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    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by samson2908 on 08-08-2010 at 08:08 PM
    Time lapses going to a concert 2 (Non-lucid)


    im at J's old house with my brother and sister. S is getting a new roomate so D and i are helping her clean up her room. at some point im getting ready to put some of her clothes in a closet i pat D on the back and tell him its nice to have the three of us together. i start to choke up when i say that i really didnt think it would be but its nice.


    i wake up on a couch having a dream about having sex. i walk into the dining room and Mike Tyson is there getting a blowjob in front of everybody. i go disembodied and im watching it go down. i meld into Tyson and now im the one getting the blowjob. im getting ready to cum and the girl stops. S.L. looks at me perplexed and says "youre not going to finish??" im embarrassed to because now its totally me, there isnt anymore trace of Tyson in me. so i finish on the floor. instead of an all out toe snapping orgasm, i just let myself release the back up. i grab some paper towels from the kitchen and clean up my mess.


    its daytime and im inside of a different house watching a football game with my family. Aunt K is in the kitchen with her daughters and kids and theyre all cooking some food. (this is now really blurry, lots of stuff happened in the house)...

    ....i walk by the couch and Uncle D is there and he starts telling me about how he cant eat certain foods. he says he recently went to the doctors and his cholesterol is through the roof and he could keel over at any time.


    its daytime and im in the back yard with a bunch friends and were having a party. theres a fire pit, lots of beer and food, a swimming pool, music, and a swing set.


    were all sitting around the fire laughing and having a good time. im telling some really terrible jokes and joking about how im bringing the 4th grade back.(terrible stuff like saying female dog instead of bitch was extremely funny in the dream) were all laughing really hard and being loud, the mood and energy around the camp fire is great. then i ask if were being too loud for the neighbors and somebody says yes.

    the energy bubble collapses instantly, its now dark outside and everyone is just sitting there around the fire pit like a bunch of zombies. it feels like we all went from zero to stoned out of our minds in an instant. very heavy vibrations coursing through me.

    i get a vague memory of smoking with the 2 people on my left earlier in the night by the swing set.


    im still in the bark yard at night and were all drinking beer and getting ready to eat. there are people in the pool now. my friend S.H. is getting chased around the party by a tall brunette. shes not his girlfriend so he doesnt want anything to do with her. hes acting very shy like a grade school boy and shes being persistent. at one point S.H. walks by the pool and somebody in there drags him in. i turn around to laugh with somebody and when i turn around S.H. is getting tossed out of the pool. he lands pretty hard and i wince. he lays there for a few seconds and then gets back up slowly. he had all of his clothes on and hes soaked.


    were out front and its night time. we see a car whose body is a ping pong table driving down the street erratically, swerving this way and that. it stops somewhere at one point and my friend S.S. sets a couple of tennis rackets on top of it. we go and do something(have the party in the back yard???)


    were out front and the ping pong table car is driving away with our tennis rackets, 2 old ladies inside. were all laughing and thinking its funny until it rounds a corner and we realize its not coming back.

    we hop on a many person bike to chase after it. im sitting on the back pedaling but facing backwards. im pedaling as fast as i can trying to catch the car. my face is going through all these different contortions as im pedaling because of how much im straining. i entertain the though of quiting because i must look like an idiot to the people on the other many person bike thats off to my right and alittle behind.

    i have a birds eye view and i see a downhill slope coming up. i tell the person in the front to put the bike in 6th gear so we can make up as much ground as possible on the way down the hill. she does and were flying down the hill, everyone is pedaling even harder now. my vision is now back in my body and i tell the person in front to keep it steady because i cant see where im going.

    thoughts of the bike crashing and me getting seriously injured are running through my head and im feeling the different injuries i see myself getting but i push on, let go, and trust the person driving.

    now were going up the other side and the pedaling gets tougher. we have to drop down to 4th gear but we keep going. weve almost caught up to the car, were a few feet away but cant seem to close the distance.

    a disembodied voice says something to the effect of:

    "if youre as close as the diameter of a nickle....

