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    Thread: Favorite Quotes

    1. #26
      FBI agent Ynot's Avatar
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      "Once the game is over, the King and the Pawn go back in the same box." --- Italian Proverb
      (\_ _/)

    2. #27
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      "Love Paste"

      -- Ian of Mung

    3. #28
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      Fortune Favors the Bold - Virgil
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    4. #29
      now what bitches shark!'s Avatar
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      motherfucking space.
      Get low, Get low [x6]
      To the window (TO THE WINDOW), to the wall, (TO THE WALL)
      To the sweat drop down my balls (MY BALLS)
      To all these bitches crawl (CRAWL)
      To all skit skit motherfucker (MOTHERFUCKER&#33 all skit skit god damn (GOT DAMN)
      To all skit skit motherfucker (MOTHERFUCKER&#33 all skit skit god damn (GOT DAMN) [/b]
      excelent quote by Lil&#39;Jon, his poetic brilliance is quite pertinacious really.

    5. #30
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      Thumbs down

      famous quotes from literature... from the top... the prince, the brothers karamazov, 1984, anna korrinena*(not spelled correctly), count of monte cristo, dracula, the grapes of wrath, gullivers travels, the once and future king.

      Here a question arises: whether it is better to be loved than feared, or the reverse. The answer is, of course, that it would be best to be both loved and feared. But since the two rarely come together, anyone compelled to choose will find greater security in being feared than in being loved. . . . Love endures by a bond which men, being scoundrels, may break whenever it serves their advantage to do so; but fear is supported by the dread of pain, which is ever present. – niccolo machiaveli

      “Decide yourself who was right: you or the one who questioned you then? Recall the first question; its meaning, though not literally, was this: ‘You want to go into the world, and you are going empty-handed, with some promise of freedom, which they in their simplicity and innate lawlessness cannot even comprehend, which they dread and fear—for nothing has ever been more insufferable for man and for human society than freedom&#33; But do you see these stones in this bare, scorching desert? Turn them into bread and mankind will run after you like sheep, grateful and obedient, though eternally trembling lest you withdraw your hand and your loaves cease for them.’” - Fyodor Dostoevsky

      Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.
      – George Orwell

      All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way. – Leo Tolstoy

      “There is neither happiness nor misery in the world; there is only the comparison of one state with another, nothing more. He who has felt the deepest grief is best able to experience supreme happiness.” – Alexander Dumas

      “Ah, it is the fault of our science that it wants to explain all; and if it explain not, then it says there is nothing to explain. But yet we see around us every day the growth of new beliefs, which think themselves new; and which are yet but the old, which pretend to be young.”
      - Bram Stoker

      Wherever they’s a fight so hungry people can eat, I’ll be there. Wherever they’s a cop beatin’ up a guy, I’ll be there. If Casy knowed, why, I’ll be in the way guys yell when they’re mad an’—I’ll be in the way kids laugh when they’re hungry n’ they know supper’s ready. An’ when our folks eat the stuff they raise an’ live in the houses they build—why, I’ll be there. See? God, I’m talkin’ like Casy. Comes of thinkin’ about him so much. Seems like I can see him sometimes.
      - John Steinbeck

      He knew no Reason, why those who entertain Opinions prejudicial to the Public, should be obliged to change, or should not be obliged to conceal them. And, as it was Tyranny in any Government to require the first, so it was Weakness not to enforce the second.
      – Jonathan Swift

      Power is of the individual mind, but the mind’s power is not enough. Power of the body decides everything in the end, and only Might is Right. – T.H. White
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    6. #31
      now what bitches shark!'s Avatar
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      mountain you;re not really a rightwing, foreigner hating patriot are you?(or is that what Dostoevsky types teach these days now...))

