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    4 Visitor Messages

    1. View Conversation
      Do you think that u remember REM dreams, or more mundane N-REM dreams. I thought in the beginning that most are REM but now i feel otherwise.
      What do u think,
      What do u what to gain from Lucid dreaming?
    2. View Conversation
      i really want to try that juice stuff since i ahve on the reg about 3 dreams a night,i would like to boost that and since i just entered my second mouth of recording id really like to experiment these weeks. i just bought some pomigranate so i will eat those before bed. that kinda neat if you could send some reaserch to back that it would be cool. hmmme dream plots let me think?
      often i find someone is trying to show me somthing, or im with a group of people and somthing happens and we all ahe to disperse. it later leads to somthing intreesting, i dunno its hard to think o some times.

      yea i deff agree it does add to exsistance, non-dreamers really dont get it eh.
    3. View Conversation
      cool i was wondering how regularly u lived in this city.
      i though that it is very cool that you visit a regular city.
      Juice? you be on the roids hommie jokes.

      i usually have about 3 a night, but rarely remember the ones from the begining of the night, but last night i did. most my dreams are quite vivid. i would wonder how some "juice" would amp my dream recall and vividity. I would say that my dream abilities advanced, but ive been a dreamer for six years and a LDer for 3 years just about. so keep with it.

      Do you find that since you remember one that your brain feels less clutterd, or llike do you remember a solid plot?
    4. View Conversation
      Hello, im new to this place, and i was just reading you DJ for oct 28th ( i think) and i found it intresting that you said, this city in which i live. I wanted to ask a couple questions, please return them on my wall
      1. do the majority of your dreams reside in this city.
      2. how is ur dream recall? like how many a night, vivid or not so much.
      3. is ur dream scape mostly city or nature?

      enjoyed your Dj
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4
    About Sarge_Maximus2

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    About Sarge_Maximus2
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    somewhere here
    whatever interests me
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    divine intervention


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    12-07-2010 04:42 AM
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    1. Kilpikonna
      Kilpikonna liked post by Sarge_Maximus2 On thread : Awakening the Third Eye/ Third Eye Meditation.
      Ok so, I've been reading that free book called "Awakening the Third Eye" and am working on the third eye meditation. When I get to the space where you are supposed to spiral into the tunnel, I always...
      Liked On: 04-11-2011, 03:36 PM
    2. Ichorid
      Ichorid liked post by Sarge_Maximus2 On thread : Awakening the Third Eye/ Third Eye Meditation.
      Ok so, I've been reading that free book called "Awakening the Third Eye" and am working on the third eye meditation. When I get to the space where you are supposed to spiral into the tunnel, I always...
      Liked On: 04-04-2011, 09:33 AM
    3. mcwillis
      mcwillis liked post by Sarge_Maximus2 On thread : How to have an Instant WILD
      First of all let me thank you for opening a thread about this. After seeing your post in "CrazyInsane's WILD Tutorial" I immediately downloaded the guide and began reading. I've been practicing and...
      Liked On: 03-18-2011, 11:10 PM
    View Sarge_Maximus2's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Night Into March 19th, 2011

    by Sarge_Maximus2 on 03-19-2011 at 03:32 PM
    I was getting ready for work. I grabbed my tool belt and went over to my cousin's house to meet him and we walked to the train. He went to university so he needed to get into the city as well. We left from Chestermere, and entered the city via the train. Before we got to the train, however, I had dropped my belt because I did not feel like working since it was a cold winter day. But I did accompany my cousin and we chatted along the train.

    When we arrived we said goodbye and I went to work. When I got there, it was an elaborate building that we were apparently renovating, and adding a ton of stuff to. So I arrived and I think I met CJ on the scene first. I mentioned how I "forgot" my belt at home, and would have to go back. Also that I was starving. He gave me a stick of gum and said it would take my mind off the hunger, and I popped it in my mouth despite the fact that I personally thought it would do the opposite. Then I met Jesse next, and he was re-building some statue of almost Buddhist design. He, of course, was annoyed that I had left my pouch at home and had to go get it. It hit me then that I would have to walk back because trains didn't go to Chestermere, they only came from there.

