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    Gloucestershire, United Kingdom
    Dota 2, , RTS's, TF2, headshottin'


    Tier 0 goals - "Tutorial Dream":
    Have a lucid Dream (duh) [ ] Experiment with own height [ ] Make friends/pets appear [ ]
    Tier 1 goals:
    Fly on a dragon [ ] Use a Sniper rifle/bow [ ] s3x [ ]
    Tier 2 goals:
    Use Mass Effect powers [ ] Use/summon powers/heroes from Dota 2 [ ]
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    1. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by ShadowSharpeye On thread : How does Stop-Drop-Roll work? and transitioning (WILD)
      Okay. I have tried using the mantra "Dreamer", because I am really good at applying knowledge to things, "dreaming" about how things work - coming up with Dota 2 hero combos etc, and it's kind of my...
      Liked On: 09-29-2013, 06:13 AM
    2. gab
      gab liked post by ShadowSharpeye On thread : How does Stop-Drop-Roll work? and transitioning (WILD)
      I feel audio would work better for me in particular because when I get something stuck in my head, I keep saying it to myself and i remember that I actually used that mantra. If I try to do it...
      Liked On: 09-23-2013, 10:01 PM
    3. gab
      gab liked post by ShadowSharpeye On thread : How does Stop-Drop-Roll work? and transitioning (WILD)
      I was only staying on the floor for like 10-15 minutes before getting back in, trying at the time to follow "advice" from Lucidology 101, but you've already cleared that up (thanks again). I'll...
      Liked On: 09-10-2013, 05:30 PM
    4. gab
      gab liked post by ShadowSharpeye On thread : How does Stop-Drop-Roll work? and transitioning (WILD)
      Hi. I'm new to lucid dreaming - in fact, I haven't even become lucid at all yet.:sad2: I decided to try to go for WILDs cuz it seems quickest, but I'm still noting down dreams when I remember them...
      Liked On: 09-09-2013, 09:20 PM
    View ShadowSharpeye's Dream Journal

    Recent Entries

    Underwater(?) Facility Infiltration

    by ShadowSharpeye on 08-06-2015 at 12:40 PM
    I'm a secret agent of sorts, although never explicitly stated, I think, tasked with recovering some kind of secret documents or photographs. From the surface of the ocean, I dive down and see the facility. I enter through the airlock and into the hangar-type area, disguised as facility personnel, and get my bearings. Accompanying me is Nicholas, a kenyan exchange student who stayed with me for a week a few months ago.

    The whole scenario reminds me of a certain mission in Medal Of Honour: Allied Assault. The dream itself gives me a feeling that the people running the facility are evil, like nazis or something, but I don't see anything amiss going on. I navigate the facility, looking for a certain room that contains the documents/photographs while Nicholas stays in the hangar and does his own thing, I dunno.

    As I go further down/up (it's a bit weird that way), the place starts to feel a bit like school; some personnel are teachers and such from school. I feel more pressure as it gets harder to remain undetected as a spy, as at this point I'm moving into more and more heavily restricted areas, so I have to play off as though I'm supposed to be there, which means avoiding people who have already seen me, or know better, lest they set off the alarm on me.

    I run into the deputy head of my school, who is a commanding officer or something; seeing me move to one elevator to go up to the documents, he points me to another one that goes the opposite way. He gets somewhat suspicious when I hesitate or try to continue my normal route, but I eventually take the elevator and he walks on. This means I have to walk back up, but someone else is coming who would blow my cover. I avoid them somehow I forget how, and continue on my way.

    I make it to the secret photographs; however, I get caught and the alarm goes off. I look up and see coloured bubbles begin to appear above me, which have messages saying "you lose", "Churchill caught you", "the facility is in lockdown" or something similar. The second bubble shows a face of Winston Churchill. Somewhere in my mind a link is made as though my deputy head was playing the role of Churchill, or some position of power. I dunno why Churchill is mentioned here, when the people running this are in opposition to me/the organisation I'm doing this for.

    Anyway, the mission restarts from the hangar, as though loading from a saved point in a video game. This time I am accompanied by 3 other people, who seem to be my friends but I don't recognise them from real life. The routes to the documents we take seem to be shorter, but riskier this time around. We get caught a few more times, sometimes reaching the documents, sometimes not. I forget a lot of the details here, but I remember one attempt in which we mixed with a large crowd of people trying to get outside.
    non-lucid , memorable

    The Burglar, Assassin & Mysterious Girl

    by ShadowSharpeye on 10-07-2014 at 08:35 PM
    This dream is set at night time, in my house. It feels like about midnight, all the lights are out. I start out just outside the kitchen, or somewhere around there, and there is a burglar in the kitchen. I can't remember what he was taking, I never saw. So I confront him with one of the kitchen knives, take his gun from him by striking the hand (no blood was drawn in the dream) and shout upstairs to dad. My memory here is blurred, but the kitchen light is now on and the burglar is taken away somehow.

    I then look outside and I think I see something move. I get the feeling that Riki (from Dota 2, here's his wiki page: http://dota2.gamepedia.com/Riki) is outside in our garden. So I open the back door and I call to Riki, asking if he is out there. I think I see him attack some random objects in our garden as though they were lane creeps, before going invisible again. I leave him be.

    Here's the strange part: A girl, about my age (15), appears to me in the light from the kitchen. She is hiding behind our dining table when I see her. She is blonde haired, and I think her hair was either a bit short or medium length (although I wish she had been long-haired). I ask her, "who are you?" and she insists that she is no one and not to worry about her. I'm not satisfied - I want to know who she is and why she is here. She turns to leave out the back door but I stop her by the hand. She says something like "ah, you're holding on. Good." She then takes my hand and starts leading me upstairs. I ask, "where are you taking me?" and she replies, "To your bedroom. I'll give you the 69," with a slight smile. I think most people out there can guess at what this girl is hinting at.

    Normally I'm NOT somebody to have s3x-related dreams - I often scoul when people make jokes about it, so I don't know why this is appearing in my dream.

    I don't remember actually seeing anything...that way inclined.....in the bedroom, but I do remember that at one point, dad comes in (this part is the next few evenings, I presume), and he asks how long I've been with this girl. I try to say I haven't done anything, and he says he has nothing more to say to me. Then, at some point, I "see" what looks like a Steam Workshop page that apparently has what looks like surveillance footage of her and me in my room. I never watch these videos/photos, but as far as I can tell nothing dodgy is shown. I don't remember much else.

    Updated 10-07-2014 at 11:11 PM by ShadowSharpeye