    ...thats sometimes good enough?"
    ...you give up?"
    ...you push on?" (i cant remember what the voice said.)

    i dig down deep and pedal even faster and we catch the ping pong table car.

    right off the bat the lady driving the car is a huge bitch. the car is just a ping pong table now, and its inside of a basement with all of us. instead of just 2 tennis rackets on the table, there is a ton of our stuff. S.S. and the driver start talking and getting buddy buddy. the situation has turned into kind of a gift exchange where everyone is trading different things. at one point a little girl is getting alot of the things so i start giving some things(a pack of oreos is one i remember) to a chubby little boy to help even it out and make him not feel so sad.


    (this is going to be hard to explain: im at a place that is different places depending on where my attention is. its my friends moms place, the backyard of the house with the fire pit, outside courtyard on a college campus, none of those, or all of those combined visually(if not visually, then energetically))

    *just now as im writing this out, seems like i was always in the backyard with the firepit, the other parts would meld themselves into that dreamscape. the amount of crossover was directly proportional to how much attention i was directing at a person. the more attention i put on someone or what they were saying, the more my fire pit dreamscape would resemble the place where that person was.*

    im sitting around in a circle in fold out picnic chairs with some people. the circle from my perspective is:

    on my left is M's mom, after that M, then a black college friend of hers, a white guy friend from college, and immediatly to my right is a blonde haired girl from her college.

    M is talking with her mom about her college classes and how thats going. im focusing on M and her black guy friend mostly and her mom just a little bit. *so i can see the college dreamscape behind M and her friend, and i can see M's mom's back yard barely off to my left behind her. *

    M's mom is talking to M about that and other things in her life and asking some questions. *im focused mostly on mom so my view is moms backyard mostly and a little smidge of the college campus in front of me*

    M answers and the view shifts

    M's mom realizes that when M goes to college that shes only a few miles away. she starts to get pissed that her daughter doesnt come and see her more often. *while this is going on, i see a 3d map that overlays what i was seeing and shows me where moms house is in relation to the campus*

    i zoom in on the campus


    im sitting in a circle on the college campus with everyone. M's mom asks everyone what kind of computer programming experience everyone has. M says C+, black friend says C++, white guy says C+++, blonde girl says C+. the blonde girl is looking at me and im thinking that it would be great to impress her because i really like her. instead i say i have absolutely no experience programing at all, and in fact i just downloaded visual basic 2008 to teach myself and try and write a dream journal/mapping program.


    its daytime and im outside of the firepit house on the street with my friend L and a few other people. were waiting to go to a concert. L's friends and a bunch of other people are supposed to meet up with us so we can all go. a bus pulls up and her friend start getting off of it. theyre all christians. all of the women have on a ton of jewelry. im thinking how sickening it is that theyre so materialistic and im wondering what L sees being friends with these people.

    i see my friend R.R. walk by and i wave. we talk about C.M. dying last week(really fuzzy). everyone starts to load up into robs truck(there are hundreds of people getting ready to squeeze into the backseat of a Ford F-150. i think it sucks that i wont be able to fit. the blonde college student and i look at the bed of the truck and get in.


    weird 2 dimensional post cards are swimming across my vision. they show me and the blonde getting into a shopping cart to go to the concert and were goofy looking cartoon drawings. the cards show us as we ride down the road and hit a bump and get tossed around inside of the cart. then each card thats goes by me has us in different states of undress. eventually i see us end up having sex on the cards.(i could feel whatever was going on in the cards even though i wasnt doing it, just watching it happen.


    its after the concert and im back in the fire pit house. were all talking about how great of a show it was, comparing experiences. a guy walks up and introduces himself as Stevie Ray Vaughn(he looks like my friend G). (im thinking NO WAY!! youre dead. and i still didnt get lucid) he says how it was awesome watching the show because he had bought all of the tickets in one section so he wouldnt be bothered by people.

    i think thats a dick thing to do so i tell him(impersonating my buddy M.M.'s voice) i cant wait to go on tv next week and tell everyone what a big dope he is for doing that. he morphs into M.M. and is asking me about my job interviews that i had last week. he has the days i went wrong and when i correct him he has a surprised look on his face. he tells me he sent some food to my boss from me and it might have been spoiled. im thinking how messed up that is when i wake up



    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by samson2908 on 08-08-2010 at 08:08 PM
    Time lapses going to a concert (Non-lucid)


    im at my old house with my brother and sister. D is searching through the house for something. they were both out getting drunk and stoned and was late picking his son F up. he gets in trouble with F's mom and cant see him.


