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After the last astral dream I decided to use this mantra when going to sleep, "no sex in lucid dreams, look around, be aware, ask questions." I did this on this occasion.
I am in my grandmother's house where much of my childhood happened. I am dealing with confusing stuff (items) involving past girlfriends and clutter. Grandma is there and I tell her to get a storage shed. I realize at this point that it is a dream as She and her house are dream signs as both are of the past only. I go out the door and my mother is outside. She tries to engage with me but I explain that this is just a dream. Why do I always explain to DCs that I am dreaming? She questions thiss, so I point out that G-ma died many years ago and the house was torn down. I see another DC in the drive way and make this a pretty female and cause her to walk to us. I demonstrate to DC mom that I can control new DC like a puppet and demonstrate that the DC does not react. I am not focused and take the hot DC over into the yard and proceed to act as you may imagine a teen boy with highly tuned LD skills may act. She easily bends to my will. There is mud in the yard and we are dirty bt I ignore that.
Wait! I hear the mantra! "no sex in lucid dreams, look around, be aware, ask questions." I dismiss the image of the DC and she is gone. I am embarrassed that "THEY" may be watching me and i went straight to gratifying sexual urges. (very common theme in my training.) I intend on shifting into the astral which I have never found a firm formula for doing. Set the intent and then pass through the boundary to the dream often depicted as water. As I set this intention the yard starts to flood and it is cold. I use dream imagery to picture tropical water full of pretty fish and a nice temp. I work my way out to the street and waves of water are filling the land. I rise and fall getting swept off my feet. I dive below hoping to make the transition. This carries me high up on what i am visualizing as a wall. I see high up what looks like an elevator door. I keep trying and the waves take me higher until I reach the door and push the button.
Upon pushing the button I appear in the dark (dry) in some other place. It is dark but I can see myself just fine. I regain my composure and focus on intricate hand mudras to razor focus my awareness. I start walking into the dark while doing the mudras. She (from last Astral dream) is there now sitting on a chair with a small audience of youth she appears to be instructing. I look her in the eyes and think something at her like "lucid dream." I sense she is not to be interrupted. This area seems to be on a campus and others are milling about. Well here I am, but how to go about learning more details? I focus on complex mudras while I stroll and start intoning a chant. The chant seems to be come naturally but is not one i remember knowing. It just seems to flow out. I have a feeling as if she is following me with her consciousness but remaining out of sight.
Now the weird stuff: I am approached by a tall stout entity who is focusing his gaze on me (see last astral dream) this entity seems unfamiliar. His energy comes across as a philosopher. We lock eyes in that special telepathic way. He asks if he can help me. I express that I know this is a dream, but is it also something else. Do you have an existence of your own separate from me? Can you explain all this astral stuff? Your types interactions with me?
He seems sort of busy but takes time to try and give me an answer. I tried to interoperate what was being conveyed but what I came up with is confusing. the following is what I could recall and bring out with me. "I want you to read the following text to give you a foundation, it is The Religious Correspondences of Orius, The Ideologies." He also started giving me what felt lke a philosophy lecture I was failing to grasp along these lines, "if I eat, they will go hike. No action is ever isolated." He shows me something in his hand like a paper he has written on. I try to read it and grasp what it is, such as the name of the book or something, but it does not make sense. As I focus intently on this paper I end up awake.
Sadly upon awaking my google searches hit a dead end on trying to find any reference to the book much less to the name Orius. I also tried Orsisus as I seem to remember it both ways. Despite not finding the book here in modern day Earth I am excited by the last couple dreams.
Non lucid. I was a pre-teen and for some reason my mom and new step dad were going to trade houses with his brother and their family. I was pissed and pointing out how one kid had damaged so much of it. I threatened to move away on my own as soon as I could. In one scene I was in the new house and trying to take a shower but it was inn a cramped area that ii could not fully stand up in. The dream was emotional and seemed to have hidden meaning.
I was testing reality by trying to TK small objects and found that I could move objects with my mind. that made me lucid. I eventually decided to try and find a person from my past real life, but not by just summoning them.. I would try to go to where they might be and also try to keep the landscape somewhat in line with my home city in real life. I started flying in a yogi meditation position but was not satisfied with the speed/ I have been experimenting with why I have trouble with really fast flight while maintaining a landscape/ I only seem to be able to fly at what feels like 60 mph. I switch to Superman flight with no improvement. I try swimming through the sky while still in a Superman like pose. It helps a bit. I stop and get a odd idea. I summon a chair and sit in it braced as if it where the seat of a jet fighter. I imagine the chair taking off driving me forward like a jet. This worked and i seemed to be able to go much faster.
