly, the pictures were very good. O_O

    Then I was in class, and my science partner claimed she was pregnant.

    Went back in time... really nostalgic.

    by rubies3 on 01-09-2011 at 06:42 PM
    So, its very hard to remember what the dream started with, because it was in no logical order. I suppose it started here, however:
    I was in a very old, haunted house-looking mansion, and I had a feeling I was on some kind of tour. I was vaguely aware of people around me, and I had my brand new laptop clutched to my chest. i looked down at it and the login screen of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm was on there, waiting for me to put in my username and password. ( I had recently lost my authenticator for the game) I held it tighter , the screen pressed to my abdomen, and broke away form my group and walked through a different door. The scene changed.
    I was in my current school, walking on the breezeways with some friends. I didnt see their faces or know exactly who they were, but they were very old, old friends. I remember something about water, maybe we were throwing water balloons, idk. Then one of my current friends was there, acting stupid, so i decided to videotape her with my convienient camcorder that I suddenly was holding. Then I ended up watching past tapes of her that were already there, and she was playing with my old friends from a different school. This concerned me because they were never my friends at the same time, and lived far away from each other. They were playiong a weird hide-and-seek type game, and there were plastic, floor length flaps hanging from the cieling. gthey were black and opaque. I went along, videotaping the flaps and every once in a while one person would pop out and giggle and I would continue recording it. Suddenly, i was in the scene. I joined their game too, and I looked at my surroundings. I was on a balcony, in a very large room. The size of a football field and at least 30 yards high. The floor was lava, but somehow I knew it just looked like lava and it was really a floor. It reminded me of Lazer Tag, and the World of Warcraft logo was embossed on the wall. My mom and some other adults were sitting in wooden chairs, talking. they told me to go play. i felt like I was very young. I looked down and realized the laptop was still there. I walked slowly along with my friends, lagging behind because of my confusion. I realized I was back in time, but I was still confused as to where I was and why these people all seemed to know each other. Then i stopped being confused and decided to enjoy it, and I went to play their little games. Then I looked down at the laptop again, and my entire field of vision was obscured by it. I was checking my email, but my world was two dimesions, it was a screen. I looked through my 3483483289473 new emails and saw they were from old friends, again. I didnt really recognize the names, but inexplicably, I knew that in my dream, i knew them.

    I read through the emails and they werent just emails, it was a log of my thoughts and conversations. All of my computer typings were there, too. instant messages, the whole deal. I clicked on some and read about me and my old friend talking about playing a game, and upon clicking a new one, it was a conversation with a different person. I began to feel an aching pain for my old life, my innocent life.
    Suddenly my world was normal again, at least, it was 3D. I was in some fields. I seemed to be driving a tractor. The field I was on the edge of was plowed, but it was just dirt inside of it. I drove through a clearing in the trees to see a house, but I was aware that the ground behind me was bursting into flames! i had an instinct, or maybe it was a whim, but I backed over it and it was extinguished. i was now terrified of the machine and got out of it and walked towards the empty field.

    Then I bent down to scrutinize the rows. my laptop was gone. Spontaneously some rows would catch on fire, and i would concentrate and they would be extinguished. Then I realized that every row was exactly the same as the emails, except this time it was just instant messages with one specific person. (This guy used to be my best ever friend, I had crushes on him, but he didnt like me back so then i decided to just continue being best friends. i had at one point become really dependent on him, but then he changed, went through puberty or something like that. he was serious and lame and cruel, and it gradually got worse. now I often wish I had the old him back) I was wide eyed, and I saw that this was a complete archive of all of the conversations between us. I came to a section that was part of the "good times". It was 1AM- summat and we were playing Warcraft together. ( we had done this often) The message i was reading was from him. He was saying all this nerdy info about how to do a dungeon to me, but then he said "you know, lets not fill up our time with this junk. lets just talk =)" I started to feel very nostalgic. Then the rows nearest me burst into flames again! I tried to extinguish them but I couldnt, and I felt myself returning to conciousness.

    I woke up feeling extremely sad, and filled with wonder that those things were actually real, that those conversations really happened, and that my mind stored them. That i could actually go back in time in my dreams. Weird.