    im at a bar after after seeing a concert drinking a beer and wanting a cigarette. D is there hanging out with a group of his friends. he gives me a smoke and i say thank you. i walk out of the bar and it exits to the 13th street side of my high school. i walk north along the side of the build towards the parking lot so i can wrap around and go into the school from the entrence by the cafeteria.

    i try going up the wrong side of the stairs and a group of young kids is coming down so i stop. F chastizes me for trying to go up the wrong side of the stairs. i lie to him and tell him i was just waiting for him. we both walk down and the stairs have turned into the black rock retaining wall that was in front of my grade school. we get to the bottom and he gives me a short hug. i ask for another one for my brother since he wont be seeing F. as i pull him back and get a bigger hug, F says "i love you brother."


    D is looking around the house for something. my sister comes back in the house and ?the kids? are all gone. Aunt C walks in to check on us and see how were doing being alone. one of us asks where mom is and Aunt C tells us that mom isnt here because shes going out to have a three way with some people. then she says something like "girls night out ya know".


    mom is in the kitchen heating up some of the leftovers we made earlier.


    J is driving me around in his truck, were going to get concert tickets. i start thinking that i left my wallet in my bdu coat back at the school/bar so i ask J if he can float me. next thing i know im pulling my wallet out of the cargo pocket of my tan pants. we start talking about Victor Wooten and how awesome it is that were going to get to see him again. we talk about how amazing he is to see live, how many times weve seen him, where weve seen him at... i tell him about the time i saw Victor open up for DMB in 2007.

    im wanting a smoke so i ask J to stop by a gas station for me. hes driving his big truck and we pass by a gas station, instead he pulls in front of the doors of a building.

    i walk in and its a small convenience store. there is a russian looking guy behind the counter. i ask him if he has any pall malls. he says no. i ask about marlboros. he says no, we only have one brand. he goes into the back to get them and i start walking around the bar
    (the inside of the building is now huge, instead of a little counter, there is a huge wrap around bar that he works at).

    he comes back and has a box half full of half full cigarette packs that are opened. he tells me theyre $2 a pack since youre only getting half a pack. and id have to get ticket vouchers to buy the smokes. i ask him why he sells them like that and he tells me that customs looks through all of their stuff to make sure that they arent smuggling anything into the country and its easier this way, less hassle.

    as hes telling me this im looking at a tv that has a news program on it.


    im disembodied watching the news like in an IMAX theatre. im shown footage of russians killing russians. i see tanks, fires, people with bazookas in the back of flatbed trucks, people with machine guns mowing people down. over the footage a voice is saying that theyre killing all of these people to help clean up their country.

    theres been some sort of huge global event.(
    i have a small echo of a deja vu like feeling as im watching the news that its about aliens showing themselves to us and thats why these people are reacting the way they are) the news cuts around to different world leaders and generals praying to their gods after such an amazing experience. theyre all talking about how there way is the right and only way, there god is the only god, and theyre explaining theyre working through god(implying theyre the only one) and thats why theyve reacted the way they have.

    the voice thats narrating is a lawyer and i think its kind of ironic thats hes telling the truth. the lawyer/narrator is saying how its funny how full of themselves the leaders and generals are, and isnt it weird how with what has happened that youd think they would know better than to react the way they are. theyre out of touch?

    as im shown all of these different people quickly, i make out that all of them are famous actors, and that they all have beards when normally they dont.


    i turn around from the tv back towards the bar. the russian clerks 2 daughters are behind the counter now as well. the russian clerk
    (whos changed appearence now) hands me my 2 ticket vouchers for the smokes so i can hand them over to his daughters, he also hands me a beer. im drinking it and look over at J. his beer is finished and i get the feeling he is annoyed with me because hes been waiting so long. i hurry up and down the beer, leaving an inch or 2 of it left in the bottom of the bottle. i walk out with J without getting my smokes....



    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by samson2908 on 08-08-2010 at 08:06 PM
    Surveying the Land (Non-lucid)


    im back at the field i was at a few nights ago. i walk up to the barn and see some horses. i pet one and hop in the saddle on his back. im riding him around the yard waiting for somebody. the other persons horse tries to run away so i stretch my hand out and send the horse some calming thoughts. the horse stops. i probe the reins, find the right frequency, and pull the his reins to my hands. im sitting there waiting......


    im riding my horse down a street ive been on before thinking how funny it is that im doing that......


    im going down a trail on the horse with somebody. we come to a stop on a little rise where i can see really far into the distance. the vista in front of us is a 3D representation of part of my map. i start explaining to the other person about the dreamscape mapping that ive been doing and how its progressing. off to the left i can see some mountains that ive been to quite a few times before and im explaining some of the different dreams ive had there to the other person. at one point im tell them about one spot at the top where i love to just sit still and take in the view.


