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      Yeah I got it. Did I respond back? I forgot
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      Yeah I got it. Did I respond back? I forgot
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    01-17-2014 02:58 AM
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    1. gab
      gab liked blog post by sumo98 On : First Lucid Dream!!!!!!!!!!
      I was going right back to sleep after 2 hours of not sleeping. My dreams began in my gym class, And I some reason I was lucid. I also began to to Evan about lucid dreaming, both mine and his...
      Liked On: 01-17-2014, 04:54 AM
    2. OpheliaBlue
      OpheliaBlue liked blog post by sumo98 On : First Lucid Dream!!!!!!!!!!
      I was going right back to sleep after 2 hours of not sleeping. My dreams began in my gym class, And I some reason I was lucid. I also began to to Evan about lucid dreaming, both mine and his...
      Liked On: 01-17-2014, 02:39 AM
    3. sparkley
      sparkley liked blog post by sumo98 On : First Lucid Dream!!!!!!!!!!
      I was going right back to sleep after 2 hours of not sleeping. My dreams began in my gym class, And I some reason I was lucid. I also began to to Evan about lucid dreaming, both mine and his...
      Liked On: 01-17-2014, 01:55 AM
    View sumo98's Dream Journal

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    Several Dreams

    by sumo98 on 02-18-2014 at 11:11 PM
    Then she(Mrs.S_____) talks about it during during the Super Bowl. She gives the class some good examples such as a elegant black bull, and some bad ones like a dog with it's nuts showing. The words reality and check appear on the board as she talks about how bad the Super Bowl have been doing animal nudity. I begin to suspect that something is awry and my fired aswim tells me that this is a dream, I do a nose RC and I fail. The scene immediately changes into my old apartment. We have just moved in, my mom and dad are setting the router up they say it has cgi capable and has only 3 CC's. I trie to make the sun appear, but I blink, the computer I am staring at changes color. I attempt to stabilize by rubbing my hands and feeling the carpet, they both fail, And I try to record the color the crashed website had in dairy but it cost $2.60 to buy the color.
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    In this dream I move into a futuristic house with my whole family. It has a very good monitoring system and excellent luxury, my bother and I play with it. I also tire to make a vibrating bed.

    In this dream I am at a family reunion with my cousins brother and a bunch of other relatives.
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    In this dream I invent a taper recorder that can travel in time and to a limited extent, space. Doctor Who is also in this dream. For some reason my device has inspired a person to teach her daughter a interactive history about the plauge using this machine. It fails and then Zombie clowns invade my high school, sir some reason the woman tries to go towards the zombies because they are truth tellers or something. The doctor tries to save her but she keeps going towards the zombies.
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    In this dream I am arrested for stealing something. As I am flown to jail, my mom offer me some last minutes with my guinea pigs, I agree. Then I am off to my jail ward, hoping for a female "companion". Then after a couple of days I plan on killing the prison guards, everyone agrees with my plan and we kill the guards. A magical flying card posses their dead bodies innards and all for valentines(for their wives of course). I get back in jail for 4 years but I tell my mom that I will there for more like a single year or half a year, she makes the same offer as before.

    3 dream recalled!

    by sumo98 on 01-28-2014 at 04:43 AM
    I was seeing my report card and I saw that I had a 9% on one test and 99% on the other grade. I was sad afterwards. I had only 2 tests on it.

    The next dream was a semi-lucid one. My brother was in it and was angry at him. I shouted "THIS IS MY LUCID DREAM" Like a lion. He always appears in my dreams that bugger . I knew that I had controlled some aspect of my dream but I don't know what it was.

    In the third dream I was living in sort of a extended family, But with lots of unrelated guests. IT was sorta like one of those sitcom shows(full house perhaps?). Then I remember spying on a couple, they were singing a beautiful song about size and being in bed. It was sung in a rich,beautiful voice. It sounded sorta like the song "Just give me a reason". It was one of the of best songs I have heard, if not the best,the lyrics were not so good(the dream song that is.) In the next part I had situation where a parasitic was had bitten someone, we were standing in a straight line. The wasp takes 12 days to move on to it's next victim, it cause a bone swelling and disables the fingers. I calculated that since there were 8 people that I had 96 days till it reached me, it's final victim. Here is the photo of the wasp that sacred me so much:

    Ap Bio class

    by sumo98 on 01-18-2014 at 02:43 PM
    I was near a water side talking evolution, which was the AP bio topic. Then some came over with a axe to playfully cut my head off. I think we were underwater and pretending to be some lizards first reaching out for land. We reached desperately out underwater but our fingertips barely touched the surface. I rememeber then trying to cheat but I head the worst of all. The age of lizard acThen we went into the mansion and I was playfully hit a bloody(no one cared about safety) axe. The mansion had a spiral staircase and was headed by miss g____, my former science teacher. Near the end of the dream I asked the teacher about sympatric evolution, the only thing she said was that it was good.

    In the next dream I went to some sort of awesome buffet. They had chocolate and lots of treat at the front desk. I think i have actually seen a similar buffet. I don't remember the taste of the food or if we were served any. However I remember tasting those delicious chocolates that were spheres at the reception desk. The reception desk was staffed by indian(from india)

    Updated 01-18-2014 at 03:00 PM by sumo98


    First Lucid Dream!!!!!!!!!!

    by sumo98 on 01-17-2014 at 01:02 AM
    I was going right back to sleep after 2 hours of not sleeping. My dreams began in my gym class, And I some reason I was lucid. I also began to to Evan about lucid dreaming, both mine and his responses were intelligent. I forgot what he said though. Then my dream switched to my brothers room. It was a very poor dream that has somewhat wavy. I told my brother that I was dreaming, he didn't believe and while lucid I conjured up 2 twin bears.

    False Awakening.

    by sumo98 on 01-16-2014 at 04:28 AM
    In this dream, I wake up on a very sunny morning. My brother is awake before me ,I don't think that he tries to wake me up but he might have. Then my dad comes and tells me to get ready for the science fair. I should have taken his advice in waking life.
    non-lucid , false awakening