• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between saltyseedog and OpheliaBlue

    20 Visitor Messages

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    1. We're merrily merrily merrily merrily merrily on our way, though the roads are, perpendicular.
    2. I like your signature thing
    3. meh
    4. Damn I hate sad dreams like that. For me, the emotional hangover after a dream like that lasts all day. Hope you are ok man
    5. I had this dream that I was at school and my teacher told me that this girl had died. And this girl I had sort of been close with for about two weeks and then she started ignoring me and acting mean and weird so I stopped talking to her. And anyways, I thought she had killed herself. And I was crying and I kept trying to ask how she died and I couldn't get a clear answer. She said something weird like some guy had got her pregnant and didn't want the baby and killed her somehow.
    6. I just went running a bit ago. I feel sort of worn out from everything in my life I kind of wish it would all end and become easier, How are you?
    7. Well how are you doing, little snicklebritches?
    8. hello jello
    9. maybe
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
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