• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between TwitchLucidity and AstralVagabond

    11 Visitor Messages

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    1. Ah. Well, I guess I'm just gonna see how it turns out when I meet subconscious. But it should be fun anyway.
    2. Never tried that,
    3. Cool. Actually, I kind of hope I get a female subconscious manifestation myself. Although I think it'd be coolest to have one that was a mirror image of myself... Do you know if you can willfully change your subconscious' DC appearance?
    4. Well, I've learned its common for people to have opposite gender subconscious's.

      Its odd, yes, but very interesting. They communicate well
    5. Oo. But it's always a girl? That's interesting.
    6. Physically, she changes.

      And thanks,
    7. Oh, cool. 1) And does its appearance change or just its character? 2) Well, then, good luck with your tulpaforming! May everything turn out well!
    8. Well, its funny, my subconscious is always different. Never the same, but I think the person it is represents that day what mood I was in.

      Actually, I just started like two days ago on it. I am dedicated, first skeptical, but I kinda wan't to try it.
    9. Huh. I see. How does yours behave, then? With a consistent personality, right? Is that personality similar/identical to your own or is it different?

      Also, unrelated, you have a tulpa? That is so amazing. How is it? How long and how much did you have to work on it before you could regularly/easily superimpose it on reality? What's the experience like? I heard of tulpaforming a while ago and thought it was really cool but also heard that it takes a lot of time and focus to create and maintain and didn't think it worth bothering with at the time. What can you say about that?
    10. Omg, sorry I forgot to respond to you. ROOD OF MAH.
      Anyways, yeah. I talk to her alot, my subconscious, you'll like it. And no, its not robotic. Not at all.
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