In my dream, I'm in one narrow isle of what seems to be a vault facility, a young woman with a 1960s trendy style of clothing (black blouse, black knee length skirt w/ white polka dots, bare feet) and shoulder length straight blond hair stands in front of me as if stopping me from proceeding. She wears large mask (or head) of a morbid elephant with left eye closed and right eye barely open, but lifeless, it's left tusk is broken and it has various small and scars that seem to be lightly bleeding, it's trunk is short and extends from where her head would be to upper chest length. She has one hand behind her back hiding something, she takes one step towards me and a sudden rush of danger comes over me, always waking me up in a state of fear and shock. I feel like this nightmare has to be symbolic of something that I just don't understand at all, please help