    So I was annoyed that I had made such a dumb decision, but then when I told my boss what happened, he let me take the company vehicle (a jeep of sorts which was almost like a hummer, but more like a jeep) but he also came along, as did my other cousin and co-worker Shaun. The drive was long, and we talked the whole way there. When I got there, I took the train back and ended up going to my mom's house. She was talking about Chakras and the stones Buddhists put on themselves to channel the energy for meditation and such. I told her I didn't need Chakras to meditate and left it at that.

    The Night Into November 8th, 2010.

    by Sarge_Maximus2 on 11-08-2010 at 03:13 PM
    I dreamt that my cousins had come back from a trip and my uncle bought me and my youngest brother a large carton of cigarettes. My brother lit his with a lighter while I commented that lighting it with a match was cooler, and did so with a carton of my matches. While my brother's remained lit and he finished his in due course, my cigarette was periodically going out, and I had pinched the middle of the stick so that drawing smoke from it was hard.
    A storm was also brewing in the sky, and I watched as the clouds came together. Then I sped up time and watched the clouds connect into a ceiling of gray.

    Then we were on an old street I used to live on (18th street) and Shaun was walking towards our house. For some reason, I knew he was only coming part of the way, and then he'd be going back, so I thought I should offer to drive him back. But he got to the last corner on our block and turned back for his home. I can't remember what happened next, I think I walked with him a ways, but I can't be sure.

    The Night Into November 6th, 2010.

    by Sarge_Maximus2 on 11-06-2010 at 02:14 PM
    I had a dream I was playing one of my favorite games called Fast Food tycoon, a game in which you run pizza shops. You can set up how it's decorated and where the tables are and etc. Anyhow, I was getting so good at getting customers that I began to include a movie area so that the customers could watch movies as well. I attracted celebrities and turned one of my restaurants into a kind of Hollywood hideaway for the super-famous.

    The Night Into November 5th, 2010.

    by Sarge_Maximus2 on 11-05-2010 at 02:06 PM
    1st Dream: I was at work and we were laying out trusses. The layout on one side of the building was wrong and I had to fix it. It took a long time but when I was done, the other workers were fixing the rest of the trusses because they were wrong too. My boss was embarrassed and got mad, and we tore down the roof because he couldn't deal with changing it, he'd rather start from scratch again.

    2nd Dream: While laying out trusses, I turned into a werewolf and ran across the tops of the walls, watching as my hands grew into menacing claws.

    The Night Into October 28th.

    by Sarge_Maximus2 on 10-28-2010 at 02:26 PM
    (Vivid): In the city where I live in my dream world, there is a run-down area that I've often gone to in one or two of these recurring scenes of dreams. I usually stay away from the area or go through it at night and get attacked by strange creatures of people, but this time I went there deliberately because me and a friend (never saw him or her in the dream) needed something, so I mentioned "the old ruins across town".
    When we got there, the place was a wreck and we searched through it, only to find that the area had been used for some kind of dark ritualistic sacrificing where the bodies were then used to fit inside places in the walls and floors. Mostly just the skulls though, and I remember a spot where there were two skulls that faced me as I looked at them and they were both in the wall as if to be on their sides. The chins would face each other and the top of the skulls would be facing outward, to the left and right. But the jaws were gone and they could not be found. after searching I realized that they weren't meant to fit with the jaws, so we moved on.
    Then I noticed that the ground was covered in all manner of sea urchins and coral, and I stated that it was because the island (for we went seamlessly from being in the ruins of my dream city to an island with the same ruins in Fiji) often flooded from the rainstorms, and the ocean's high-tides brought it back to the sea.
    We walked on and my brothers and cousins were there too, and I mentioned that we had finally found Fiji, and I was happy, though the place was in ruin and skeletal remains were everywhere- Outside the ruins a lush jungle surrounded us as far as the island went.
    We climbed to high ground as it started to rain, and the island began to flood.