• Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views

    Conversation Between TwitchLucidity and AstralVagabond

    11 Visitor Messages

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    1. Oh, hey! About that fascination-with-the-subconscious thing. You know, I've been thinking a lot myself about the prospect of speaking with my own subconscious when I go into a lucid dream. In fact, it's one of the main reasons for which I'm motivated to develop a lucid dreaming lifestyle. I always imagine summoning my subconscious mind in the visible form of my own body - so it'll be like I'm talking to my own reflection - and just, like, sitting down to discuss my deepest hopes and fears and the meaning of life with it over some tea and biscuits. I imagine its attitude being either totally robotic and giving only straightforward, yes-or-no answers or it talking just like me or however I want it to talk. But now, I wonder if that's actually how it works...
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