• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between SophroniaLee and Different

    33 Visitor Messages

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    1. hows things?
    2. Um, ok XD
    3. go, add each other!
    4. SophroniaLee, SleepyLala
      SleepyLala, SophroniaLee

      Lol xD
    5. Lol. I'm so terrified of SP that I don't think I can do WILD. I've mostly been trying MILD and a crap ton of RC's, but they aren't working yet.
    6. We'll get there eventually xD
      tried some WILD this morning, lay there for about 15mins just waiting for something. Nothing. I just gave up and here I am ready for breakfast lol
    7. Ugh, those suck. I've had only one *real* lucid dream, and a bunch others where I think "Wow! I'm dreaming! This is so cool!" and get so excited, I wake up :/
    8. Win! xD
      Going OK. Doing homework but there's so much to do >.< A lot of it is typing based..soo I get distracted + my wrists are killing meee >.<.
      I had 2 LD's last night though, which was cool. They were less than 10secs long though.
    9. Wonderfully. I've been off school for a week (yay for snow!) and am currently procrastinating homework, so life is good You?
    10. so hows things going?
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