    7. #32
      Member Ardent Lost's Avatar
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      Something i read in a John Zorn interview today:

      "If someone&#39;s jiving me, I&#39;ll say, &#39;Fuck you, you&#39;re jiving me.&#39;"

      funny and yet it also carries wisdom

    8. #33
      If I'm here I'm bored. justme's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by DuB View Post
      "I did have a test today. It&#39;s over European socialism. I mean, really, what&#39;s the point? I&#39;m not European, I don&#39;t plan on being European, so who gives a crap if they&#39;re socialists? They could be fascist anarchists, it still wouldn&#39;t change the fact that I don&#39;t own a car. Not that I condone fascism, or any -ism for that matter. -Ism&#39;s in my opinion are not good. A person should not believe in an -ism, he should believe in himself. I quote John Lennon, &#39;I don&#39;t believe in The Beatles, I just believe in me.&#39; Good point there. After all, he was the walrus. I could be the walrus. I&#39;d still have to bum rides off of people."
      -Ferris Bueller, &#39;Ferris Bueller&#39;s Day Off&#39;
      Lol, good qoute, I love that movie .

      "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."
      -Marie Curie

      "There are two types of people in this world, people who think there are two types of people, and people who don't."

    9. #34
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      Quote Originally Posted by ;294657
      mountain you;re not really a rightwing, foreigner hating patriot are you?(or is that what Dostoevsky types teach these days now...))
      im not rightwing because i just dont care about anything but myself. i dont hate foreigners because i have to many freinds that are foreigners. a patriot... well i guess im a patriot... fyodor dostoevsky was a patriot... but he was a russian. you should read the brothers karamozov... its a classic
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    10. #35
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      Ah, Dostoevsky. Muzica za moi ushi (Music to my ears.)

      I was advised by my one of my Russian professors to read his books in order. His ideals generally begin with Crime and Punishment, and then finish in the Brothers K.

      (To be added to)

      Addition: Keep in mind, too, that Doestoevsky was Russian Orthodox, so much of his writing expressed his spiritual views. However, it was meant to inspire the readers to think for themselves rather than coming out straight and giving his opinion.

      I don&#39;t care much for Tolstoy, though. Too long winded. I probably would care even less for him if it weren&#39;t for my advisor (who is one of my Russian lit professors).

      "If there was one thing the lucid dreaming ninja writer could not stand, it was used car salesmen."

    11. #36
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      Quote Originally Posted by Amethyst View Post
      Ah, Dostoevsky. Muzica za moi ushi (Music to my ears.)

      I was advised by my one of my Russian professors to read his books in order. His ideals generally begin with Crime and Punishment, and then finish in the Brothers K.

      (To be added to)
      yeah brothers k is one of my favoritebooks and there are alot of good quotes but i like the one from the grand inquisitor chapter that was relly good

      "Show me a man or a woman alone and I&#39;ll show you a saint. Give me two and they&#39;ll fall in love. Give me three and they&#39;ll invent the charming thing we call &#39;society&#39;. Give me four and they&#39;ll build a pyramid. Give me five and they&#39;ll make one an outcast. Give me six and they&#39;ll reinvent prejudice. Give me seven and in seven years they&#39;ll reinvent warfare. Man may have been made in the image of God, but human society was made in the image of His opposite number, and is always trying to get back home." - Glen Bateman, The Stand (C&U), 3rd paragraph of Chapter 42.

      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    12. #37
      SKA is offline
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      &#39;&#39;The pen is Mightier than the Sword and Considerably Easier to Write with&#39;&#39;

      I read that somewhere and I couldn&#39;t stop laughing the following 30 minutes or so whahaha
      In many Cases Lame humor can be the Best humor
      Luminous Spacious Dream Masters That Holographically Communicate
      among other teachers taught me

      not to overestimate the Value of our Concrete Knowledge;"Common sense"/Rationality,
      for doing so would make us Blind for the unimaginable, unparalleled Capacity of and Wisdom contained within our Felt Knowledge;Subconscious Intuition.