    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by samson2908 on 08-08-2010 at 08:04 PM
    Journey to the Underworld (DILD)


    im in a field where theres a battle going on between a group of people im with and some monsters. i dont know what the fighting is about i just know that i need to help my friends. i glance up at a tree and there is a falcon looking down at me. i intuitively know hes there looking out for me. i raise my left arm and he flies down and lands on it. i think im happy hes talons didnt dig in too deep because im not wearing a gauntlet.

    my little group is retreating and we get ambushed. my falcon glides towards one of the orcish looking monsters and tries to attack its face. the falcon gets clubbed down to the ground and i run over to rescue it. the monster is standing over the falcon and i "force hold" it in place why i levitate the falcon into my arms. we make our escape.


    with the falcon on my arm, im alone and walking through the woods again. a dog(forgot the breed) comes up to me and i feel he wants to guide me somewhere. the falcon flies off and i start following the dog through a maze of trees and brambles. after a short while i see a hyena sitting on the edge of the path and my first dog melts back into the woods. as i start following the hyena towards my destination, i see the falcon fly overhead in the direction were heading so i take that as a good sign.

    at some point the hyena lays down on the path again and i lasso him trying to get him to come along but he wont budge. out of the body of the hyena, i pull a german shepherd puppy thats attached to the lasso that was around the hyena. i walk over and pick the puppy up and start walking down the path. the pup starts squirming in my arms so i put him down on the ground. by the time i do hes a full sized adult. as soon as that happens my falcon returns to me. i raise my right arm but he wont land on it and i feel a rebuke coming from him. i raise my left arm and he lands a little more forcefully than he did the first time he perched on my arm. abashed, i pet his head and back telling him im sorry. the shepherd leads us along the last bit of the trail in the woods.

    we get to the edge of them and the sky is a blackish indigo on the horizon. it looks like an inky fog covering the sky, i perceive it to be some sort of veil. as i stare at the veil, a rocky jagged, shark toothed shaped, spire is growing from the ground. as that one is nearly full height, two more on either side of it are growing as well. my group of friends has returned to me now and we start walking towards this fenced in enclosure. its another maze and the german shepherd guides us through it unerringly.

    were out of the maze and looking at a cave entrance. the group starts in and the ceiling is so low that we have to walk hunch backed. it gently slopes downward at first and then turns quite steep, but always heading straight down. theres a light at the end of the tunnel and we step out onto a ledge looking down into a seemingly bottomless pit. were in a circular, water well, type room. there are steps leading down off the right of the platform the descend into the darkness counterclockwise. we travel down the steps into the ever darkening gloom.

    after what seems like hours, or maybe only seconds, we emerge into a well lit and empty hallway. there are lights on the walls as well as paintings, all wood floors, and 2 sets of oaken double doors on either side of the hallway. both are closed. at the end of the hallway is another stairwell leading down counterclockwise again. i stare around in wonder and then feel some presence.

    something in me clicks and i can see many creatures filtering about. the double doors on the left are now open and i can see all kinds of elves, dwarves, fairies, pixies, and the like having some kind of party. as im looking through the doorway i hear an exasperated female voice behind me say "How can they see us!?". i turn around and see a male and female dwarf sitting at a table in front of the double doors on the right. the male is on the right and the female is on the left.

    its hard for me to talk, i have a real bad stutter and it seems like my jaws just dont want to open. haltingly, i tell her i dont know, and explain to her that something just clicked and there everyone was. i end up having to explain it a couple times because of my stutter but she seems calmed by that and just kinda stares at me with mirth in her eyes. she opens the doors shes in front of and i see a bunch of people in an opium den like setting sitting around tables and talking. she explains to me that these are the people that have cheated?(something to that affect) because they took drugs to get here and theyre not allowed any farther.

    she closes the door and i turn around to see a huge guy with white hair and a white beard looking at me. he radiates power. as soon as i see him, i lose the dream....

    im in that space in between dreams upset that i couldnt hold my focus enough to keep the dream. i calm down and start imagining the woods again and slowly but surely i meld back into the dream.

