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    Conversation Between USA and Wildride

    23 Visitor Messages

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    1. Whoooo?
    2. I wouldn't even guess that, I don't think of fat people when I think Australia, I usually think of the accent, and Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter!

      Also I found the guy from Naruto I was thinking of!
    3. Actually, but current statistics, I think Australia has a slightly higher obesity rate
    4. Haha yep lots of fat people thats true. I ain't fat tho.

    5. Besides the stereotypical all fat and lazy, none really that come to mind
    6. Haha, I was kidding around XD! I know that stuff, except the thing about the accent. Are there any American sterotypes you know of?
    7. Just making a few things clear, we don't ride kangaroos, own them, nor do we own wallabies, wombats, koalas or anything like that either, and I have never heard anybody with that accent they have on TV >.>

      Well I guess some people would own those animals, but I don't know them xD
    8. Cause you're from the land down under.
    9. Homies? Why not bros?
    10. Yeah, but we speak the same language, so we homies.
    Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 23
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