This absolutley blew me away! I was surfing the web when i came across the video "the secret" It described the law of attraction and how it alters and changes your world just based off of your thoughts.

Here is a general overview and how to use it (very basic. if you want to learn how to really use it then research it)

The law of attraction states that you attract what you think about, for example if you think of diesease all the time youll end up being in contact with it all the time. If you think of money all the time you will end up being in contact with money all the time... you attract what your mind is saying

How can I use this theory to gain what I want???

Its very simple yet difficult to master

start by thinking of somthing that you want...

Imagine yourself having that thing you want (in the present tense)

keep a feeling of joy within you that will help incubate the emotion and keep the thing you want in your mind...

Note: do not say "I want that" or "I will have it" say I do have that. It is important to have it in the present tense in order to keep your thought in the present tense and henceforth the object that you desire in the present tense

think of things that you are grateful of having (this will increase your joy level and increase the effect of the law of attraction)

repeat the process daily making sure that you want to do it and that it is not a chore

It is important that througout this process that you keep a reasonable timeframe that you BELIEVE it is very important that you believe that this will work (again if you believe that it wont work that is what your brain is attracting from the universe)

If you really want to know how to use this process then type "the law of attraction" into google and you will get some good results

Also I highly recommend the movie "The Secret"

Post what you think/ what I can revise / your experiences