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    1. #1
      Join Date
      Jun 2010

      I was a vampire/ghost hybrid

      I felt compelled to sign up to a dreams forum because of this dream.

      It started off with my mom and I being thrilled that we were moving into a new house. The house was gigantic, and a bit old. I didn't even notice until I woke up that the entire dream was sans my dad. Pretty spooky. (btw: I live with my boyfriend IRL). Anywho, this house was possessed. There was a large demon that was trying to kill us, so my mom and I decided that we were going to obviously leave, and I remember saying to her "we need to pack our stuff up and leave today" and then said "actually I think we just need to leave our stuff here and get out." I had jumped from one floor to the next while trying to get away from the demon, jumping literally through the floorboards. I just remember that the demon was attacking us, and there was one room in particular that it seemed to "live" in. Then I was outside somehow, maybe in a separate dream. I was walking by myself, and it was nighttime. I looked up to the building in front of me and there was this crazed-looking child with red eyes who was clinging to a wall itself (kind of like how vampires can climb walls in popular fiction). He had a very high-pitched voice; when he spoke it was painful to hear. He spotted me and I tried to get away, but he flung himself on me and bit me. I remember thinking that I did a pretty good job of getting him off me, so maybe he didn't actually bite me; but I think I was psyching myself out. I looked down and saw just one tiny speck on my wrist and I knew he did bite me. Then I turned into some sorta mix of a ghost/vampire. I tried talking someone, but they couldn't see or hear me. I remember opening a door and trying desperately to get the man in the room to pay attention to me, but he just acted scared, and kept saying "who's there? who opened the door?" I tried to talk to some other people, but they couldn't hear me either. Then for some reason, I got a job application, and tried filling it out, but I had a lot of trouble because I couldn't really grip the pen. I tried to call my mom with my cell phone because I wanted to be comforted, but she couldn't hear me on the other end. It was as if all modes of communication with the outside world were now becoming obsolete. I later "got my cell phone taken away," rather than losing it. Then I remembered the high-pitched voice from the vampire who bit me, and decided that I need to speak in that voice to get people to hear. So I took the job application that was sloppily filled out and gave it to a lady who did accept it from me, because I used a really spooky high-pitched voice to get her to hear. The voice didn't even sound like it was coming from me. But it worked; she heard me. I got a spark of hope that I wasn't a ghost anymore. I remember thinking that I couldn't step in front of the mirror that was next to me, or she'd find out my secret. The lady who took my application didn't seem to take it seriously. She began to ignore me, and then left.

      I woke up shortly after that, feeling terrified that I was some sort of ghost...lol. What are your thoughts?
      Last edited by Jaelle; 06-04-2010 at 05:15 PM. Reason: typo

    2. #2
      Join Date
      Sep 2010
      I think this vampire ghost is a symbol for you feeding off others, and being haunted by your past. Vampires in dreams are telling you respect others more, and try to be more independent. Ghosts are problems from your past that you need to try to deal with, or get over.

      Demons in dreams represent creators of negativity. They are fears, desires, or anything negative that causes you a lot of problems in your life with your personality and bad choices.

      Red eyes in a dream represents a negative life outlook, bad choices, and thinking negatively. So whoever has them represents a bad personality trait you have that is causing you problems in life.

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