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      Are you another LDer who has a interesting fascination with the subconscious?
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    About soundofslumber

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    June 23, 1988 (35)
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    1. soundofslumber
      soundofslumber liked post by jblb2424 On thread : Looking in mirror
      When i look in a mirror in my dream i see myself in real life, but with a red afro. Now thats all i see in mirrors every time i look into one in my dreams. Also, one of my friends tried to enter my...
      Liked On: 08-10-2012, 03:26 AM
    2. soundofslumber
      soundofslumber liked post by Box77 On thread : Looking in mirror
      I think the hole dream is a reflection of oneself.
      Liked On: 08-09-2012, 07:27 PM
    3. soundofslumber
      soundofslumber liked post by hermine_hesse On thread : Best way to change dream scene?
      Sometimes the "black vision" or void can be an interesting place too, so don't rule it out. Ending up in the void when I'm trying to go somewhere still happens to me quite often. When I am there,...
      Liked On: 08-06-2012, 05:32 PM
    4. soundofslumber
      soundofslumber liked post by Box77 On thread : Best way to change dream scene?
      Once, I changed my dreamscape, by walking on the outside wall of a house. I didn't know what was going to happen, so, once I put both of my feet on the wall and I was in a horizontal position, I...
      Liked On: 08-06-2012, 05:32 PM
    5. soundofslumber
      soundofslumber liked post by jblb2424 On thread : Best way to change dream scene?
      i like to draw a portal on the wall with my fingertips and step through :) hope this helps
      Liked On: 08-06-2012, 05:31 PM
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    View soundofslumber's Dream Journal

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    Laura the Monster Slayer?

    by soundofslumber on 02-16-2014 at 08:08 PM
    It's a little unclear, especially the beginning, I'll try to see what all I can remember...I was at my place of work (Alamo Drafthouse Cinema), I guess in the main hallway because there were lots of lockers. Some of my co-workers were vampires. I wasn't really afraid, I didn't see them as a major threat, they weren't trying to attack me. I'm not sure if I realized it at this point in the dream, but later on I was aware that I was a vampire slayer. However, in the beginning, I felt like I was friends with them or maybe even a vampire also. But apparently one of them (Andy?) had been bitten by a werewolf and was turning into a weird hybrid. That I was afraid of.
    Somewhere along the way, the dream scenery changed briefly. One of my co-worker's mother's was throwing away... a model window? It was like a miniature version of the big window in my bedroom, even had the colorful cloth with the Ajna symbol above it like I do IWL (in waking life). I couldn't believe they were throwing it away, I wanted to keep it for some reason. Then I realize there was a smaller one stacked inside of the bigger one. Felt like I couldn't take them both? So I decided to leave the smaller one and take the bigger one. It felt sturdy, like it was made of metal.
    Back to the work scenery. My were-coworker had bitten someone else before I could stop him! I felt like the werewolves were more dangerous - faster, stronger, more primal - than the vampires, and the were-vamp hybrids were even more-so. Very quickly more and more people were being turned. They wanted to turn me, like it was their mission. I became lucid at some point around here, and was trying to take complete control to fight them. I couldn't make the things I wanted to materialize come about. I wanted a flame thrower, I figured it was the fastest most effective way to fight them off, so I started pretending like I had one in my hands trying to set them on fire but it wasn't working. I did have a steak from the first part of the dream and was fighting them with that, but it was difficult, there were so many of them. I decided since I couldn't make a better weapon just appear out of thin air, I would find one. Began trying to open the lockers to get better weapon. I thought for sure that would work, but locker after locker I just kept finding shoes. =| Really cute shoes I wanted haha. Most of them were browns and blacks, with heels. Finally I called out loud something like "Why do I keep finding shoes?" to see if my subconscious would tell me what they symbolized/why I kept getting them instead of a weapon. I got an answer, just a voice going through the hallway (which I think now more resembled a school hallway) but I couldn't hear the answer clearly (I've had that same issue before in past lucid experiences when trying to ask my subconscious questions). I tried asking for the message again more clearly, but it didn't come. I felt like the answer I didn't hear well was a bullshit answer, something like "Because it's just what you do"? Whatever. Thanks for nothing, subconscious. Still fighting off were-vamps and checking lockers when I'm able, I finally come across a straight razor, like for shaving. Also, since I became lucid I tried doing some really bad-ass fighting moves, like back flips and other gymnastics type stuff. It didn't feel like I had total good control so I was sort of able to, but it felt slow and sloppy. I tried slitting someone's throat with the razor, it didn't work out that well. It was like it just made a little cut. Hmph. I ended up in a "locker room" in a part with a bunch of showers. There were a few girls showering in there. I felt like all of my co-workers had been turned but for some reason I wasn't worried about all of them attacking me, just most of them. I think I was trying to hide in one of the showers? But they didn't have curtains and weren't really good for hiding so.. yeah, they definitely found me. Around this point, I was frustrated with trying to fight them all off and it not really working and I finally realized maybe that wasn't the point. I remembered something I had read before about dreams where people are being chased, confronting what's chasing them. I decided maybe I had to just let them get me to understand the meaning of the dream, and I wasn't afraid since I knew it was a dream. I was ready to surrender. So I told them "Ok, I'll let you guys change me if it's done by Garret and David" (two guys at work I think could be different sort of people from everyone else, and I'd be most likely to be interested in if I weren't already attached to someone). I think they went to get the guys. Very fuzzy here, I may have changed my mind and said Andy can just do it to get it over with already. Then I guess I woke up before it happened.
    lucid , memorable