    13. #38
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      "Computer games don&#39;t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we&#39;d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
      - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989 -
      "Computer games don&#39;t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we&#39;d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
      - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989 -

    14. #39
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      Quote Originally Posted by SeventhGeneration View Post
      "Computer games don&#39;t affect kids; I mean if Pac-Man affected us as kids, we&#39;d all be running around in darkened rooms, munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
      - Kristian Wilson, Nintendo Inc. 1989 -
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    15. #40
      Badass Member badassbob's Avatar
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      Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels

      - "Eddie: They&#39;re armed.
      Soap: Armed, armed with what?
      Eddie: Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they&#39;re gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit&#33;"

      - "Winston: Charles,why have we got that cage?
      Charles: Uh,security.
      Winston: That&#39;s right, that&#39;s right security. So what&#39;s the point in having it if we&#39;re not goin&#39; fucking use it?
      Charles: Well I would&#39;ve used it but this is Willie and Willie lives here.
      Winston: Yes but you didn&#39;t know it was Willie until you opened the door did you?
      Willie: Chill Winston, it&#39;s me. Charlie knows it&#39;s me. What&#39;s the problem?
      Winston: The problem Willie is that Charles and yourself are not the quickest of cats at the best of times. So just do as I say and keep the fucking cage locked&#33; What is that?
      Willie: That&#39;s Gloria.
      Winston: Yes I know that&#39;s Gloria, what&#39;s that?
      Willie: Fertilizer.
      Winston: You went out six hours to buy a money counter and you come back with a semi-conscious Gloria and a bag of fertilizer. Alarm bells are ringing Willie.
      Willie: We need fertilizer Winston.
      Winston: Mmmhmm. We also need a money counter. This money&#39;s got to be out by Thursday, I&#39;m buggered if I&#39;m gonna count it. Just make sure if you do need to buy sodding fertilizer could be a bit more subtle.
      Willie: What do you mean?
      Winston: We grow copious amounts of ganja, yah. And you&#39;re carrying a wasted girl and a bag of fertilizer. You don&#39;t look like your average horti-fucking-culturist&#33; That&#39;s what I mean Willie."

      - "Plank: Ah&#33; They fucking shot me&#33;
      Dog: Well, fucking shoot &#39;em back&#33;
      John: Jesus, Plank, couldn&#39;t you have got smokeless cartridges? I can&#39;t see a bloody thi - Ah&#33; Shit&#33; I&#39;ve been shot&#33;
      Dog: I don&#39;t fucking believe this&#33; Can everyone stop gettin&#39; shot?"

      They&#39;re not the best quotes but I still love &#39;em.

      EDIT: sorry couldn&#39;t resist one more.

      Bacon: Right. Let&#39;s sort the buyers from the spyers, the needy from the greedy, and those who trust me from the ones who don&#39;t, because if you can&#39;t see value here today, you&#39;re not up here shopping. You&#39;re up here shoplifting. You see these goods? Never seen daylight, moonlight, Israelite. Fanny by the gaslight. Take a bag, c&#39;mon take a bag. I took a bag home last night. Cost me a lot more than ten pound, I can tell you. Anyone like jewelry? Look at that one there. Handmade in Italy, hand-stolen in Stepney. It&#39;s as long as my arm. I wish it was as long as something else. Don&#39;t think because these boxes are sealed up, they&#39;re empty. The only man who sells empty boxes is the undertaker, and by the look of some of you lot today, I&#39;d make more money with me measuring tape. Here, one price. Ten pound.
      Eddie: Did you say ten pound?
      Bacon: Are you deaf?
      Eddie: That&#39;s a bargain. I&#39;ll take one.
      Bacon: Squeeze in if you can. Left leg, right leg, your body will follow. They call it walking. You want one as well, darling? You do? That&#39;s it. They&#39;re waking up. Treat the wife. Treat your friend&#39;s wife. It&#39;s a lot more fun if you don&#39;t get caught. Hold on. You want one as well? Okay, darling, show me a bit of life then. It&#39;s no good standing out there like one o&#39;clock half-struck. Buy them, you better buy them. These are not stolen, they just haven&#39;t been paid for, and we can&#39;t get them again. They&#39;ve changed the bloody locks. Here. One for you. It&#39;s no good coming back later when I&#39;ve sold out. "Too late, too late" will be the cry when the man with the bargains has passed you by. If you got no money on you now, you&#39;ll be crying tears as big as October cabbages.
      Eddie: Bacon, cozzers&#33;
      Bacon: Shit.

