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    View Warsaw's Dream Journal

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    Feeling very destructive...

    by Warsaw on 12-23-2011 at 08:51 PM
    I remember that this dream was very vivid whilst I was experiencing it, but details are sketchy.

    The dream begins with me in school, with two of my closest friends that also attend this school. I'm not sure why but for some reason we made it our duty to literally destroy the school. We felt as though it was up to us to completely demolish it; make it uninhabitable.

    I started to work towards by goal by running around and punching holes through the walls. I don't know how this was possible. The walls are very thick, therefore this would be deemed impossible. It did not occur to me that this could be superhuman.

    After down several walls around the schools (somehow without getting caught (I join in with everyone, wondering who the culprit could be)), I notice my chemistry teacher looking at me in a funny way. I immediately realise that he suspect I am the person that did this, so I try to keep a close eye on him whilst I continue doing what I must do. This part of the dream is just now reminding me of the manga/anime series Death Note, in which a student named Light is responsible for the deaths of many criminals, whilst a young man named L Lawliet is trying to find out who this is. I feel as though I am Light in this situation, with L being my chemistry teacher.

    I then proceed to walk down towards the president's corridor. An area that contains portraits of all past presidents (principals) of the school. On my way I notice several teacher from the PE department, they are dressed in the regulation school tracksuit. A strange thing I can't understand is that everything they zip up their jacket as far as it goes, it turns into some type of white camouflage. I'm currently unsure about what this could mean.

    Spoiler for This is what the jacket appears to look like, the zipper must be as far up as it can go.:

    Somehow I realise that the PE department are only there to help workout who the culprit is (my friends and I), and also to protect the school from any further damage. They do this by standing by the doors to the entrance of one of the school blocks and guarding it from potential destruction.

    I continue past this block and reach the president's corridor, as I do I stare straight down it terrified. My chemistry teacher is walking down the president's corridor towards the student reception. I then proceed to take out from my pocket, some type of washing powder... I proceed to douse the entire president's corridor with this powder as though it were gasoline, and rather than dropping a match on it I conjure water with my hands and drop the water onto it, filling the president's corridor with suds.

    Spoiler for Example of washing powder:

    I see this as an opportunity to escape. I run from the president's corridor to the quad (directly next to it, practically attached). This shocks me as I see my chemistry teacher (who should be all bubbled up by now) standing in the quad, staring at a wall. I manage to slip around him, and somehow magnify my eyes to see what he's staring at. He is staring at a picture frame that is for some reason attached to a wall outside. I don't know what was on the picture frame, but what I do know is that it proved that I was guilty. I immediately met back up with my two friends and we ran as fast as we could towards the astroturf pitch, to try and escape, even though this would just trap us even more.

    The next thing I remember is running towards the block where the PE department decided to guard, and somehow managed to get my hands on one of their jackets. I put the jacket on and zipped it right up so that it turned into this white camouflage jacket. I knew I was safe as I did this, as the chemistry teacher walked right past me without noticing me. Somehow this jacket was like a type of disguise and I could use it to continue destroying the school.

    This was when I woke up, and immediately tried to get back to sleep to continue with this dream as I usually do, but this time it was not to be.

    Warsaw's Dreams

    by Warsaw on 12-23-2011 at 08:33 PM
    A recurring dream that I've been experiencing since my early childhood. The earliest I remember having this dream is from when I was four years old. I am now sixteen years old.

    It's a little fuzzy, and there isn't much detail as of yet, it's too confusing.

    First I awake to be trapped in something. I don't know how I got there or why I'm there, but I just am for some reason.

    Spoiler for The structure I'm trapped in. It looks more or less like the structure of graphite, but much more complex.:

    I immediately realise what's happening (I'm aware that I've been here before (in previous dreams, I'm just not aware that it is a dream)), and begin to panic. I shake around and try to break myself free from whatever is keeping me attached to this structure (possibly some type of web).

    As soon as I do this I continue to panic even more, believing there is something coming for me. It's as if I'm attached to a spider's web and a spider is coming to devour me, but it isn't a spider. Unsure what it is as of yet.

    Throughout this dream everything feels so... dirty. It all has an extremely grunge feel to it, I don't feel at all welcome and I know that I shouldn't be there.