I usually don't think much about my dreams, but I have had this one over and over again for the past three weeks. It has a few "classic dream symbols", but not really sure what to make of it, so here we go....

There are a few "plot twists", so to speak, but the recurring theme is that I am pregnant, or at least think I am pregnant. As the pregnancy progresses I don't gain any weight at all, and don't have a baby on the due date, which causes everyone to think I am lying, imagining the whole thing, or that I am infertile/had a miscarriage. I'm not sure which of those things is the truth-I feel very confused and a little paranoid during these dreams. In most of the dreams I am married or engaged to the father, and in one case we had a child already and this was the second pregnancy. In several cases I had to run to protect myself/the baby because nobody believed that I was pregnant.

Not sure if any of that means anything to anyone else...I would greatly appreciate your input. I have never had the same dream over and over this way before, so I feel like my subconscious is trying to tell me something.

FYI, I am a 24 year old female. I teach high school which I don't love but don't hate either. (I am hoping to go to graduate school in a few years) I am in a long term relationship, he's ready for marriage and I am not. Neither of us wants kids ANYTIME soon! Good relationship with family and friends.

Please tell me your thoughts!