Hey guys,

I've got another dream to share with you. I'm the poster of the "Multiple Recurring Dreams" thread, but this dream doesn't tie in with the rest so I thought I'd start another thread.

My dream started off by me and one of my close friends (call him Jon) along with one of his other friends (call him Steve) walking around in one of the neighbourhoods in my city where Jon lives. At first it was night time and Steve had to go and sort something out. I didn't know what was going on but I followed anyway. It turns out Steve was involved in some very murky business with a corrupt police officer and sat in a Police van for a while, sorting out whatever he was sorting out. After that was done, Steve also had to say goodbye to a Japanese girl he had made pregnant who was going back to Japan. I made the most of my opportunity and practised some of my Japanese with her before we parted ways.

As we walked down the street further, it was now full daylight. Some scummy teenagers hanging around the shops tried picking a fight with us but we just ignored them and walked on. Then Steve was gone and somehow me and Jon were with another close friend of mine (call him Jake). I can't remember how we met up with Jake in the dream, he kind of appeared out of nowhere while Steve disappeared into thin air.

So eventually we find ourselves in the city centre. We enter into a building that looks like an office block (in real life it is because I remember the building and where it is) but when we get inside, it's a pub with loads of people drinking. They were about to have some sort of pub quiz where a boy and a girl had to team up and solve it. Pairing up the boys and girls was a weird process. The girls stood on the inside of the building looking through the big glass windows while the boys were on the outside (this part of teaming up the boys and girls was actually done in a place that looks a lot like the supermarket where I work, it's like the outside of the building completely changed and we were no longer in the city centre anymore)

So most of the boys and girls have already paired up and I'm one of the stragglers along with another girl. My friends didn't want to join in so I decided to go it alone. This one girl was with a group of her friends who didn't seem like they were playing either. One of the girl's friends directed her to the window right opposite to me and as she lifted her head up, I saw her face and signalled with a thumbs up that I wanted to pair with her. She agreed with a smile and a nod of the head. This girl turned out to be Korean, or at least she was asian with Korean writing on her clothes. She was wearing a red wool coat, red wool hat, had long black curled hair and big glasses. She was really pretty.

So anyway, I go inside and they're just about to start the quiz. As I approach the table where the Korean girl is sitting, she smiles at me and
I smile back. However, the woman announcing the rules of the quiz points out I don't have a pen or paper and that I'd need it. I feel like an idiot at this point, so I quickly run out trying to get some paper and a pen. This time, the outside of the building changes back to the city centre, and I find myself running across town trying to get it. After a long while of searching, I come back empty handed and just give up to join my friends in drinking.

Then Jake points out to me that a girl sitting behind me, another Asian girl (presumably Korean) who was a friend of the Korean girl I was supposed to be paired with, produces a large roll of paper and a pen. She rips some paper off for me and says something in her language (I presume "Here you go"?) I thank her and quickly attempt to rejoin the quiz.

Now here it gets weird. The quiz had moved outside and apparently it was to do with some kind of Olympic event that was happening that day, something to do with people in parachutes trying to catch the wind (it was extremely windy). But now the outside of the building (the back of the building this time, not the front) had turned into a beach with a small town on it. All the people doing the quiz were sitting outside in chairs watching the event. I couldn't find the girl I was supposed to be paired with, but I did find her friends and there were two empty seats next to them. I assumed one of these seats must have belonged to her so I took one in the hope she would come back. Another girl was sitting opposite me and had obviously noticed me before hand because she said "Well where have you been this whole time?".

I had just come back from that huge journey of trying to find the paper and pen so I was a bit thrown off of jumping straight into a conversation. I tried to explain as best as I could, but I couldn't catch my breath and I ended up babbling about some shit about "media preferences" or something else entirely unrelated. I felt like such a huge dick at this point, but then I woke up! I couldn't even redeem myself in my dream!

How weird is this? Any meaning behind this at all?