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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2014

      I need help please

      Okay so I've been having this same dream/nightmare every night this week. I did some research and you can apparently only dream of faces you have seen in "real life" persay. Well every night I end up right back at the begining of the dream. I know I'm dreaming and theres nothing I can do about it. I read that impacts will wake you from any dream even a lucid one. Well...that didn't work and I feel EVERYTHING pain guilt. All of it. So my dream is I end up with this women I've never seen before in anything ever real life, movie, tv show never ever. Well I cant figure out whats after us its all...cloak and daggers persay it, he, she whatever sticks to the shadows the only thing I know is shes hurt. Scared and needs help. So I help i knew it was a dream the first night I had it I tried pinching myself only to say ouch (because it actually hurt) and I even tried to pinch this girl too lol I felt really bad about that seeing how she was already injured. I have never seen her before I know this in the dream...but she knows me she communicates to me like wwe've known each other for years...but I dont know her. I vividly remember asking her once because I needed to treat her leg (the hurt part of her) i said do you trust me. She looked at me like we've known each other forever and said "of course I trust you, I love you"....umm what? The dream goes on we keep movimg trying to stay ahead of this "shadow" if you will..and I cannot wake up. I cant do anything but..."play my roll" maybe..idk...the last thing I remember is very very odd...and weird. I cannot remember why or how. But her and I are trapped by a door. And..well the doors creepy as hell...its this 9 foot by 4 foot old rusted cast iron door very solid still and very thick by the looks of it but...the creepy part is...there like...bones...attached to the door..she starts crying amd freaking out more and pointing to the shadow that is now behind us..and for some reason now there is a line of salt or something white on the ground from the door around us and back to the door then and only then will I wake up feeling like I was hit by an damn truck...it sounds crazy I know..lol believe me...but I wouldn't make something like this up...I just want it to stop..

    2. #2
      Member linh's Avatar
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      Oh that's sounds really awful that you couldn't really do anything although you know it was a dream several times. That exact same thing happened to me too. At the beginning I was lacking imagination and my emotions where so overwhelming that I couldn't know what to do. But then because those dreams always recur I made plans on how I could handle it if I dreamt of them again. First if I began to realize it was a dream I must calm myself down and must say to myself that it's only a dream so I don't have to worry over those uncomfortable and strong emotions I feel in this situation and afterwards I ask my dream characters why they disturb my dreams in such a way haha
      Thanks to that I had the chance to overcome some of these recurring dreams!
      I don't know where your read it that you can only see familiar people in your dreams but it's not right. I have dream characters who don't even exist in my life or have ever lived and they are actually only an imagination/projection of my unconsciousness. So I would say you shouldn't really worry about that women who kinda appear in your dreams this often. I would rather just like I explained before question myself what role she could have in your dreams because nightmares are suppose to send you a message that something isn't right in your life for example you have this situation you can't deal with in your real life and then in the night you dream about someone who is chasing after you but you can't run away from him/her.

      I hope my answer was helpful!


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