      Adopted Megabenman although he disappeared a while ago.

    16. #41
      now what bitches shark!'s Avatar
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      Karlheinz Stockhausen on 9/11.

      What has happened is — now you all have to turn your brains around — the greatest work of art there has ever been. That minds could achieve something in one act, which we in music cannot even dream of, that people rehearse like crazy for ten years, totally fanatically for one concert, and then die. This is the greatest possible work of art in the entire cosmos. Imagine what happened there. There are people who are so concentrated on one performance, and then 5000 people are chased into the Afterlife, in one moment. This I could not do. Compared to this, we are nothing as composers... Imagine this, that I could create a work of art now and you all were not only surprised, but you would fall down immediately, you would be dead and you would be reborn, because it is simply too insane. Some artists also try to cross the boundaries of what could ever be possible or imagined, to wake us up, to open another world for us.[/b]
      ...very strange.

    17. #42
      Badass Member badassbob's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by ;298147
      Karlheinz Stockhausen on 9/11.

      ...very strange.

      Adopted Megabenman although he disappeared a while ago.

    18. #43
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      ....that was the most twisted perversion of the concept of art, not to mention a complete misinterpretation, Ive ever read.

      That guy should be given whatever instrument he plays and locked in a padded cell.
      (Or see the very best of my journal entries @ dreamwalkerchronicles.blogspot)

    19. #44
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      Quote Originally Posted by Oneironaut View Post

      ....that was the most twisted perversion of the concept of art, not to mention a complete misinterpretation, Ive ever read.

      That guy should be given whatever instrument he plays and locked in a padded cell.
      freakin terrorists with there ak-47s i hate em i hate em
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    20. #45
      The Inceptor Achievements:
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      "I know you&#39;re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you&#39;re afraid... you&#39;re afraid of us. You&#39;re afraid of change. I don&#39;t know the future. I didn&#39;t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it&#39;s going to begin. I&#39;m going to hang up this phone, and then I&#39;m going to show these people what you don&#39;t want them to see. I&#39;m going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls, without borders or boundaries. A world where anything is possible. Where we go from there is a choice I leave to you." - Neo

      "I&#39;d like to share a revelation that I&#39;ve had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you&#39;re not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You&#39;re a plague and we are the cure." - Agent Smith

      Ya, I... am... a MATRIX FAN&#33;&#33; woo&#33;
      An Idea. A single idea from the human mind can build cities. An idea can transform the world and rewrite all the rules.

      DEILD: 3
      DILD: 1

    21. #46
      Badass Member badassbob's Avatar
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      Yeah, we can see that. Your DV name, your avatar, your signature and most of your posts have something to do with the matrix&#33;

      Adopted Megabenman although he disappeared a while ago.

    22. #47
      Fei is offline
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      Truth chaos is&#33; - Xaositects of Sigil

      Did-a-chick? Dud-a-chum? Dad-a-cham? Ded-a-check? - Steven King

      You left your bag, you are not capable of owning one. - a NeAvO&#39;s dream character

      There are many ways you can spend ten thousand dollars. Can you think of one better than to save a girl and a woman from death-brink poverty? - My dad in a dream

      You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. - Jesus Natharene

      Talk about zip&#33; Talk about zowie&#33; Golly gee, gosh, and wowie&#33; - Beryl Evans

      Indeed. - Yuxonomei of Icewind Dale

      Truly I perceive that God doesn&#39;t show favoritism. - St. Peter

      Servatisa periculum, servatisa maleficum. - Amy Lee

      Oooo - aa aa - aa aa&#33; - David Draiman

      Cognito ergo sum. - Descartes

      Descartes walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender said, &#39;would you like another one?&#39; Descartes said, &#39;I think not&#33;&#39; and vanished. - A wonderful misinterpretation of cognito ergo sum.
      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(alfy984 &#064; May 26 2006, 07&#58;32 AM) [snapback]302676[/snapback]</div>
      I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, i will dart past the eagle to be free

    23. #48
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      Quote Originally Posted by Fei View Post

      Did-a-chick? Dud-a-chum? Dad-a-cham? Ded-a-check? - Steven King

      yeah dark tower = the hotness
      i could do like a hundred quotes... but i wont.

