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    School and Life

    by waningmoon on 04-14-2012 at 03:48 PM
    Ok, I remember that instead of going to school I went bowling with some friends (Yesterday I actually did go bowling, so that explains that) afterwards my girlfriend's school (my old school) was having this dinner/movie showing thing and I decided to pop in and hang out with her and some old friends of mine. Near the end of the movie i noticed I was still wearing my bowling shoes when I remember that I had returned them (dream sign that didn't kick in) Later I discovered that I apparently live at this apartment home (which is really like a hotel for the old and feeble) I was walking around in the lobby and noticed someone else from school was there too. Her dad was sitting at a computer. She introduced him as like Andrew or something. The computer screen said Alyssa instead of Andrew though (second dream sign that didn't kick in).

    In the dream I noticed the dream signs, said they were weird, but continued on.. PROGRESS!! h

    I know I haven't been on top of things lately, but it's going to seem like it's getting worse because I'll be gone for a week. I'll try to write my dreams down and post what I wrote at the end of the week when I get back.. Too-ta-loo!

    Jogging to Yosemite

    by waningmoon on 04-11-2012 at 04:54 PM
    So, there was a few dreams, but I remember this one the most.

    My brother and I had already been jogging throughout my dream for some reason. We'd jog here, jog there, awkward right? So we had a weekend to kill and somehow got it in our heads to jog to Yosemite (a three hour car drive) and back home. I -being the smart one- grabbed a backpack full of some supplies in case anything happened. We start jogging. We don't make it all the way because I think it took us a while to realize that it wouldn't be three hours jogging cuz we're not jogging at 60+ mph XD

    We somehow managed to get to this store we always pass along the way but I've never been inside. It's this old, Native American type deal; privately owned, looks like a house converted into a store. We go inside and you know, I expect to see a bunch of Native American things, right? No. Wood and rope to make sleds, and magnets. Oh, and there was a room full of ice sculptures in the back. Not exactly what I expected.

    I then woke up due to sunlight shining through my window.. gotta fix that.

    Multiple Dreams

    by waningmoon on 04-09-2012 at 07:52 PM
    1) Ok, this one was rather strange.. There was some huge fair/parade going through town so basically everyone was centralized in the streets. I picked up a Gatling gun and started killing everyone I saw. I just mowed them all down. The strange part was that all the people I knew, loved, or cared for, the bullets did nothing to. It was as if something stopped the bullets from hurting those who never hurt me. I had a few conversations and killed practically everyone in town. Kill'n the mayor was the funnest, just say'n.
    2) Ok, this one topped that one on strangeness. I was like a fish or some'm with a bunch of friends who were fishes too. We were trying to swim from like this river to the ocean to the bottom or some'm. Strange...
    3) There was a third dream.. I believe it was before the first one I wrote. But when you have this many random dreams you tend to forget the first few...
    non-lucid , dream fragment

    On the run

    by waningmoon on 04-07-2012 at 03:51 PM
    Ok, due to the fact that I decided to have cereal (I was hungry, don't hate) and called my girlfriend (she had a nightmare) before I wrote this, I remember significantly less >_<

    medieval time era. I'm in a party of probably ten or so. It started out in a small village, but things took a turn for the worst when the first sword was swung. We had no choice but to head for the hills and run. I don't know if it was our fault or theirs, but our men were dying and I had to get them out of there. Once in the forest it's just a matter of covering our tracks and silently killing all stranglers who try to find us. Since the ratio was like two swordsmen to eight archers, this wasn't a problem. We came into a clearing, thinking we were safe, only to get ambushed by two dozen men. I escaped. All of my men were either captured as prisoners or slaughtered in the field.

    I don't know whether to be happy because I escaped, or sad because I lost all my men :/

    The rise and fall of a labour camp

    by waningmoon on 04-06-2012 at 04:03 PM
    Ok, this was a massive dream and I only really remember bits here and there (which is good cuz I wouldn't want to type it ALL out anyway).
    So we're in Manhattan, and I'm helping on a construction project for a huge new building. I don't mean grunt work helping, I mean architectural design helping. Somewhere along the lines I start to notice what we're building, and try to escape... We've secretly been building a labour/death camp in the middle of the city! I get away but don't go far, a few blocks away I rally some people and we storm the site, hoping to take it over. We win (kind of). You see, it was more of a treaty than anything. We killed some people, no biggy, and destroyed some things, but the architectural design was still too amazing to just tear down. So we kept it, but got rid of the guy. I don't know if we banished or killed him, but he's gone.
