Okay, to preface, I'm nineteen, married, and six months pregnant. Ever since I've been pregnant my dreaming has become very vivid, which I would expect, but also I've had more nightmares. The one I just had is keeping me awake.

It really crept up on me. I'm staying with my in-laws, and in the dream I woke up and felt something moving in my bed. I remember thinking that there wouldn't be mice in this house and wondering what it was. Somehow I realized I was at the house I grew up in with my mom in the room across the hall and my brother and his wife living downstairs.

I also realized there was a little girl in the room, of walking baby age. Throughout the dream this girl was sometimes a doll, sometimes a baby, sometimes a young teenager. Somehow my mom told me this was a girl my brother was watching and that she sometimes needed to sleep in another room, that they probably meant to lay her with my mom instead of me. In my room, the girl became part doll, and we entered this state of consciousness where other were also with dolls. At one point we connected, her touching my pregnant belly, and she tried to influence me with her thoughts. She told me to accept the control of her father, some sort of demon, and to let my baby die.

I brought the doll into my mom's room and told her the doll was evil. It started attacking us, mostly my mother. Sometimes it telepathically threw stuff at her, sometimes it tried swinging a broken bed post at us. At one point the scene became an anime-like showdown, with the now teenage girl on one side with other doll-creatures, on the other me with others my age and older, including the girl's father. What seperated the groups was love and hate. I saw people on either side being defeated because their resolve was too weak. Then it was just my mother and I in her bedroom again, and I was focusing a beam of energy at the girl. She knew I had her trapped, and was almost telling me how to kill her. At one point something blocked my vision, as if I had been watching tv and now could only picture what was happening by listening to it. I held focus and finally the girl turned into a cloth doll, still alive but no longer evil.

I took the doll downstairs and set it on my brother's bed. Upstairs I found the doll sitting against the wall, like they had brought it back up. I went into my mom's room to complain, but she didn't remember the terrible things it had done. It walked into her room, and it never acted evil, but I kept stabbing at it with the broken bedpost. It acted innocent and hurt, but I was still afraid if it. The whole dream I was afraid of it hurting my unborn baby.

At that point I woke up. In the dark room it resembled the beginning of the dream too closely for me to go back to sleep. Can anyone explain the creepy little girl (I'm having a boy) and the intense fear? The other elements make sense to me. Thanks!