• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between Shamanite and scorqyon

    5 Visitor Messages

    1. Oh yeah...I added you on Skype.
    2. lol, well yea but what can you do. Prepare for 1984 i guess.
    3. Not even to mention that if you add many unknown friends on your list on social websites like Facebook and you add personal information or photos that you don't want everybody to see (considering that the person who does that is mindly retarded) everybody can see them. The funniest part is that even if you remove them, they are still in Facebook's database. They even store cookies from sites after you logged off. That means somewhere there is a history of every site you watched. Even the porn sites. (You can't hide, but panic)
    4. Ha, yea. People like that are basically on every forum/social website. It defeats the purpose if you have a big friends list but you don't know anyone in your friends list
    5. He probably just did the friend thingy to get the friend achievement on the forum. >_>
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 5 of 5