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    1. TheSpaceEel
      TheSpaceEel liked post by wasa656 On thread : how not to fight giant moles
      FYI. the mole is a bit latter. Ok when the dream started i was in a military base and im being chased by people i run around corners until i lose them i go into a room and there's a girl from my old...
      Liked On: 09-28-2012, 04:01 AM
    2. intheworldofnim
      intheworldofnim liked post by wasa656 On thread : I finally ate something in a LD ( the taste of victory)
      try eating something that U couldn't get on earth like a mini sun u would be surprised what your mind puts the flavour as.
      Liked On: 09-27-2012, 04:12 PM
    3. intheworldofnim
      intheworldofnim liked post by wasa656 On thread : Spirit Tomato?? Wtf subconscious?!
      maby the noise was because you where really exited to here what she had to say and it started destabilizing the dream
      Liked On: 09-14-2012, 11:52 AM
    4. RebelSeven
      RebelSeven liked post by wasa656 On thread : Spirit Tomato?? Wtf subconscious?!
      maby the noise was because you where really exited to here what she had to say and it started destabilizing the dream
      Liked On: 09-12-2012, 05:40 AM
    5. RebelSeven
      RebelSeven liked post by wasa656 On thread : Spirit Tomato?? Wtf subconscious?!
      or your not ready to here what she has to say.
      Liked On: 09-12-2012, 05:38 AM
    6. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by wasa656 On thread : Spirit Tomato?? Wtf subconscious?!
      or your not ready to here what she has to say.
      Liked On: 08-28-2012, 04:17 AM
    7. Sageous
      Sageous liked post by wasa656 On thread : Spirit Tomato?? Wtf subconscious?!
      maby the noise was because you where really exited to here what she had to say and it started destabilizing the dream
      Liked On: 08-28-2012, 04:17 AM
    8. gab
      gab liked post by wasa656 On thread : first lucid dream
      i went to sleep at 9 to 12 then 12 to 2, 12 to 2 is when i had the lucid dream it started with me flying thou parts of old dreams and then a field with a road then i was flying next to a school bus...
      Liked On: 05-16-2012, 07:02 PM
    View wasa656's Dream Journal

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    my fight with a humanoid peacock

    by wasa656 on 02-02-2014 at 12:37 PM
    i cant remember were the dream started but i will put all that can remember.

    i was on the street of a city no lights were on and i was flying around and then i saw a peacock man flying down the street chasing something so i followed him he was chasing another bird-like thing (not sure what) but i feel like the bird-like thing is in danger so i fire stuff out of my hands to stop peacock man it just gets absorbed into the feathers but he notices me
    and changes direction to get to me when he gets close he starts talking (cant remember what he said) and threw a wand of sapient pear wood (from diskworld) at me i grab it and he flys at me i try to use the wand but nothing happens and he says
    "it must not like you" and i stab him in the hand with it and run away i fell asleep on the edge of a building, when i woke up the top of the wand was chipped so i poke it and another piece falls off but its still attached and the whole wand just kinda unravels
    later the peacock man finds me again and he wants his wand back so i stuff the unraveled wand into his hands and tryied to run but he grabs me and locks me in a top of a building then he leaves, there was a hole in the floor and i use magic to use it so see a top-down view of the city and i find peacock man riding in a swarm of monsters heading towards the bird-like thing
    (he must really hate it) and that's when i woke up.

    wtf giant mole

    by wasa656 on 09-20-2012 at 12:34 PM
    FYI. the mole is a bit latter. Ok when the dream started i was in a military base and im being chased by people i run around corners until i lose them i go into a room and there's a girl from my old school i thought she cant be here then i go semi lucid.
    (cant seem to go full lucid ever!). well in my dreams im a little of a perv and i pull off her pants there are no panties and i start touching her pussy. i start to feel something and the dream shifts im in the same room but she is gone, then a soldier comes out of a vent and one jumps through a window and some how i fight them off im not strong and the details get VERY hazy during the fight, well i go and run to an exit where there is a man i know somehow and for some reason he is creating a path on the floor out of sandals like 6 or so, sandals wide and for some reason i start to help him and i get close to done he walks out of a door and leaves, well i fall through the floor and im in a cave network in my mind i go HELL NO! and im at my moms house but the caves followed me and there where random holes around the house and a giant mole was grabbing people so i start to pack my stuff trying to decide what to keep and what to leave i grab my comp and some books and then the mole grabs me (i swear i could feel it) well it grabed me and started to bring me down the hole but it sees someone else and goes after them with me in its mouth (if you could call squiggly things a mouth) it puts me on the floor and puts a foot on my back (felt that too) and i said aloud in my dream ok im done with this and i woke up.
    lucid , nightmare

    recurring dream

    by wasa656 on 08-03-2012 at 01:58 PM
    in this dream the scene is placed at an enclosed orchard and in the background is a nuclear reactor now to the dream. im a spy from tf2 and where battling in the orchard that was separated into two areas well i went into stealth mode and crept into there base i avoided bumping into people but i had to stop to let my invisibility watch recharge i got to the gates of the base and and decloked and stabbed a guy but was tackled i threw him into a pool of lava and got up and was thrown in my self but it didn't hurt me so i got out and ran back to my side where they where all sitting watching a movie! well the movie ran for like ten seconds and the other team was preparing an ambush and so where we, the dream changed and i was in a room talking to some people and they asked if i wanted to join there organisation i said yes and we went to the orchard and there was a small hole and i climbed down and there was a big tree root and there was people on it using computers and she pushed a guy off and he fell to his death and she gave me his computer and i took his VERY uncomfortable spot i sat there for awile and got bored and left when i got to the surface i woke up.

    ps. sorry for the complete lack of punctuation.


    by wasa656 on 05-27-2012 at 01:10 PM
    the start was gone when i woke up so i cant put that
    when i can start remembering i was in a computer i think well oops i just remembered the start of the dream we were my family was getting a new dog but when it got to the house it was a person, nobody else really noticed so then the dream shifts to where people are getting replaced by robots the robots look human but they have a dead look in there eyes i was hiding in a old crawl space in my home when one found me he grabbed me then i went lucid. Ok back to where i was, in a computer
    there was this girl i did't know i was showing her the things you can do in a computer i put my finger to the blue floor that was dark blue with light blue simmering lines in it and drew a square and made a note book that matched the coller of the floor she seemed very happy and asked if she could have it then i proceeded to make several moor and throw them into oblivion , after that there was an earth quake when that ended the floor was broken all over so i fixed it and started building all over then i built a minecraft netherake tower in in the middle i put a large ice crystal that had faces on it they spawned a bunch of monsters and had a needle inn the haystack game i got very bored and jumped into oblivion my self,
    i did't wake up i was at my house in the yard trying to fly took a few face plants in the dirt but i flue into a tree "facepalm"
    then a guy was there i did't know and he was trying to help my fly better but then i woke up

    my dreams

    by wasa656 on 05-16-2012 at 06:06 PM
    not sure of the scene but partial lucid tried the mark on hand trick yelled at my self to look at my damn hands then woke up