• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between shaquisha and shysweetiepie27

    31 Visitor Messages

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    1. smart kid,ehh?
    2. well, that used 2 work, but he's 10 now so he knows what im trying 2 do
    3. it gets annoying right?well whatever,just let him do his own thing and maybe he will get bored and quit soon.or just say that you dont want to do it anymore.thats what i do ^.^ usually works
    4. my lil bro thinks its cool and he wants 2 do it 2, but i hate when he feels the need 2 do EVERYTHING that i do
    5. same here.my bro thinks its dumb and im crazy for doing it
    6. exactly! my cousins don't get why im doing that
    7. ohhh.well,at least you can do what you want when you lucid dream right? ^.^
    8. oh. i never heard of that.

      i can't go anywhere or do anything so i don't hear of a lot.
    9. its a video game ^.^
    10. idk what that is, but it sounds cool
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 31
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