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    volley ball team

    by Shoshoni on 06-05-2011 at 03:19 PM
    I joined a womens' volley ball team. We only had three practices, when the coach decided that she wanted us to enter into these volley ball trials to get accepted into the league. I personally didn't think we were any where near ready for this since most of us had not even practiced our serves yet. The coach found a loop hole in the league rules that would put us at a great advantage if our star player was a married lesbian. I stepped up and volunteered to marry Darcy if our team made it into the league. I was not a lesbian, but I was not in a relationship and I was not one of the better players, so I figured if it would help the team, why not? It would only be a marriage on paper. Besides, the likelihood of our team getting into the league was very slim. The coach was very pleased that I had volunteered to do that.
    I was not allowed to participate in the trials. If we won the trials, I would no longer be a part of the volley ball team. Our team did not make it into the league. In fact they were one of the first teams eliminated. I felt a wave of relief.

    let dogs loose and plane crash

    by Shoshoni on 06-05-2011 at 04:08 AM
    I was walking the dogs at a military installation. I noticed that the periphery was surrounded by a tall chain-link fence. We got to an area with a wide open field and I thought it would be a good place to let the dogs run. So I took them off their leashes. Shortly after that, I noticed groups of children up on the hill. They were all around the same age and I realized that there must be an elementary school over the ridge. I didn't want to disturb them or frighten them, so I decided I had better get the dogs away from there. I looked around for them and they were at the far side of the field. Good, they were not near the children. I made my way over to where they were. When I had almost caught up to them, they ran into a housing area. There were several other dogs in the street where my dogs had gone. I was getting ready to call them back to me when a black pit bull attacked Bongo. He had him pinned down on the ground. I decided I had better stay back and call them from where I was at, because the other two might also be attacked if we were in their territory. I ran a few yards back and then called them. Two dogs came scrambling up to me. They were both friendly, but neither of them were mine so I shoed them away and called some more. Another dog came up to me. I was looking up at the time because I was distracted by a noise. I clipped the leash onto the dog. There were several helicopters in the sky and a couple of airplanes. Then another airplane came into view that was spinning out of control. There was no doubt that it was going to crash. I ran to get a better view. I had to pull the dog with me, because he did not want to follow. A building obstructed my view, so continued to run toward an openning, trying to keep the plane in view, all the while pulling the dog behind me. I got one more glimpse of the plane before it was out of sight. I finally made it to the clearing, but the plane was nowhere in sight. It must have gone down somewhere behind the trees to my left. The dog was still pulling backward. This was not typical behavior for my dogs. I looked behind me to see which one it was and was surprised to find out it was not my dog. No wonder why he was not cooperating. Then, I looked around at the field I was standing in. There were groups of soldiers working around big crates. some were digging with shovels and others were trying to pry the crates open. The helicopters were now leaving the area. They must have delivered the crates. Obviously I was observing a training exercise. End of dream.

    Musician ghosts (Late entry from last week)

    by Shoshoni on 04-25-2011 at 10:37 PM
    I was at a party where there was dancing and live music. It was getting late and most of the people were leaving. I stayed and was talking to one of the band members. He wanted to show me some of his experimental music, so he took me into another room and began to play. While he was playing, I noticed these round, clear glasses. I picked one up and looked at it closely. My musician friend said it had some neat effects if I put it on something made of glass. I looked around the room and saw a window. I put the glass over to the window pane and it stuck to it. I spun around to look at my musician friend and I saw several other faces. I then pulled the glass from the window pane and looked around the room. We were the only people in the room, and he was still busy playing his music. I put the glass back on the window pane and then spun around several times. As I spun, I could see several other people in the room with us. Somehow I knew that they were all dead musicians, all coming here to hear my musician friend play. Then I woke Up.

    When I woke up, I had chills over every inch of my body. It was a good thing that I woke up when I did, because my dream would have turned into a nightmare. I rarely have nightmares, but when I do, they are always caused by chills. It was 76 F in my house that night, so I shouldn't have been having chills.

    Don't Drink the Coffee

    by Shoshoni on 04-25-2011 at 09:56 PM
    I had several dreams last night, most of them I can not recall the specifics of, but no matter what the dream was about, my mother appeared in them and warned me not to drink the coffee, especially if it was made using the white coffee beans. She said the white coffee beans were full of fat. She came into at least 5 of my dreams last night that I can recall to give me this warning. In the last dream, she even showed me what the white coffee beans looked like and said that the white was pure fat.\n(I have never heard of white coffee beans. But, the weird thing about this warning dream is that neither I or my mother ever drink coffee)
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    hitchhiker and giant catfish

    by Shoshoni on 04-23-2011 at 11:23 PM
    A girl that I had picked up hitch hiking and I spent the night in an abandoned building. The next morning she asked if I would drive her to the main road. I headed down a dirt road and came to a rickety old bridge with a pier area on it. The bridge was only one lane and did not look very safe to cross. In the river below, I could see a large, dark shadow. Then I realized it was a giant catfish. I watched as the catfish came to the surface of the water. It's head came way out of the water and it grabbed the bridge with it's legs (It had legs like a sea robin.) It was so large that it's head went right over the top of the bridge. It looked around at the bridge, then slipped back into the water. I had heard about giant catfish, but I never thought they could get that big. This fish was big enough to swallow my car!

    I told the hitch hiker that there was no way I was going to cross that bridge. I told her if she would come back with me to the building that we had spent the night in, it would only take a few minutes for me to pack up my stuff and then I would find another way across the river. But the girl decided to take her chances and cross the bridge by herself. I stayed and watched until she made it across the bridge safely. Then I realized that there was no place for me to turn around at. I would have to pull into the pier area of the bridge and do a three point turn. I looked around for the catfish and did not see it. So I quickly pulled onto the bridge, did my three point turn and zipped out of there and back down the dirt road where I had come from. When I got back to the building I had spent the night in, I heard voices inside. I walked in and found a family setting up there belongings. I told them, that I came for my things and would be out of their way in a few minutes.