So I've been sick lately, and I had a freaky as hell dream last night.

When I'm sick, I don't play video games. I'm too out of focus and and I would probably throw up if I tried. So what happens after I don't play for two days? Well....

So I first remember walking to a castle, and inside I see a huge central room. It's lined with grey bricks, and on both sides of the entry I could see elevators to a porch. The first clue that this was going to get weird was when I noticed a Chaingun from Quake 2 up there. On the other side was a Rocket Launcher from Halo 3.

Next, I got down from the elevator, and for the first time I notice a door across from the entry. It is straight out of High Charity from the Cortana level in Halo 3. I look inside, with my Chaingun, and the Flood is coming in. Pure forms from Halo 3 start chasing me, and I open fire, chewing through Stalkers and Tanks.

I run backwards, and though I realize that I'm dreaming, I cannot go lucid and stop the dream. I run back, grab the Rocket Launcher... and that's all I remember before waking up in a sweat (likely to be caused by my sickness as well).