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    1. yungdeity
      yungdeity liked blog comment by JadeGreen On : Lucid dream help!! :(
      Well there is your problem. Stop trying to go directly into an LD at night. Although dropping directly into a lucid dream when you go to bed is possible (I've done it 4 times over 5 years) It's not...
      Liked On: 03-17-2015, 11:25 PM
    2. yungdeity
      yungdeity liked blog comment by JadeGreen On : please explain the meaning of this dream
      It probably simply means that your life is (or was) spinning out of control, due to your use of these substances. Being in space might represent an emptiness you feel or a feeling of isolation. But...
      Liked On: 03-17-2015, 03:00 AM
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    Really weird dream lucid in a way.

    by yungdeity on 04-11-2015 at 02:04 AM
    so this dream is really weird and i forgot almost all of it immediately when i woke up. so it started out me looking at a fb post at about 1:00 sacred geometery and bad entities with dmt! so i was intrigued and read it for about 30 min. it gets too a point where in my room i don't feel comfortable when it gets to late.. stuff starts feeling uneasy and i don't like it at all. so i tell my self, " maybe its time to sleep now cause I'm feeling pretty freaked out about this post." idk why i was freaked out cause I've never done dmt in my life. it was just a scary entry about it. so i finally fall asleep in a really uneasy way and all i remember is waking up and feeling a bad presence , waking up feeling a bad presence.. over and over feeling like it was just nagging at me telling me,"haha you can't sleep". so this is when i figured out it was a dream. at one point of this occurring i got out of bed to get water or just to leave my room cause the feeling of someone watching me or atleast a weird presence. i walked down my hallway and everything was really distorted and almost pitch black like i couldn't see.. i was running into walls and i saw my step dad sitting on the couch he didn't talk he just sat there.. well what i thought i saw was him, maybe a being idk. its was all weird so i turned back to my room. i finally thought after that, hey this is a dream cause my vision isn't that bad. so thats when all the feeling went away i think. and i just slept.. like everything went blank before i got back into bed. I woke up the next day and asked if i got up last night in the middle of the night and my stepdad said no.(he stays up pretty late and watches tv in my moms room). but i don't feel like it was just a presence of something bad, i remember faintly of it all feeling like i was being.. almost tortured in a way i guess over and over for like an eternity. it was really weird and i need someone to explain it too me.. really freaked me out!

    Quick, but very horrific dream/nightmare.

    by yungdeity on 03-19-2015 at 10:48 PM
    i fall asleep at 12:00

    I am still in my bed in the dream everything is the same, the lights are off but i see strange neon type symbols on my ceiling this is when i noticed i was dreaming. so i become fully lucid i step out of bed and put my earphones in to start listening to music. but before i pick a song i hear something so i just stand there and wait till its more clear. Its Crows! a lot of them so i start getting frightened, at this point i jump back in bed because theres never crows by my house especially this late. i cover my ears and head with a pillow but i still hear them. Then all the sudden they started hitting the window! i woke up and nothing was there, no symbols and no birds. i fall back asleep with the tv on and i didn't dream anymore that i really remember that night.

    Lucid dream help!! :(

    by yungdeity on 03-17-2015 at 03:15 AM
    this isn't about an actual lucid dream but, for some odd reason i can't do it anymore. I can't get in a comfortable position at night and go off in a more trance like sleep. This is what is keeping me from doing that. Well, ill lay down and everyone once a week or so ill tell myself, hey i want to dream lucid tonight and dream about stuff/something. So i sit in my bed and try to get comfortable but, i can't sleep in the dark anymore in my room. Its very strange i feel as if I'm being watched. So i always have to turn on my tv, which is a distraction to lucid dreaming. If someone can please help me overcome this fear of someone watching me and being by me then i can do it again. Like i can tell myself hey this thing/fake imagination being can't hurt me and its not really there but i feel like it is and its blocking my way from doing this anymore.

    aliens? or something

    by yungdeity on 12-11-2014 at 01:45 AM
    I awake and i notice that its still night time. my window curtains are open and look away. i can't move, fear is pushing me down on my bed. I know though in my mind all the sudden that aliens are in my room or outside of it. I force my self out of this weird paralyzed state . and i jump out of bed. i run to my door and i feel the energy of something behind me at this point. i stop and listen and i hear something outside walking outside my room by my door. i open it and i run to my parents room across the hall and i tell my mother I'm sleeping in there tonight. she's half asleep and says yes. I'm 16 i never do this it was super weird I'm not scared of shit like that most of the time in dreams but this was REAL. i stay awake for about 1 hour still hearing things outside her door. then i finally fall asleep.
    false awakening

    weird exploration dream

    by yungdeity on 12-11-2014 at 01:38 AM
    me and all my friends just get done drinking and we all pass out at 2:30

    I wake up and I'm still in my friends bed, i look at his clock and its very blurry. i can only move my head at this moment. (If you've seen the movie hollow man this part well make more since.) i look straight up at his ceiling. on the side of my vision a portal type thing is there. like its clear but still very vivid. a man is sitting there smiling. waiting for me to put my attention on him. Im very calm when i look at him and I feel like i want to be his friend.
    He tells me in a very adventurous way that i can come with him to explore the answers of space and life. I'm am very scared but willing to go at this point. as Im aloud to move at this point now i put my arm through the portal type hole. I'm very nervous and i stop. He tells me i shouldnt be afraid and says I've been asking for answers all the time. I tell this being that i can't do it yet. He then looks at me and saddens and says, "alright but i do not understand"

    The portal type thing disappears and i drift off to darkness, and i blackout. I awake and I'm very weirded out about this experience remembering all of it.