I went to where I pretended this person would now be working and did arrive at the work place I had imagined. It was very detailed with lots of customers and workers. They were not around. I asked a DC and was told they had quit and now worked in another building. I flew a short ways and decided I was there so a building appeared. I found it deserted and it was huge. I believed (pretended) I had heard someone moving and "knew" it was them. Around the corner I found another person. Nope, BS, I found who I was looking for no matter what the dream said. The dream gave up on trying to add randomness and it turned out to actually be the person I was looking for.
(note: poor brain/dream trying to give me some randomness and adventure and I go bossing it around. Something for me to work on.)
I was walking south with Brandy, but a second later I was walking north past the same intersection with her and Brad. I tell them that this is a dream and I am off to go play. The change in continuity had made me lucid. They question me on what I mean and I point out that we are all now inside a phone booth on the same corner. Clearly a dream. I explore a city that looks a bit like the sci-fi stuff you may see in the show Eureka.
Here is the big moment. I notice one of the DCs is actually an astral entity. It is a middle aged woman and is very familiar. I suspect she is my first dream guide from perhaps 20-30 years ago. She had handed me off to "The Monk" who later handed me off to "The Young Women"
This woman I am thinking is the stern older woman who first trained me so long ago. She had a body guard type who seemed to dislike me and it often caused trouble. I am thinking she has made an appearance again for some reason after many years.
She is seated and calmly watching me. There is a type of deep connection that happens between astral beings (including the dreamer) and appears to be focused through what I visualize as the eyes. She is gazing on me with this mystic sense/vision (sorry, it is beyond words). I meet the gaze with my own gaze/ astral sense thingy. We become connected in a telepathic bond of a sort, again I would have trouble explaining.
It is worth noting that perhaps I am known to some of these things from multiple lifetimes (this has been suggested to me by them), and perhaps I have spent time with them between physical/ earth lives, but while incarnated on earth and projecting from a point attached to my human body I am limited in my memory and understanding. I also suffer from a sort of drunkenness and confusion due to the frankly weird ass nature of astral travel.
She does not seem to be trying to boss me around or intimidate me as she often has in the past. I decide to talk to her much more like an equal than I have in the past (subservient/ awestruck/ afraid- note she comes across god-like.)
I ask her, "can you explain to me who you are?" It is telepathic and includes a bit of "what are you" and "why me?"
She intensifies the connection and starts to communicate. It sounds sort of like the adults in Peanuts comics "whawhahwaaa" I focus very intense and try turning my ear to her. Now I am breaking the eye connection and realize I do not even actually have ears. I reinvest in the eye contact. I ask her to be patient and go slow as I am having trouble understanding. She slows down and this is what I hear telepathically. "A while ago (decades? lifetimes?) my brother (whawhawha unclear) who is a god, took notice of you and (whawhawhaaa unclear). We have been observing you since then and (whawhawhaaa unclear). I have something to share with you (show you? give you?)"
At this point she stands up and moves suddenly very close as if to kiss me but only in the sense of bring our mouths together. Suddenly she is exhaling/ vomiting a stream of multicolored energy that goes into my mouth as if I am inhaling it. All the visuals change and I experience some magical thing involving my energy body/soul that I do not understand.
Then it is over and we are standing near each other. She talks to me with out the telepathic eye stuff. Oddly I can understand the entities when talk is this way. What ever the message she gave me at first it was something mystic and hard to grasp and is different to just chatting. She says they are having a celebration for a friend and that I am welcome to join them as I have been behaving myself for awhile now (I have got in plenty of trouble here in the past). There is cake! Now one thing in this realm is that some things are just dream images and other things are made of something that is real and quantifiable to them. This is real astral cake (my interpretation) if that makes sense. It is wonderful and I eat two big handfuls of it.
If anything happened after that i have no more recall.
I have had these dreams on and off for 30 years, They involve taking part in Shinto rituals and becoming lucid somewhere mid ceremony. In this one when I became lucid I decided to try and show off how evolved I was by floating up off the ground while meditating.
In real life I have been actively trying to stay quiet and humble and go as close to unnoticed in the temple. I think it is good for me to not show off my skills or knowledge to the general attendees for my own growth and training. This dream seems to show that my human ego would love to be acknowledged as wise or skillful.