    ....im back in the woods at the point where the german shepherd started guiding me. hes there but the falcon and hyena are nowhere to be seen. i follow the shepherd back through the woods and to the maze of chain link fence. i get through that again and start into the mouth of the cave. this time the descent doesnt take long at all and im back in the well like chamber spiraling down the steps.

    i get back into the hallway and the female dwarf is sitting there and i go up to her and apologize stutteringly, telling her i lost the dream. she tells me its alright and that shes glad to see that i made it back. i pat her on the leg and we share a smile. out of the corner of my eye i see the white haired man again and i go up and shake his hand and apologize to him as well. he laughs it away and returns my handshake with a firm grip.

    just then a group of people and fey people walk out of the double doors on the left. one walks up to the white haired guy and starts to greet him with his name. the white haired man cuts him off politely, saying that im not yet allowed to know his name. the other man nods his head knowingly and we all start walking down the hallway towards the steps. in my thick tongued stutter, i ask the white haired man if im allowed to call on him if i need to. he just gives me a little smile that i took as "what do you think?". the dream is starting to waver again so i start rubbing my hands together to help me to keep focus. it works, but as soon as i start walking down the steps at the end of the hallway i lose the dream again....

    im back in the void. this time i picture the hallway with the double doors instead of the woods.

    ....im back in the hallway looking at the female dwarf again. i apologize again and tell her that i cant stick around because i dont know how long ill be there this time. she nods and i head to the stairs at the end of the hall. i make it down them, all the while rubbing my hands together slowly for focus. at the bottom of the stairs i emerge into a room. there are benches off to the right, desks with people working at them to the left, and a tall wooden bar(like where a judge would sit behind) in front of me.

    theres a line of people standing 2 by 2, some i recognize, going into a door at the back right of the room. i see my friend "B" and i go up to and give her a hug. shes standing next to someone already and the other girl just smiles at me and allows me to take her place. were holding hands while waiting in line and talking about my work situation. she tells me that if i havent gotten a call from my union by friday, i should just suck it up and get an $8 an hour job. im a bit offended because that would be an $11 an hour pay cut. she tells me, rightfully, that its better than not working at all. i nod my head and agree with her. still holding hands and about 5 or 6 rows back from the door, the dream slowly fades away...



    sam's Dreaming Tree

    by samson2908 on 08-08-2010 at 08:03 PM
    Meeting a stranger (Non-lucid)


    my dream took place in a dreamscape ive been in a few times in the past. its kind of like a military building but most of the people there arent in the military. kinda hard to explain but since the last time i was there a few new things, like a little cafeteria/bar, have been added. i woke up a few times last night but each time i fell back asleep id go back to the same place. the last time went back in it was towards the end of the work? day there.

    meeting a stranger

    i walk through the lobby as a beautiful blonde woman and an older woman
    (she felt like a mentor/motherly figure to the blonde) with shoulder length dark and curly hair are walking in. as i pass them the blonde and i smile at each other and the other lady handed me a flier that talked about an upcoming conference of the Red Bear Clan. the chief was supposed to talk about how his people could move forward in and better their lives.

    i walk outside and go sit on a tailgate of a red? truck and read the flier over. i see the blonde outside and i see her walk up to the other lady and say something. she walks over and sits on the tailgate next to me. we start talking and she tells me about either growing up in portland and living in san diego or vice versa. i say "san diego? are you in the navy then?" she tells me no and asks me why id ask something like that. we both answer together with something like "it would explain why you cuss like a sailor."

    we laugh and then i tell her about how i used to be in the air force and that i moved to portland after i did my four years. she has me write down something in pencil.
    (a phone number maybe?) i write seven numbers. the top 3 were 602. below that i wrote the last 4 but the first 3 of those 4 were too light to read. the last number was either a 1 or a 7.

    i woke up with the feeling that i could find her on myspace so when i got a moment, i searched her out. i typed out san diego/portland in the search and there she was. i sent her an email telling her about the dream to see if she remembers anything close to it. i dont know if shes into dreams or not so i figure a random message on myspace from a stranger talking about sharing a dream with her will freak her out. ah well, i had to ask.
