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    Continuing The UFO Crash Universe

    by Stormman3100 on 02-16-2015 at 12:55 PM
    I fall asleep at around 4:30 PM. This dream series was very reminiscent of the Time Travel UFO dream I had a week or so ago. It involved the same universe throughout the entire thing. It all started in Preschool. I was in a weird preschool class for some reason. I must have been young. I do not remember much of the class, however when I got out, the same friend from the other dream was ready to drive me home in a bus. He then drives me to the same area as the last dream, where his house was still in the woods, and the playground (which I looked for, but could not find) was somewhere nestled in the forest. The dream ends in a mountainous or extremely hilly area. There is a large bridge with a huge swingset on the bridge that swings you over the mountain. I rode it, feeling free. I noticed a few family members popping up in the area, then fireworks going off. I then see that the entire area turns into some kind of festival, where thousands of people are sitting in bleachers facing the forest and the fireworks. I then decide to walk into the festival area and little did I know, my old algebra teacher from high school was there. She didn't seem overly excited to see me, however. I signed her visitor booklet because she had a pen for her animals there and was showing them off. It was a bit like a fair. I wake up for the first time of the night around 2:00AM. I then check the time and roll over and go back to sleep. This is when the dream becomes odd. The dream turns into a video game. It becomes a game similar to the game Tomodachi Life for the Nintendo 3DS. However, this is a very open world, it had to do with my home town of Bloomington, Indiana. The whole game was in this town. It was extremely realistic, and the person playing the game was streaming it to Twitch TV. Me and my friend become stuck on something in the middle of a road above a highway. The player then builds an island somewhere close to us. Finally my friend decides to get onto a bus. I snuggle close to him to keep warm, because it was cold and rainy. I do for the entire trip home, which in real life, from the bridge over the highway should not have been longer than 5-10 minutes. (I'll begin to refer to this friend as J.) I finally get off the bus in front of my house. The door of my house has massive amounts of graphiti, and I walk inside. I dont know why my dreams like to do this, but they like to switch the interior of my house to the other houses I've lived in. (This is all in the same world still. I'll explain later.) Now, I walk in and ask "why is there so much graphiti on the door?" She replies "that's just what the kids around here do. Can't help it." It had things like racial slurs, etc on it. Now the dream switches a little bit. Inside, the dream lays out my living room as the current living room I have, except the fish tanks I have have been moved to the other side of the room, and there's a dining table in the living room as well, right in front of a TV. The dream continues the video game theme, however. The fish tanks move around the house a lot, until the dream puts them outside. Of course, the exterior of my house, or the land I live on, is actually the woods I lived by at my previous apartment. I go up to my bedroom, where my mother is talking to a lady out the back window, who is on a very tall ladder (we lived on the second floor of the apartment building, and the back windows faced to the woods. This is not the same forest as J in the dream lives in.) My mom is talking to the lady when I jump on the bed and she falls partially out the window. The dogs also have been partially out the window as well for some strange reason. I pull them all back in so they don't plummet to their death. That's where this dreams ends and I wake up at about 4:00AM. I check the time and turn over, where I have some extreme hypnagogia for a few seconds, and I'm back out. The dream begins in the same world as the last. (I will illustrate this world, as it seems to become more and more solid of a world in my dreams for some reason.) I'm riding in the car with my father, who I'm trying to convince that we're both dreaming, and that we should become lucid. I show him my favorite reality check, which for some reason actually works the same way as it would have if I was awake instead of sleeping. I then take control, where I have the 3rd lucid dream of my life. I end up only taking full control for a few seconds, because I wanted to see how this dream would play out by itself. I end up very high in an airplane out of nowhere. Where I'm playing with altitudes like I'm playing Microsoft Flight Simulator. My mom is in the plane, and I tell her I'm going to land. I stick my head out the window and tell her that there is an airport below us called Isral airport (It was a misspelled version of "Israel.") I tell her I might try to land there or another larger airport to the right of it. I then switch to some odd game view where there's other planes in the sky with me and I press a button in the plane, then other planes begin to crash into each other in a very weird animation style. I find myself flying street level with other cars back in my hometown in front of my rival high school. I struggle with controlling the plane and my wing hits another car. Sliding off. The breeze then picks up the plane and throws it around everywhere, making the plane freak out, then suddenly we're back to my house. Only now, I'm in a strange, large, open room right beside my house. I can't remember what is happening in there, but I go to steal some aquarium equipment from a shelf in the room. Some guards see me and kicked me out. The small fish tank gets taken to the forest, and the large fish tank gets put in that large room. I walk into my house from the large room, and then I walk back into the open room, where a ride has just appeared, where all you do is hold on. There is no safety equipment. It throws you through a loop and goes through the loop multiple times until the ride is stopped. Then this is when everything becomes interesting. Out of nowhere, this guy named Samus comes out, who is the deity of the game. He controls everything. He flies around, making sure his game is working the way it should be. I'm not 100% sure if I'm lucid at this time in the dream, but I can assume that I am. I then tell him that I want my fish tanks back in my house, because I cannot view them outside. He then takes out a piece of paper, which he presses a button on that scrambles a few settings. Everything is made double its weight, so it's harder to pick up anything. I get my family to try, but everyone is in pain from it, and I let it go for now. I then begin to fly around the little creek in the woods behind my house. I see some black fish and some goldfish in the little creeks. I then decide to go for a tiny swim. This entire dream's weather has been the same. Rainy. I'm switching from swimming to flying in and over the creek until something falls in the water and transforms into a monster. Samus is heard speaking about this as a narrator, I keep flying higher and higher to avoid the monster, until I'm high enough to see the entire globe of this dream, which is an oddly shaped spheroid. The manmade things like the roller coaster thing by my house stick up, and on another island far away, you can see another building that showed up in the UFO dream. I then teleport back to the ground by my house and stare at the ground for a bit. I forget what happens next, so I'll skip to where I can remember. I then go to the pet store to buy a lightbulb for an aquarium that had a bulb go out. I get home, and the package ends up being these little fizzy circles that you put in the tank and it's apparently supposed to light it up. I put it in my mouth and it fizzes like one of those head ache tablets that you put in water. I spit it out into a toilet which appears in front of me out of nowhere. Somehow I get a real lightbulb and go through a lot more to put the bulb in the hood of the aquarium. The aquarium in the large room is put back in the house, but the aquarium in the woods still stays. I then begin to talk to Samus, which then takes us back into a car. Samus puts the level of difficulty on "exam," which is supposed to be a bit less harder than the difficulty it was on earlier. After a roundabout, we see a monster in the distance, which looks like a tall gray figure with a perfectly circular head and blocks for a body. We then begin to drive down the road opposite to the monster, and the sun comes out a bit. The little blessed palms my mom likes to keep in her car begin to catch fire on top of the dashboard. I begin to grab them to put them in a safe place under the dashboard but my mom gets mad and tells me to put them back. I spend the rest of the dream trying to keep the palms in the shaded parts of the dashboard, and that's when I wake up for the last time at 5:50AM. I then pick up my iPhone's word processor and write down this DJ entry, which I just now finished at 6:50AM on the dot. It took a whole hour to write this. Dang...
    non-lucid , lucid

