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    About SeaDragonLife

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    About SeaDragonLife
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    I am a recently-graduated English Major looking to bring the power of art and dreaming into the world. I am a gamer, a writer, a digital and traditional artist, a storyteller, a roleplayer, and a Tabletop Gamer.
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    Video Games, Art of all kinds, Roleplaying, Warhammer 40K
    Looking for work
    How you found us:
    I bought "Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming" and searched online about LDing


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    11-13-2023 05:09 PM
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    05:00 PM SeaDragonLife achieved 1000 Hall Points
    05:00 PM SeaDragonLife achieved Veteran Second Class
    05:00 PM SeaDragonLife achieved Veteran First Class
    05:00 PM SeaDragonLife achieved 3 years registered

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    1. SeaDragonLife
      SeaDragonLife liked post by Mismagius On thread : Longtime Lurker, Newbie Poster
      Hi and welcome to DreamViews, SeaDragonLife! I like your avatar and username :mrgreen: A 5 year lurk is a pretty long lurk, glad you decided to join in on the community fun! You'll definitely up...
      Liked On: 04-12-2014, 03:00 PM
    2. SeaDragonLife
      SeaDragonLife liked post by SinisterDezz On thread : Longtime Lurker, Newbie Poster
      Welcome. Being a lurker isn't as fun as being an active member in the community :) Seeing as you say you are a long time lucid dreamer, I don't think I must link the beginner guides and such. ...
      Liked On: 04-12-2014, 03:00 PM
    3. SeaDragonLife
      SeaDragonLife liked post by harpocrates On thread : Painful Dream About Exgirlfriend
      Now that I know what you meant, what you wrote makes sense to write lol thanks.
      Liked On: 04-10-2014, 03:45 PM
    4. SeaDragonLife
      SeaDragonLife liked blog post by KarmaSangye On : Lucid in most of my dreams.
      LUCID *I noticed a Theravada monk chanting by a stupa mounted right next to a road. When me and my brother walked closer to him he walked away like he didn't wanna be bothered. We continued to walk...
      Liked On: 04-09-2014, 02:17 AM
    View SeaDragonLife's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    The Flight of the Phoenix

    by SeaDragonLife on 04-07-2014 at 11:46 PM
    An older dream from about a month and a half ago.

    I am running, no, I am blasting at top speed across a swampy field, or a forested coastline. Everything is a blur as I move at impossible speeds, dodging skeletons and zombies. I carry a package in my hands, over my head, seeking to protect it from damage. The landscape is minecraft-like, with squares everywhere in the coastline, in the trees. I lose the package as I pass over some water, but I continue running until I am literally flying, skimming over the earth.

    I see two towers in the distance, one bright red and white, made of bone and crystal and looking like a very fragile toothpick tower, the other looking like three massive carved trees all joined together, with the frightening visages of monsters carved in at the top. The trees were also stained or lit up with red, blue, and green light.

    I flew up to the top of the bone tower and saw a group of women in blue robes, playing crystal harps and singing the tower together. I clung to the skeleton of the tower with my claws, and it was at this point I realized that I had transformed into a Phoenix, with wings and feathers and talons. I breathed fire into the tower, then flew through it and onto the wooden tower on the other side.

    I clawed into it, tore bark off with my beak, and burned deeply into the center tree until I dug out a hole big enough for me to squeeze into. Then I sat and waited, hiding from something. I never figured out what it was, however, because that was when I woke up.

    A Dream of Ghosts, A Dream of Shame, and A Dream of... Lettuce

    by SeaDragonLife on 04-07-2014 at 02:34 PM
    A very rare triple dream.

    The first dream happened towards the beginning of the night, after I first went to sleep. I was watching a ghost-hunting movie about a very gloomy young girl who wanted so desperately to be a boy that she carried two atrophied testicles in a skirt pocket wherever she went. (It may have even been in her underwear.) The whole class was laughing at her, and passing on some word that I can't remember. Annoyed, I passed the word on to the next person and went straight back to the movie. After it was over, I somehow ended up in the movie, hunting ghosts with a ghost scientist Johnny Depp. We went into an abandoned house which was flooded with eerie purple light. A ghost clock sat in the center of the room, and we smashed it with out feet and poured anti-ghost fluid into it, like black oil. A floating urn in the corner caught our attention soon after, but the dream faded.

    Lightning woke me up towards the end of my sleep, around 7:45. I got up to use the bathroom then went back to sleep and had a second dream.

    I was sitting in a McDonalds that was about to close, but I needed a ride. (I don't drive irl so it's very common for me to get rides from dream characters.) I was sitting on a bench between two people, and my ex-boyfriend was sitting on the outside of the building, on a ledge that lead down to a back parking lot for another building. We were avoiding each other. Anyway they turned out the lights, and I ended up with a ride, leaving my ex there in the shadow of the building. I was sitting in a cramped back seat of a surprisingly roomy van, wedged between two people and resting my head on the shoulder of an old friend of mine. I suddenly remembered I left my backpack at the McDonalds, though we did end up turning around my brain skipped that part. They take me to my apartment complex and drop me off, and I walk from the front gate all the way up to my apartment door.

    After that dream I half came out of my sleep, but I was still asleep enough for one last very odd dream. I was lying in bed, only moving my fingers, continually shoving lettuce leaves into my mouth. I couldn't feel the lettuce in my hand, nor could I see it, but I could feel it enter my mouth, and I could chew it and hear the sound. I also couldn't taste or swallow. As I chewed the lettuce just vanished to make room for more lettuce. I essentially became an endless lettuce-eating machine.

    Eventually I woke up fully at 8:45.