• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between SophroniaLee and Different

    33 Visitor Messages

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    1. indeed =[
    2. Definitely agree. Eww, exams! Sucks for you, my friend.
    3. Yeah, same. Got exams very soon. Going to be sleeping later now..
      hm interesting. I'd prefer normal sleeping though
    4. That makes sense. Because of crazy school work, thought, I usually get about 6 hours a night.
      I've heard of a sleep pattern where you sleep 2-3 hours a night, and then take two 90 minute naps a day. Supposedly, it's as effective as normal sleep. And it sounds lovely
    5. haha. Mind reality checks are most important though. Ask yourself, think about what you did a few mins ago. Hm, should follow through to the dreamscape. And oh yeah, get at least 7hours of sleep, or it's really hard to get lucid.
      More sleep = better chance.
    6. DEILD sounds tricky. I'm proud of you! :3
      I've been doing the hand RC for so long that my hands refuse to look normal even when I'm awake- kind of like when you say a word over and over and it starts to sound weird
    7. just DILD, bit of DEILD. :3
      Lots of reality checks.
    8. Ooh, impressive! Good for you! I went lucid once last night, but my recall sucked badly so I can't even remember it. What methods are you using?
    9. Aw.
      I hope you feel better.
      I'm feeling great (sorry to say >.>), got lucid 3 times on sat, and once last night.
      I'm getting the hang of it.
    10. Not very pleasant. I'm super stressed and feel kinda sick :/ How about you?
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