    Time Travel during a UFO Crash.

    by Stormman3100 on 02-07-2015 at 07:23 AM
    It's been awhile. Hello. Just got back into the lucid dreaming world.

    Last night I had a very odd dream. I know there was more before this, but I can only remember up to this point. I was riding with my family in the car. There was a helicopter circling a UFO up the road. We continued to drive right under this. When we did, the UFO crashed, leaving a massive track of mud on the ground and over to the other side of the road. The UFO was no longer visible. When this happened, it turned the world back into the 1990's. I'm 18 years old, and don't remember much from the 90's myself. I was 10 years old in this dream after the crash. I had a massive craving for a cigarette, so I see a guy in some flannel, kinda like a grunge kid. I go up to him and bum an electronic cigarette. Some stuff happens that I can't remember. I end up on a playground in the middle of the woods with a really good friend of mine I met in high school. I didn't know him when I was 10, however. I kept trying to chase after him because I was lonely and knew no one else at the park. I finally catch up with him, and open this Chinese box of cigarettes. I pull out this strange package in the box of cigarettes, which ended up being a home-built electronic cigarette yet again. It was covered with a waxy wrapping paper. I finally opened it and then more stuff that I can't remember happened. We ended up in my friend's house, which was right by the woods with the playground. My friend's house has a fish tank with strange fish in it. His mother came up and was saying unintelligible things. I went into my friend's bedroom and he wasn't there. I walked outside to see him running away. That's when the dream ended. This is the latest in a string of STRANGE dreams. Keep dreaming, dreamers.

    Just WHAT?

    by Stormman3100 on 01-19-2013 at 12:29 AM
    Probably the absolute most craziest dream I've ever had in my life: It's been awhile since I wrote an entry in my journal. I just had a dream that I went to my uncle's house to meet my fortune telling aunt. But we randomly had to go to a church. When we went outside of the house, my mom was taking down a basketball goal with something, i forgot what it was. There was also a "Twitter" logo on the ground (the website). So my dream teleports me to this church where apparently a bunch of political campaigns are being run. There is a whole lot of mudslinging and a lot of horrible things being said. Then my aunt comes to me with a phone that looks like it was made in the 90's. I take it from her and listen. I could hardly make out a word the woman said. Just the , this group of mudslingers comes up to my car and yells "Michaels is a <racial slur>, vote for some the other guy." I then yell at my dad to drive forward a little because we were in a car. When we got up there I got yelled at over the phone for not listening to her speak. So then, theres these weird things that i noticed in the sky that seemed to look like moons, they were blocked by the atmosphere kinda like how the moon looks when you see it during the day, there was two of them. Then the brightness of the light outside gets nuked, it would be like going from noon to close to sunset instantly. My dad says "oh its just an extraterrestrial phenomenon." Then I look up at the sun, its slowly burning out. "Yep, i guess the sun is burning out." My dad said calm as ever. I woke up.

