About shaquisha
- LD Count:
- its been a lot
- Biography:
- Well, um, I'm 16 now. I love marching band and everything music. Um I'm a nice person, too. Very loveable like a teddy bear
- Country Flag:
- Location:
- land of the band geeks
- Interests:
- marching band
- Occupation:
- school
- Gender:
- Female
- How you found us:
- bing
Whatever stops you from dreamin'
Whatever trys to stop you from livin'
Flip it
-Alicia Keys
Total Posts
- Total Posts
- 47
- Posts Per Day
- 0.01
Visitor Messages
- Total Messages
- 33
- Most Recent Message
- 03-20-2019 03:00 PM
General Information
- Last Activity
- 05-05-2018 07:57 PM
- Join Date
- 07-18-2011
- Referrals
- 0
15 Friends
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- Points
- 2,991
- Level
- 15
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- Level up completed
- 81%
- Points required
- 59
- Activity
- 0%
- Activity last 30 days
- 0%
- Activity last 7 days
- 0%
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- Points for User
- 2,561
- Points for every day since registration
- 2,482
- Points for Friends
- 45
- Points for posting Visitormessages
- 34
Points for threads/posts
- Points for threads
- 388
- Points for tagging threads
- 2
- Points for replies
- 386
All Points for miscellaneous
- Points for Misc
- 42
- Dream Journal
- 42
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View shaquisha's Dream Journal
shaquisha on 08-03-2011 at 11:51 PM
okay, so there were 2 fishlike characters that lived in my basement. they wore suits that would keep them wet and they walked on their fins. there was a fishtank in the basement that held other tiny fishes that they captured. the pink fish was the girl and the green fish was like guy. so they went diving to go get some more tiny fish creatures. they were going to get a whole family of tiny creatures, but they got scared and tried to swim away, but there was a human in the water who got to them before the fish did. then i woke up.
shaquisha on 07-31-2011 at 04:07 PM
so, im in my elementary school with all my middle school friends. the teachers have us playing some stupid break the chain game. i begin to start walking home with my friend che. everyday we walk home latisha [a bitch] always has something to say to me. one day she pushed me and i made her throw her cell over the brigde. we never really fought. i chose to stay out of her way. so one day we went one a field trip in some beat up, broken down bus. i was sitting next to che at first, but everytime i look out the window and look back it switched from che to steven, my best friend. at this point im aware that im dreaming, so i keep it on steven, cuz he's good to look at. anyway, so we're talking and the bus stops. we stopped at some ghetto strip mall in the hood somewhere. steven asked the bus driver where we were. she said lindenhurst. we're like, oh. so i go into one of the stores in there. my family[mom and little bro] appears and the bus dissappears. we're in some kinda beauty supply store. so naturally, the place gets robbed. but the robbers were nice to my family. they gave us some of the money and told me and my brother to eat the m+m's.i asked my mom why they were being so nice and she said that we knew them. one of the robbers said yeah. then i woke up.
shaquisha on 07-19-2011 at 07:00 PM
the night before last night i dreamt that i was bathing a baby tiger [no lie]. and last night i was looking for that baby tiger to see if that would be my dream sign, but i got nothing. i pretty much blacked out last night.
shaquisha on 07-19-2011 at 02:38 AM
im still new at this. im going to try to have another lucid dream tonight. wish me luck.