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    Started a dream journal back on April 18th, 2011 i can pretty much remember 1 detailed dream per night. I can remember up to 4 dreams but im to lazy to wake myself in the middle of the night. Sometimes i wake up randomly and remember more then one dream.
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    Fight at School

    by xXMjn9311Xx on 05-14-2011 at 02:39 PM
    Woke up feeling pist..............

    It starts off, I'm in a class room and these kids are talking shit about me and harassing me. I couldn't take it anymore so I blew up at them and i started to fight this one guy. As we started fighting the teacher called down to the office for help. I was getting mad at the teacher because I was the good guy not the bad guy. I was only defending myself and all of a sudden the people from the office come and take me away when I'm the good guy. So I'm all upset because i get taken away and the other kid stayed in class. Then I woke up feeling really angry and pist off.

    First LUCID FOR MJN :)

    by xXMjn9311Xx on 05-13-2011 at 10:34 AM
    Pre Dream: I happen to wake up at 2 am and tossed and turned and couldn't sleep so i stayed up for about 20 min.. watching family guy on tv. So i started to get tired and then i was like okay time to sleep im tired...

    Sleep time: around like 2:30 ish maybe idk dont remember....

    Lucid Dream: 1:
    I've offered to go fill my sisters car up with gas and so i leave my house at around 6 p.m. on w/e day... as i was driving I felt vary tired and found myself driving into the downtown area and i was like wait why am i going to enter the freeway. I soon swerve off and find my way to the gas station. Soon a chapter of my dream is gone and i find myself in a room maybe in a hot tub but I'm not sure... I remember seeing my friend John and Ali. I started to have a normal conversation with my buddy John and all of a sudden i started to slur my words as if i was drunk. He soon asks me are you dreaming Matt (xXMjn9311Xx) and I was kinda shocked he said that. because in reality this world felt real as shit , no ifs ands or butts , it felt fucking real. So in my dream thoughts I told myself fuck it, if I'm dreaming we will see after these reality checks. I found the nearest light switch and flipped it on and off and the light worked like it would in normal life. So then i looked at my fingers and one of them looked chopped off... more like a knuckle/nub.. LOL. I soon begin to be amazed and shocked because this "Dream World" felt real as day... I don't remember walking in the dream.. just visual imaging... I closed my eyes because fear had set over me and i felt like I was falling... I closed my eyes and i was like PLEASE GOD HELP ME WAKE UP... I said this for over 30 seconds in the dream world then i jerked my eyes around and then my body in the dream... I soon woke up amazed how i woke myself up with no alarm clock :O sooo i was like OMFG my first lucid dream............... then after 15 min of writing in my dream journal i was like wow wtf that was dumb i wish i would have calmed down...

    Wake time: 4:00 A.M. U.S. central time on Friday the 13th! 2011 :O


    by xXMjn9311Xx on 05-04-2011 at 05:06 AM
    Note to self never take naps during the day.... you wont be able to fall asleep when it gets late!
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    Jerked awake

    by xXMjn9311Xx on 05-03-2011 at 11:55 PM
    So I was laying in bed and concentrating on lucid dreaming well all of a sudden everything went black and it felt like someone was pulling me into dream world. So I freaked out and jerked awake...

    Has anyone else had this experience?
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    Driving and eating

    by xXMjn9311Xx on 04-30-2011 at 02:33 PM
    Well i was driving throw my neighbors lawn and some how there was a 8 foot deep hole in the ground that i drove over and flipped my truck some how. Then i remember being in the hole in the ground and trying to get out of it. and for some reason every time i failed at getting out of this hole i was laughing at myself. Then the dream moved on to another chapter and i was eating all the food at there house. I partially remember the husband of this house hold all pissed off that i was there so either i got to sleep with his wife or idk cuz i don't remember. Also as i was driving throw there lawn i remember some chick that i knew but i cant seem to make the face out.
    non-lucid , side notes