    I learned my lesson to never take Robitussin before bed. Lol

    Achieving my FIRST lucid dream!

    by Stormman3100 on 01-08-2013 at 01:33 PM
    I just had my FIRST EVER true lucid experience. It was mostly a dream about my family and everyone jogging around town and at my dad's work at night. Then when I sat on the couch, my bracelet with the words "BRONY" on it was turned into something really weird with a bunch of random stuff on it. So I thought since my bracelet only has the words "Brony" and Rainbow Dash on it, I thought "Hey I'm dreaming!" and ran out of the house with full control at this point, and rose into the air and flew off. (and also scared some joggers along the way). It was a short experience, but I felt so free. It was the first real lucid dream I've ever had. So excited!
    lucid , memorable

    My little pony + time travel?!

    by Stormman3100 on 06-06-2012 at 04:38 PM
    So basically let me explain a few things before I start. I am a Brony, a male fan of the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic series on tv. I am 15 years old turning 16 next month. I am also a heterosexual just to clear up any confusion. So here is the dream:

    It was a night of fun at my friends Barbeque, until the night became even more magical. Twilight Sparkle from My Little Pony flew from Equestria (when she doesn't even have wings) to my home to meet me and my friend. My friend didn't know I was a brony at the time, so he was insanely confused. I was excited as you might imagine (lol). But basically what happened after that I sadly do not remember.

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    Dream #2:

    I had been assigned to going to the library during my summer break for insanely low grades. (Not true, this is apart of the dream). So when I had gotten to the library that night, there were people arguing about being there (as always lol) and you know, just the norm. So it's late and I was just texting on my phone. Till something happen where everything went blank and time went forward about 3 hours. So I had to go to a teacher for some information on what just happened. She called my half dressed English teacher from 8th grade from the other room. (I'm a Sophomore by the way haha). So she calls my mother for some reason to pick me up. So I was watching out the window for my mom to come. She finally does, but she parks under a moving semi and calls me out. By the time she was there I was actually on a bus going nowhere. I was complaining to the driver to let me out and he said he has some "unfinished business to do with me". Then that dream ends and I wake up at about 11:00AM.
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    I was wanting to dream more so I did my best to force myself to go back to sleep. Here is what happened:

    My Uncle was about to move out with my dad. The odd thing about this is, My dad lives with me and my mom and my uncle live all the way down in Tennessee. We live in Indiana. So they do, and so does me and a friend of mine. So apparently, the whole United States has flipped at this time and we move into Michigan, which for some reason, is now located south of Georgia. So we are all good for awhile, until it becomes like a Sims game. Everything falls apart. The dog we got when we moved in died. (Not my real dog lol). and we just decide the next morning: "Hey maybe we should go on a vacation to China". When no one in our family even have Asian roots that we know of. (I do like to study some of Japan's culture though). So basically while we are in China, I don't remember anything. So at this point. We all move back to Indiana and something odd has happened.
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    (This is the next dream, after I said something odd has happened the dream ended so I made myself fall asleep again)!

    When we get back to Indiana, it turned back into 1999! When I was a measly 3 years old. We lived at my old apartment and everything was as if it REALLY was 1999. My friends that I used to race bikes with multiplied though, as we actually formed some kind of club when I was about 6, me being an avid Nascar fan at the time. (Not really the case anymore though haha). We then got on our bikes and raced for awhile. Now for some reason, the running track at our school was now owned by our neighborhood and was shipped over encased in cement basically. So we race, and even some of my friends from school in 2012 were there at their normal age. (I was perceived as a 6 year old. So I ask my parents if I could check out the house, and we go in. It was as if we lived in the 1300's. We had most of our tables made out of rocks. Our TV was balanced on a rock. The kitchen had a major renovation. Much different from the interior of the old apartment I remember. I had seen my dog which had experienced the time change too and was at a way younger age than she is now. (She is 7 now). So I go out and tell my friends what it's like in the future. (uh-oh). So this changes a lot in just the time I was there. My dad was forgotten by his Ham Radio Club, and it basically ended there.
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    So there it is. A single night's worth of dreams. If anyone is interested in learning more about the type of dreams I have, I talk about them a lot on my podcast. I'll link you to it if you send me a PM. I also have a Minecraft server! If anyone wants to join, just PM me and I'll send you the log in information so you can play with me!