• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Sensei and SinisterDezz

    8 Visitor Messages

    1. Honestly, Clannad :\.
      Clannad inspires a relationship with children in general.
      And that sounded kinda pedophilliactic...
    2. It is a huge reason that I wanted a daughter first (which I have), but now I have a son almost here too, what anime will inspire my relationship with him?
    3. It's the very reason I want children.
      And to love life to it's fullest.

      Fucking Clannad dude...
    4. Seriously. I try to get people to watch the anime and people are like "what is it about?" I start crying and mumbling something about theater club and miracles and they leave. Lol. So much emotion in an anime.
    5. Thank you.
      Cried like a little bitch during that anime.
    6. Your siggif is one of the best moments in anime! I love it.
    7. Indeed!
    8. Love the signature. SAO is dream fuel!
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 8 of 8