• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between SilverDreams and Erii

    20 Visitor Messages

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    1. Happy Birthdaaaay!
    2. </3
    3. my computer didn't tell me you sent that talk to you later tonight i will be on IRC
    4. If I'm not back in the IRC, Just wanted to say:
      Goodnight, and goodluck LDing.
    5. Yeah, Same with me. I've just been pissed off, as you know.
    6. meh, nothin much

    7. So what are you up to?
    8. same to you any improvement is better
    9. It's an improvement at least.

      Thanks Eri.
    10. I am okay.....a wee bit more okay than last night, still shit though...
      it's good you are feeling a bit better ^^
    Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 20
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