      Quote Originally Posted by Fei View Post

      Cognito ergo sum. - Decarte

      Decarte walked into a bar and ordered a beer. The bartender said, &#39;would you like another one?&#39; Decarte said, &#39;I think not&#33;&#39; and vanished. - A wonderful misinterpretation of cognito ergo sum.
      "decarte" is spelled descarte.
      these jokes in no way reflect the opinion of mountain or his affiliates and subsidiary corporations, and as such he is immune from all whining, bitching, complaining, lecturing, the pointing out of ignorance, awareness raising, lawsuits etc. if you would like mountain to stop making racist jokes, he in turn would like you to go f*ck yourself</span>.

    24. #49
      Fei is offline
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      Thanks very much&#33; Rough as I am at grammar & spelling, I like error-free texts.
      P.S. Rene Descartes, Reenei Descarte, Vena Descard, Zera Decanter, etc.
      <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(alfy984 &#064; May 26 2006, 07&#58;32 AM) [snapback]302676[/snapback]</div>
      I am already given to the power that rules my fate. And I cling to nothing, so I will have nothing to defend. I have no thoughts, so I will see. I fear nothing, so I will remember myself. Detached and at ease, i will dart past the eagle to be free

    25. #50
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      Pulp Fiction:

      Vincent: Want some bacon?
      Jules: No man, I don&#39;t eat pork.
      Vincent: Are you Jewish?
      Jules: Nah, I ain&#39;t Jewish, I just don&#39;t dig on swine, that&#39;s all.
      Vincent: Why not?
      Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don&#39;t eat filthy animals.
      Vincent: Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.
      Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I&#39;d never know &#39;cause I wouldn&#39;t eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That&#39;s a filthy animal. I ain&#39;t eat nothin&#39; that ain&#39;t got enough sense enough to disregard its own feces.
      Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
      Jules: I don&#39;t eat dog either.
      Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
      Jules: I wouldn&#39;t go so far as to call a dog filthy but they&#39;re definitely dirty. But, a dog&#39;s got personality. Personality goes a long way.
      Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
      Jules: Well we&#39;d have to be talkin&#39; about one charmin&#39; motherfuckin&#39; pig. I mean he&#39;d have to be ten times more charmin&#39; than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I&#39;m sayin&#39;?

      Jules: There&#39;s a passage I got memorized. Ezekiel 25:17. The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother&#39;s keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you. I been sayin&#39; that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin&#39; made me think twice. Now I&#39;m thinkin&#39;: it could mean you&#39;re the evil man. And I&#39;m the righteous man. And Mr. 9mm here, he&#39;s the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you&#39;re the righteous man and I&#39;m the shepherd and it&#39;s the world that&#39;s evil and selfish. I&#39;d like that. But that shit ain&#39;t the truth. The truth is you&#39;re the weak. And I&#39;m the tyranny of evil men. But I&#39;m tryin&#39;, Ringo. I&#39;m tryin&#39; real hard to be a shepherd.

      Elliott Smith:
      "They never care when a moth gets crushed, / Unless a light bulb really loved him very much."
      "I walked out and Jack Nicholson was sitting about six feet away, so I avoided that area and I looked up at the balcony in the back and sang the song."
      "You can do what you want to, whenever you want to / You can do what you want to, there&#39;s no one to stop you / [...] Though it doesn&#39;t mean a thing / Big nothing."
      "I may not seem quite right, / But I&#39;m not fucked, not quite"
      "And I&#39;m not trying to write heavy songs."
      "Standing up to sit back down / And lose the one thing found / Spinning the world like a toy top / Till there&#39;s a ghost in every town / Can&#39;t make a sound"
      "Why should you want any other / When you&#39;re a world within a world?"

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